Lord Highlander

Chapter 952

Suldak passed through the portal, and his eyes suddenly went dark.

He closed his eyes, opened them again, and found that he stepped into a bedroom. The light in the room was a bit dark, the windows were drawn with thick curtains, and the temporary portal was placed next to the floor-standing bronze mirror. The great swordsman pulled Sulda aside so as not to affect his companions who passed through the portal behind.

The assault team of Norton Legion and Jones Legion entered the portal first. At this moment, they were already beside the window of the room, opened a gap in the curtain, and cautiously checked the situation outside.

Several second-rank fighters began to check the entire room, and quickly occupied the roof.

Suldak found that it happened to be at night here, and when he looked outside through the window, he realized that the night sky outside was actually dark red, and there were no shining stars in the night sky. Interspersed, it seems that the dry cloth plane is a huge gift box.

This single building is not big, and the forty-one commandos seemed a bit crowded in the room, but they did not leave the single building.

The magician who didn't speak all the way spread a map on the coffee table in the living room. The leaders of the three assault teams got together and pointed to the map and said to everyone:

"This is a single building on the outskirts of Mukuso City. It belongs to a satellite town in the outskirts of the city. It is not too far from the city. It only takes half an hour to ride a horse to reach the south gate. There is a forest farm nearby. .”

"When we leave later, try not to disturb the residents here. After forty-eight hours, we have to return to this stronghold cautiously, and return to Roland Continent through the temporary portal together."

"Let me re-introduce this map to everyone... Lord MacDonnell's manor outside the city is built on this mountain. He usually lives in the manor, and only when he needs to deal with official business, he will take the magic caravan Leave the manor."

"Members of the assault team of the Luthor Legion, you can go west along this road until you reach this valley and go upstream along the river to reach this ancient castle outside the city. I have checked before, this road There are almost no people at ordinary times, so it is estimated that it can cover up your whereabouts very well."

The two great swordsmen, Quintas and Chester, looked at each other and nodded in unison.

This information is quite important to the Luthor Legion assault team, at least it can save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

After saying this... the magician said to the two leaders of the Norton Legion assault team:

"After dawn, members of the Norton Legion Assault Squad, you can enter the city through the south gate of Mukuso City. Now the city is heavily guarded, and entering the city through the gate is the safest way."

The two leaders led by the Norton family this time, one of them is an archmage.

The magician paused, then pointed to a street on the map and continued:

"The city hall of Mucuso City is at the end of this road. It is a magnificent circular building with white walls and red tiles, which is very recognizable."

"Master Merlin, Grand Knight Basien, you need to pay attention to the city hall of Mucuso, which is only separated from the guard camp and the city security brigade by a wall. Therefore, once something happens to the city hall, the speed of the guard battalion and the security team coming over will be slow." Very fast, don't wrestle with them for too long."

"Although Lord McDonnell doesn't have many second-rank fighters, I found out a few days ago that there are far more magicians in Mukuso City than I expected..."

"I suspect that once there is something going on at the city hall, the magicians from Mukuso City will also rush to join the battle after hearing the news."

"Once the magicians ride the magic scorpion and fly into the sky, it will not be so easy to get rid of them..."

Archmage Merlin and Grand Knight Basil also looked solemn, saying that this operation will definitely be resolved quickly.

After saying this, the space magician said to the Grand Knight Trollope and the Great Swordsman Sabrina:

"We will stay here to help clear the traces here, and then look for opportunities to go to the portal in the central square."

"Attention everyone, it has been half a month since I left the Ganbu plane..."

"I don't know what kind of changes will happen here after disappearing for so many days, so everything still depends on everyone's adaptability..."

"Then the next move, I wish everyone good luck!"

After the magician finished speaking, he got together with the Grand Knight Trollope and began to discuss how to approach the portal in the central square.

Swordsman Sabrina glanced at Suldak who was standing in front of the ogre, and nodded to him friendly, obviously recognizing him.

The assault team of the Luthor Legion was the first to leave the single building. In order to avoid the target being too large, members of the assault team left the single building in groups of three or four and walked into the woods outside the town in batches.

Quintas Great Swordsman led some of his members over the courtyard wall and scattered into the residential houses and streets.

Suldak and Chester Great Swordsman left from the other side. Everyone did not ride a horse this time. In order to avoid being discovered by the rebels on the Ganbu plane, everyone tried to avoid contact with the townspeople.

The two-headed ogre is a bit conspicuous no matter where it is, so he left first with Samira...


Under the cover of night, a group of people entered the woods outside the town without any risk.

Chester Great Swordsman and his team accidentally met a night watchman at the exit of the town. Fortunately, they discovered it early, and everyone hid behind the low shrub wall on the roadside, and the night watchman didn't notice.

Suldak felt that the night watchman should be thankful. If he had twisted his neck to the left and right at random, he would probably be ready to dig a hole to bury his body now.

He found that the vegetation on the Ganbu plane was not much different from that on the Roland continent, but it seemed to be summer here, and the surrounding vegetation was lush.

According to the map, it is about 20 kilometers away from Lord MacDonnell's estate, and it takes two hours to march in a hurry.

If the assault team could cross the city of Mukuso, it might be a little closer, but now not only can they not pass through the urban area, but they have to make a big circle around the city of Mukuso to avoid trouble.

Suldak found that the cities he saw in these planes were very large, probably because the central cities of the planes had plane portals, so there were so many people living here.

The outermost city wall of the city is only three or four meters high, and no one can even stand on the city wall. There is a simple archery tower built on a wooden frame every ten meters, and bed crossbows and catapults are basically invisible. .

