Lord Highlander

Chapter 940

Walking on the long street in Duodan Town, Xiya looked at the roof covered with thick snow in the distance, as if covered with a thick layer of snow-white quilt.

The shops facing the street in the town were not very neatly built, but in just half a year, the originally somewhat depressed town facing the street has become very lively. Xi Ya was holding a paper bag in her hand, which contained a pack of dried kelp. She took the paper bag Put it in front of you, and gently smell the salty smell on it, which is the smell of the sea.

Nika introduced this border town to Siya, and met many townspeople along the way. When everyone saw Nika and Signa, they would take the initiative to say hello.

The two girls are the saints of the Dawn Temple and the Night Temple in the Twin Goddess Temple respectively. They have special status in the small town, and people know them no matter where they go.

Dodan Town is built on the south side of the canyon. Standing in the town, you can see the majestic cliffs on both sides hanging above your head, giving you a strong sense of oppression.

"The owner is the mayor of this small town. He happened to go to Wilkes City to solve the issue of territorial development rights at that time. You were so lucky to meet him at that time!" Nika said to Sia, saying Wan sighed again: "You've been walking for so long, is it really all right?"

Xi Ya knocked on her legs that were a little stiff from the cold, shook her head and said, "It's okay, it's a little sore, but it doesn't matter, it turns out that Viscount Suldak is the mayor of this small town..."

When she thought of how she was hiding under the bridge of the inner river in Wilkes City, and how Suldak rode away without paying attention, she felt her heart throbbing a few times.

Nika thought about it, and when passing by the tailor shop, she still pulled Siya in.

Epson, the owner of the tailor shop, had just met the mayor of Surdak in the town hall. When he saw Signa and Nika walking in from the outside, he hurriedly greeted them enthusiastically.

When they first arrived in Dodan Town, Nika and Signa rented in the independent building of Epson, the owner of the tailor shop. They knew this tailor shop who liked small calculations.

"Good afternoon, Miss Signa, Nika, what can I do for you?"

The owner of the tailor shop beckoned the clerk to bring a few cups of milk tea inside.

"Um, we want to buy a thick skirt that fits Miss Siya. She came from Wilkes City and doesn't have any clothes for winter." Nika said calmly.

The owner of the tailor shop hurriedly took the three girls to the second floor, and said as he walked: "Three beautiful ladies, please go this way, there are finished dresses upstairs, from the inner petticoats and waistbands to the outer ones." thick woolen dress, gloves, hat, I have everything here."

Walking up to the second floor, sure enough, the walls of this floor are covered with all kinds of finished clothes, and the tailor shop owner arranged these clothes very neatly.

The costumes inside are very exquisite. Signa likes the princess dress hanging in the corner very much. She stared at the tutu skirt with lace for a long time, but finally she looked away, and accompanied Sia, looking for Clothes that fit her size.

Almost a whole set was chosen from the inside to the outside.

Xi Ya has a very well-proportioned figure, and it is very easy to choose women's clothing in the right size.

However, Nika thought that he would still have to pay for it later, and that the silver coins he had saved in his pocket might not belong to him again, so he picked and fro among these dresses, trying to find the most cost-effective ones. Maybe save a little.

"Your vision is really good..." the tailor shop owner praised.

Nika pointed to the suit worn by Miss Mermaid Xi Ya, and asked, "Then how much do these clothes cost?"

"You can do whatever you want..." The owner of the tailor shop didn't intend to collect money at first, but he was worried that it would be too obvious that the three girls would turn around and leave, so he changed his words and said, "...Oh, the tailor shop is doing a discount promotion. A total of five silver coins and thirty-nine copper plates."

"Oh, it's so cheap!" Nika said in surprise.

She remembered that the skirt she was wearing cost only four silver coins, and Xi Ya bought a whole set including the petticoat corset...

"This shop is on sale, and this is a discounted price." The tailor shop owner said solemnly.

Nika took out her purse and picked out some copper and silver coins to pay the tailor shop owner. She was not that stupid, and then whispered to the tailor shop owner, "Thank you, Mr. Epson."

Epson bent down slightly, and said enthusiastically to the three girls:

"It is my greatest honor for you to come to me to buy clothes!"

Before the three girls left, they stuffed three big red apples into Nika's pocket for them to eat on the way.

