Lord Highlander

Chapter 943

The central square was full of supplies ready to be transported to Bena City, and there was a group of strong and fat Gubolai horses and yellow sheep crowded on the other side of the square.

The nobles are directing their attendants to drive the horses into the guardrail passage, and then drive the horses into the portal in an orderly manner. It seems that this should be a big deal.

The Great Swordsman Chester rode up to the portal in the central square, and his horseshoes made a crisp sound when they stepped on the flat stone slab.

Riding directly in front of the portal guard, the great swordsman Chester took out a pass order for the portal from his arms, and the guard immediately stopped the passing horses with the spear in his hand, leaving the entrance of the portal empty.

Chester Great Swordsman said to Suldak expressionlessly: "Let's go...back to Bena City!"

Suldak turned his head and glanced at the panting two-headed ogre, and a group of people rode quickly through the two-way portal.

The scene in front of me changes.

Suldak and his group returned to Bena City, looking at the snow-covered courtyard of Duke Newman's Mansion, and groups of ancient Bolai horses lined up to the outside of the courtyard along the passageway circled by ropes.

You can't stay before the exit of the portal, because you don't know what will come out of the portal in the next second.

A group of grooms gathered in the backyard of the Duke's Mansion. They were driving Gu Bolai's horse out of the portal to a special passage. When they saw Chester's great swordsman and his party riding out of it, they immediately moved out of the way.

Winter in Bena is also very cold.

But the weather looked fine, sunny and cloudless.

This is the backyard of Duke Newman's Duke's Mansion. Almost all of his private plane portals are located here. It is very lively here every day. Some supplies are transported from here to all planes, but more supplies are concentrated from planes In the city of Bena, all the planes occupied by the imperials are sending blood to the Grimm Empire.

Merchants have teleportation passes, and they transport trade materials into the province of Bena, and these materials are taxed.

The plane transfer tax is a small income for Duke Newman to operate these small planes.

The biggest source of income is the development of territories, selling these developed lands for noble lords to manage.

Because not all nobles have the ability to open up territories, many wealthy nobles are more willing to use gold coins to buy plane land.

In addition, precious resources on the plane, such as magic materials, herbs, magic metals, etc., are very expensive as long as they are related to magic. As long as these materials are transported from the small plane to Roland Continent, the price will basically double.

The Great Swordsman of Chester belongs to the garrison of the plane, so there is no need to pay any fees to pass through the portal, but this requires a special portal pass issued by the military department.

A group of people walked out of the portal, and the guards at the portal checked Chester Great Swordsman's pass and quickly let them go.

Gulitum passed by the passage, and many people looked at the tall figure of the two-headed ogre, including the guards of the Duke's Mansion, who were all surprised.

Everyone didn't stay in the backyard of the Duke's Mansion, and rode out of the somewhat crowded gate of the backyard of the Duke's Mansion. The great swordsman Chester looked up at the sky. The sun was just above his head, which happened to be noon in the city of Bena.

Magician Victor first said goodbye to Suldak.

He also has some classmates and teachers on the side of Bena City, and he has to pay a visit before returning to Hailansa City.

The great swordsman Chester said to Suldak on the street: "Tomorrow morning, report to the military headquarters of Bena City and follow the arrangement above. You still have one night."

"Okay, see you tomorrow morning!" Surdak said to Siya on horseback: "Siya, let's go to the airport terminal to buy the airship ticket, and I don't know if there is still a flight to Ignas City today. Don’t worry if you can’t get the airship ticket for today, I will arrange someone to take you to the magic airship.”

"Viscount Suldak, please let me complete this task with you!" Xi Ya whispered.

The Great Swordsman Chester was about to leave, but when he heard Siya's words, he immediately turned to Suldak and asked, "Dak, did she know about this operation?"

He looked at Xi Ya with sharper eyes...

Suldak smiled and said casually, "She knows I'm going to perform a mission, so she wants to help. As for the rest, she doesn't know anything."

The great swordsman Chester didn't understand what charm Suldak had that made a Janna mermaid follow him so persistently.

Seeing Chester Great Swordsman's expression, Suldak knew that his thoughts might be a little off...

Quickly explained to Chester Great Swordsman: "She said that she is a Janna spell weaver, and she will perform missions with me if she says anything, and use this mission reward in exchange for an airship ticket."

"Are you really willing to join us and help Suldak complete this dangerous mission? I mean the mission we are performing is very dangerous, and we may be killed by the other party at any time..." Chester Great Swordsman asked Siya.

"Yes, I am willing to join." Xi Ya said seriously.

"Of course, our mission this time is not something that anyone can join casually. Those who accompany me on the mission are all powerful fighters from the past." Chester Great Swordsman said to Sia: "I want to see what abilities you possess , in order to determine whether you are suitable for..."

"Want to see my magic?" Xi Ya jumped off the horse cautiously.

Close to the outermost tall wall of the Duke's Mansion is a road with bluestone slabs, and across the road is an inland river. Although the river is completely frozen now, the water element in the vicinity is quite abundant.

Sia recited a spell like a ballad, and the magic pattern circle under her feet was like a spider web, spreading outward from her feet as the center, and floating out of the ground.

The sound of the incantation stopped, and a huge wave surged out of the magic pattern circle instantly, lifting Siya up and leading her forward.

The great swordsman Chester was surprised to find that he could easily stand on the wave and charge forward on the back of this huge wave. He had never seen this kind of magic before, and asked in surprise: "This is... ...what magic?"

"Tread the waves!"

Sia raised her hand, the huge waves under her feet disappeared, and she and Chester Great Swordsman landed firmly on the ground.

The great swordsman Chester looked at Sia immediately with a sense of approval, and said cheerfully:

"Not bad! Dak, we are short of magicians this time..."

Suldak glanced at Siya who looked proud, and could only say, "Okay, but I still suggest you take the airship to the nearest seaport city, and then return to the sea..."

Xi Ya smiled and said nothing, obviously not wanting to do this.

The great swordsman Chester stood aside, stepped on his horse again, and said to Sia: "Don't worry, after this mission is completed, I will buy this airship ticket for you. Do you want to go to Ignace? You Is it the Jana Sea Clan of the Endless Sea?"

Xi Ya corrected: "My home is in the Seven Realms Sea."

Chester Great Swordsman asked suspiciously: "Then how do you get to Ignas? It's very far from the Seven Realms Sea. If you want to swim back with your own strength, you have to swim for at least half a year. Actually, you can Take the magic airship to Qiyan Port, which is much closer to the Seven Realms Sea."

How did Suldak know the sea outside the Grimm Empire? Hearing what the great swordsman Chester said, he immediately turned his face away.


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