Suldak felt that this kind of city wall couldn't stop a charge of heavy cavalry at all. As long as he rushed to the bottom of the city and hung the hook rope on the top of the wall, a team of heavy cavalry could tear down this simple wall.

The assault team didn't dare to get too close to Mukuso City. As the sky gradually brightened, several bright yellow ribbons in the night sky gradually disappeared into the night.

The sky gradually became brighter, and the sky changed from dark red to pale pink. At first, Suldak thought it was because the sun was covered by the cloudy sky, but when the light gradually brightened, he realized that there was no sun in the sky at all.

I can't figure out where the light is coming from, and I can't even find the shadow.

All members of the assault team wore ordinary linen robes. Taking advantage of the lack of pedestrians outside the city in the morning, they followed the map guide and quickly found the river valley the magician said.

The Great Swordsman Chester pointed to the valley and said, "According to the map, if we walk up this valley, we will soon see the manor..."

Before the Great Swordsman Chester ordered, the three scouts in the assault team ran ahead ahead of time and explored along the river valley, and Samira was one of them.

Her body is light and agile, and she can easily jump forward from the trees by the river valley, just like a flexible jungle cheetah.

The woodland here is not dense, there are no overgrown branches, and there are not many bushes in the forest.

On the lower branches of many trees, there are some broken marks cut by knives and axes. It looks like someone often chops firewood in this forest.

This valley is very deep, but the river inside is very thin, with gurgling streams winding down from above.

After walking a few kilometers upstream along the river, I saw the hand signal sent by the scouts in front, which should be the manor where Lord MacDonnell lived.

Suldak was a little confused about the thoughts of these lords.

You can also get a large piece of land in the city, and it is not difficult to build a manor in an enclosure.

Some noble lords especially like to build their manors in remote mountains to enjoy the beauty of nature.

A group of people approached the manor along the river valley. The nearby mountains were probably the land of Lord MacDonnell, and no other residents were found.

A piece of houses are hidden in the green woods, and there are several tall towers behind the manor...

The scout team found a mountain ridge opposite Lord McDonnell's manor. From here, you can just overlook the manor hidden in the mountain. A group of guards guard the gate of the manor, and some guards pass back and forth on the corridor under the manor wall. Every gate in the manor is guarded by guards.

The manor is really heavily guarded...

A group of maids walked back along the stone steps from the side of the river valley, carrying baskets of laundry. It looked like they had just finished washing the clothes below the valley.

The manor in Suldak is clearly divided into two parts. There is a vestibule and a garden in the front. All the houses are connected by a long corridor. A long row of stables is built beside the wall. Many people live in the manor. The female relatives, but the living area of ​​the female relatives seems to be very limited, and some maids can always be seen walking back and forth in the area where they can move.

But the back part of the manor is a bit weird, and I can't see anyone walking here, and I can't see any guards at the door. It's quiet everywhere, as if it's two completely different from the front yard. world.

There are only a few solitary towers in the yard, but the gardening is not bad, some plants are growing neatly, it is impossible to tell what they are, they look a bit like cabbage.

But... Suldak didn't think that Lord MacDonnell would grow such vegetables in his back garden...

Lord MacDonnell's magical caravan was not seen, so it is not certain whether he is hiding in the manor.

Because of the limited time, Chester Great Swordsman and Quintas Great Swordsman decided that the assault team should not just observe and wait here, but also find an opportunity to sneak into the manor to check the situation there.

Just when everyone was thinking about how to sneak into this manor, a four-wheeled carriage drove along the mountain road in front of the manor. The driver seemed to be very familiar with this place, and he could let such a rugged mountain road The four-wheeled carriage trotted along.

There were some wooden boxes in the carriage, but they looked a little blood-stained, but the coachman looked at the front indifferently.

The great swordsman Chester bumped into the shoulder of the great swordsman Quintas, and pointed to the four-wheeled carriage on the mountain road ahead with his eyes.

"You mean to let our people borrow this truck to sneak in?" Quintas Great Swordsman asked.

The Great Swordsman Chester nodded, and said proactively, "I'll go down to see if there's a chance to hide under the carriage and sneak in..."

"Chester, let professionals do this kind of sneaking..." A second-rank ranger in the team smiled and said to Chester's great swordsman: "I'll go to explore the wind."

"Let me go..." Samira who was standing behind Suldak said proactively.

The half-elf archer seldom spoke in the team, and her voice had a rustling texture, although a short sentence attracted everyone's attention.

Her face was covered with a veil, and it was impossible to see what her face was like.

"I will hide..."

She explained a sentence lightly, and took a step towards the dark place in the bushes, her body also instantly became translucent, faintly visible in the dark place, and when she stopped moving, her body disappeared completely .

Although everyone knew that she was still standing there and could still feel her, they just couldn't see her.

The Great Swordsman Quintus glanced at the Great Swordsman Chester, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

"Okay, then it's up to you to investigate this manor. You just need to confirm whether Lord MacDonnell is in the manor. Don't worry about anything else. Also, pay attention to safety. If you encounter danger, try to escape. We signal..."

Chester Great Swordsman earnestly urged Sammy as if he was telling a newcomer. Mira didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

After Chester Swordsman finished speaking, she passed by Surdak, turned around and walked into the woods, every jump was like an elegant cheetah running in the woods.

The figure is looming in the woods.

Samira quickly ran down the mountain and lay down in the grass on the mountain road, waiting for the four-wheeled carriage to pass by on the side road.

With a light leap, his body turned into a gray shadow and hid under the carriage.

Seeing that Samira had successfully boarded the four-wheeled truck, a group of people on the top of the mountain heaved a sigh of relief.

At this time, Gulitham, who was squatting aside, secretly pulled Rasuldak, and whispered to him: "Dak, do you smell a bad smell in the air here?"

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