Just after the three girls left the tailor shop, a customer standing beside asked strangely: "Boss, aren't you doing a promotion and discount here? Why don't you give me a cheaper price?"

The tailor shop owner said without changing his face: "Sorry, the promotional discount has just ended."

The customer shouted: "Your event is too short."

Boss Epson went downstairs without looking back, motioned the clerk beside him to receive the customer, and said, "The fifteen silver coins of these breeches are already the cheapest in the whole street. , you can go to other stores to choose..."

The customer heard what the boss of Epson said, and said quickly: "That's it! Is there really no promotional discount?"

The clerk smiled and said to him: "There are no more, customer."


There are similar markets in the cities of the Jana Sea Clan.

Although Xi Ya is a Janna mermaid, the tailor shop owner made it so obvious that she could tell at a glance that the tailor shop owner was trying to curry favor with them.

She knew that the tailor shop owner didn't need to please herself, he must be pleasing Signa and Nika.

It turns out that Viscount Suldak is the mayor of this small town, and he seems to be very respected! Sia thought to herself.

Signa and Nika brought Sia to the barracks. The guard at the gate of the station saw Signa and said familiarly: "Signa, are you here to find Mrs. Selena? She went to the city guard brigade I went to check the supplies in the warehouse..."

Signa waved her hand politely, and said in a sweet voice, "I'll wait for her inside!"

The guard ignored them and let the three girls walk into the barracks.

"Viscount Suldak is the commander of this garrison." Nika whispered to Sia.

Inside the barracks, 1,500 infantrymen are practicing in formation on the playground.

The snow on the playground was cleared all around, and the infantrymen wore standard armor, looking majestic.

Signa walked to the front of a small building familiarly, opened the door and walked in, and said as she walked, "Every time Duck brings back a monster, he will put it in the kitchen to peel it. There's no leather left..."

She walked through the corridor and walked directly to the kitchen of the small building.

She rarely went to that kitchen, mainly because the walls of the kitchen were covered with blood stains, which looked a little scary.

When she passed the study, she habitually glanced inside and saw Surdak signing the bill at the desk.

In the past two months, he led the team to march north, and there was a large backlog of documents that needed to be signed at the barracks.

"Dark, why are you here?" Signa was taken aback.

Suldak raised the quill in his hand and said, "I'm about to review these backlogs of documents."

Seeing Nika and Siya following Signa, he asked, "Have you had lunch? Do you want me to prepare something for you?"

Signa felt that it was better to make things easier, so she squeezed in sideways through the crack of the door and said, "Dark, can you help me with something?"

Suldak sat up straight, put the quill in his hand into the ink bottle, and asked seriously, "What do you need me to do for you?"

Signa whispered: "I need some magic parchment or something, which is the material for making magic scrolls."

"You want to learn how to make magic scrolls?" Suldak asked in surprise.

Signa nodded and said, "I, Nika, and Sia all want to try..."

"Only these?" Suldak asked.

Signa nodded quickly: "Yeah!"

Suldak untied the money bag from his waist without even looking at the money in it, and threw it directly to Nika. When Nika caught it, it felt heavy inside.

"Nika, go to the grocery store in the town and buy some magic parchment, a magic engraving pen and ink. I believe the owner of the grocery store will tell you what kind of ink is more suitable for you." Suldak said .

Nika opened the purse, and the yellow gold coins inside made Nika dazzle...

"Okay, master." Nika said cheerfully.

Suldak's eyes fell on the Janna mermaid Siya who was standing at the door, and he asked, "Are you Miss Siya?"

"Good afternoon, Mr. Suldak..." Xi Ya hurriedly bowed in greeting.

Suldak nodded and said, "It turns out that you can turn into a human. I hope you can have a good time in Dodan Town."

When the three girls left the small building, Suldak told Signa:

"Signa, don't stay out too late."


When passing by the empty space outside the barracks, I happened to see a row of armed Thunder Rhinoceros gnawing beans with their heads down. Roll, eat a bag of beans into the stomach.

Seeing the armed Thunder Rhinoceros, Xi Ya couldn't help thinking: "It turns out that there are such huge war beasts on land..."

This reminded her of the Orca Knights of the Sea Clan. Probably these armed Thunder Rhinos were the Whale Knights of the Human Empire.

