Lord Highlander

Chapter 910 896. Tribal Conference

This shed was originally for the indigenous miners to live in, but as a large number of wooden houses were built on the campsite, these sheds were gradually left unused at the beginning. Currently, three sheds have been transformed into warehouses.

In fact, the shed was also intended to be used as a warehouse, but the last group of miners moved out of here a few days ago, and this side is close to the canteen of the mine.

The aboriginal mine manager wanted to transform this place into a canteen, so that the absentees could eat without being affected by wind and rain.

A lot of long wooden chairs have been placed in the shed, and these wooden chairs are all logs in the forest area that are directly broken with a saw.

It is divided into two halves, with the plane facing upwards, and the base is slightly fixed. The wider one becomes a table, and the narrower one becomes a long stool.

Invercargill may lack anything else, but timber is everywhere in the mountains and plains.

Sitting on a long stool, the businessman Malakom introduced to Suldak that the manager of the business group brought back bulk commodities from the city of San Carlos this time. He mainly hoped that this big customer could choose several commodities.

Apart from the magic pattern structure, Suldak only left some bed crossbows and catapults. These armaments are also very expensive in the Grimm Empire, especially the magic bed crossbow, which is not cheaper than the magic pattern structure. How many.

Although he made some money during this beast tide, as a self-made lord, he needs to use every gold coin where it is most needed.

Malakom sat beside Suldak, spent a lot of saliva, but failed to persuade Suldak to buy the few items he highly recommended, such as trays with heating function, which can be nailed to any wall The faucet that can automatically flow water when you turn it on, the magic mattress that can automatically shake slowly...

He even suspected that the shortage of Grimm Empire magic pattern constructions might be due to the fact that these magicians were not doing their jobs all day long.

"Lord Suldak, there are almost no people in our tribe except women, old people and children. All the strong laborers either ran to the mine or joined your army. Fortunately, there are no monsters in the hills now, otherwise A small group of maned beasts can crush my tribe." The patriarch of the Dakuni tribe came in from outside the work shed and complained to Suldak.

At the beginning, he strongly opposed the clansmen in the tribe joining the lord's private army. Unfortunately, the situation in the Invercargill Forest suddenly changed, and all the lords accepted the rule of Lord Suldak. He could only adapt to the situation, otherwise Daku The Ni tribe also needs to migrate to the Anya Swamp.

"I know, don't worry! I'll take care of this!"

Suldak sat on the front bench and comforted the old patriarch.

The native women outside the shed brought in some warm water soaked in mint leaves, and a little lemon was added to the water, which tasted pretty good.

Other indigenous patriarchs walked into the shed one after another, and everyone whispered and discussed the incident in the aboriginal language. A large number of young aborigines surrounded the shed.

Almost all the aboriginal chiefs in the Invercargill Forest gathered here. The young aborigines in the mine could not remain indifferent. Everyone crowded outside the shed. The aboriginal mine manager stood outside the shed and organized these young aborigines to sit on the ground. He stepped forward Quiet everyone.

The open space outside the shed was almost full of young natives.

After the thirty-seven indigenous patriarchs gathered together, Suldak stood up from the bench, supported the table with both hands, tapped the table lightly, and said:

"Dear patriarchs, I know that it is not easy for you to come to the mine camp in your busy schedule. I would also like to thank you for your support to the Invercargill Territory. Now the mine is basically able to operate normally. The miners here are basically There are young people from various tribes, each of them is very good, and they work almost hard work in the mine. They have never complained to me, the place to live is poor, the food is poor, and the salary is low , less time to rest..."

"When I came to the mine, I have been working hard without complaint. Here, I want to express clearly that all the young people of the tribe have overturned my superficial understanding of the tribe."

These words made the workshop become silent, and all the indigenous chiefs were listening to Suldak's speech carefully.

The eyes of the natives who had mastered the imperial language suddenly lit up when they heard Lord Suldak's affirmation to the young people in the tribe.

Suldak knocked heavily on the table and said loudly:

"However, due to the limited scale of this mine itself, you should have seen that I just customized three sets of refining furnaces. The copper ore that these furnaces can swallow every day is fixed, that is, even if I have more miners, the actual There is no way to smelt the mined copper ore into copper ingots."

"The upper limit of recruiting miners for this copper mine is 2,500. Once this number is exceeded, the copper mine will actually not be needed..."

"So please ask the chiefs of the tribes to restrain the young people in the tribe a little bit. In fact, I hope that the tribes can formulate a roster. Of course, I hope that the young people of the tribe can come to work in the mine, but now the scale of the mine is limited, so it needs The patriarchs are here to restrain. I think that the young people from each tribe who come to work in the mine should not exceed 60 people. If any tribe is willing to come to the mine with too many young people, then they can also use a shift system... ..."

Hearing what Suldak said, the tribal chiefs who originally planned to complain to Suldak immediately expressed the hope that Suldak could relax the limit on the number of miners.

Suldak waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then continued:

"As for the army in the territory, I actually hope to have a complete recruiting system. We can't flock in like now. Everyone wants to serve in the army, and don't want this enthusiasm to be extinguished. If there is no People are willing to join the army. My army now has more than 2,000 people. It can be more than 3,000 people. not on."

"Then it is divided into each tribe, in fact, there are only about 60 people. I hope that a patriarch can control this number. I hope that in the future, the number of young people who join the army in each tribe will be less than half of the number of times! "

"I understand that if all the young people in the tribe leave, it will hinder the development of the tribe itself."

"So I hope that the recruitment of soldiers will be orderly and more planned."

Hearing that Suldak did not plan to keep all the young people in the tribe in the army, the native chiefs who were a little worried were relieved at this moment.

Then they wanted to complain to Suldak, so they heard Suldak say directly:

"I know that there has just been a beast tide here. This forest needs to recuperate. Now that there are fewer wild beasts, hunting may not be enough. Life in each tribe may be a little difficult, but you have everything in this forest. A large piece of land is a wealth in itself, and the tribes can try to engage in animal husbandry..."

"Malakom is a big businessman in Wilkes City. I invited him here this time to discuss with everyone. He can buy a batch of yellow sheep on his behalf."

Suldak turned his head to look at the merchant Malakom.

Malakom, who was sitting by the side, immediately understood, coughed, and then said to the chiefs of these indigenous tribes:

"Each tribe will raise some first for the time being, uh... raise about a thousand head. Gazelle goats have a high calving rate. An ewe basically gives birth to two cubs every three years. If more than half of the flock is ewes , the number can double in three years..."

These indigenous patriarchs almost snapped their fingers below, only then did they realize that it was really...

Immediately, he agreed to Suldak's proposal, thinking that he would soon have a large group of gazelles, and couldn't help but want to laugh out loud.

Some tribal chiefs even lamented in a native language: "If I knew that raising sheep is so profitable... who would hunt!"

In fact, Suldak would like to remind them that it is actually more profitable to hunt monsters.

But thinking about it, I still swallowed this sentence back to my stomach...

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