"These armed Thunder Rhinos are also an army of Viscount Suldak..." Nika explained from the side.

Signa and Nika took Sia to the magic grocery store in the town, Sia was a little absent-minded, and she didn't even pay attention to the dazzling array of shops on both sides of the market.

She felt that she should seek the help of Lord Suldak, perhaps begging him to take her back to the sea.

But Xi Ya also knows that if it's done smoothly...it doesn't matter.

But if this matter will be very troublesome, Lord Suldak can't help him for no reason, maybe he can exchange it at an equal value...

Thinking of this, a water polo appeared in Xi Ya's hand. The capital she possessed now should be the water magic she is familiar with. She decided to have a good talk with Viscount Suldak at night.


Of course, Suldak didn't know at this time that the Jana Mermaid had the idea of ​​working for him.

Selena has already placed the report on the consumption of logistics materials on his desk, and he has invested almost all the wealth earned by the beast tide into this Northern Expedition. The primary magic herb and dozens of boxes of magic cores seem to have gained a lot.

In fact, Suldak did not earn anything,

Armament damage, merit exchange, and pension will be three huge expenditures. The biggest loss is the armament damage. Every bed crossbow is almost comparable to a set of magic pattern construction. The forty bed crossbows purchased this time can fully Xu Quanwei only brought eleven catapults back from the battlefield, and there were seven other catapults, and the rest could only be brought back by dismantling some parts.

The only thing he earned was more than 300 life magic patterns.

But these magic lines are not for sale. Although the value is huge, Suldak is not going to sell them. These magic lines will also strengthen his own cavalry battalion.

After more than two months of excavation, almost all the iron wood buried in the humus for many years has been dug out.

Except for a part of the backbone Suldak who is going to stay, the rest are all transported back to Hailansa City by land, and this part of the income can be regarded as coming to an end.

Of course, there is still an iron ore mine in the territory that has not been developed yet.

The mine is located in the eastern part of the Invercargill Forest, near the Three Rivers Plain.

He was going to take a break first. After the army had been recuperating for a period of time, he wanted to explore the Anya Swamp before the ground thawed. If possible, he would push the safety line of the Anya Swamp 200 kilometers westward.

Waiting until spring, once the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, and everything recovers, it may not be easy to enter the Anya Swamp.

A large number of monsters will gather in the Anya Swamp. After the beast tide subsides, these monsters will return to the Invercargill Forest of Monsters one after another. Suldak still wants to build a barracks there, at least not to let those monsters casually Just into the Invercargill Forest.

Looking at the map on the wall, the Anya Swamp area is still blank.

Suldak wants to go out again, and needs to stockpile a batch of combat supplies again.

Selena is currently counting the loot in the warehouse. Some business groups have approached them to discuss the specific cost of transporting the supplies back to Bena City. Many business groups hope to buy these hard armors.

However, Suldak has an agreement with the Gophero family that the leather business should take care of the leather business of the Gophero family as much as possible, so these hard armor leathers have to be transported back to Bena City.


Suldak stepped through the void gate, waved at Aphrodite who was lying by the lava pool, chopped some red crystal clusters beside the stone pillar, put them in a sackcloth bag, and entered through the cracks in the rock. Go to the treasure chamber of the red dragon, and prepare to continue teaching Ithel the rune language.

The huge head of the red dragon Iser lay on the stone platform, staring at the exquisite set of dragon knight saddles in a daze.

It wasn't until Suldak was standing next to its huge head with a burlap bag that it raised its head and asked Suldak, "Dak, is this armor for me?"

"You mean this set of saddle covers for dragon knights?" Suldak walked over, patted the saddle covers made of pure gold, and said.

He was a little afraid to look at the magic pattern carved on it, because every time he looked at it, it would cause a huge shock in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

"I was summoned by you to that icy plane last time. When I grabbed you and flew over that swamp, I thought of this set of armor. Does it belong to the Dragon Knight?" Iser raised his head, a little irritated ask.

"It probably won't be needed now!" Suldak sat beside Iser, opened the bag, took out red crystal pillars more than one meter long, and threw them into Iser's pocket like biscuits. In his mouth, he said casually: "Perhaps it will only be used when we form dragon knights..."

"Dark, I want to try..."

The red dragon Iser interrupted Suldak's words.

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