Lord Highlander

Chapter 956

Swordsman Chester carried Lord MacDonnell on his shoulders, and led the crowd towards the front yard of the manor where Swordsman Quintas was located.

Hundreds of manor guards gathered from all directions, and the archers who fell behind shot a rain of arrows, but among these guards, only some officers were first-rank construction knights. , There is no way to hold them back.

A group of guards almost ran wildly behind the assault team, the ones in front couldn't stop them, and the ones behind couldn't catch up.

Several second-rank powerhouses surrounded the Great Swordsman Chester, protecting the Great Swordsman Chester as he rushed forward.

The black-robed magicians who were forced back into the magic tower began to retreat when the assault team captured Lord MacDonnell, and ran out of the magic tower one after another.

This time they knew the strength of the assault team, and they were much more cautious when chasing them out. Each black mage was riding a magic scorpion handle, and they threw black flame balls at Chester Great Swordsman in the air.

They were a little afraid of Samira and didn't dare to get too close. These black flame balls exploded frequently in mid-air, more like fireworks to send off the assault team.

It's just that these black mages didn't give up on rescuing Lord MacDonnell. They cast magic frequently, trying to slow down the assault team.

Hundreds of manor guards chased from all around like crazy.

More than a dozen black mages floated in mid-air on their magic sticks. The three leading black mages recited lengthy incantations, and the magic pattern circle floating under their feet seemed particularly huge.

Afterwards, Suldak felt that the whole ground was constantly shaking, and cracks suddenly appeared on the stone road in front, and some hot magma spewed out from the cracks.

The great swordsman Chester avoided the gushing lava very flexibly, and the second-rank swordsmen around him also quickly dispersed.

Suldak needed to take care of Sia, who didn't run too fast, and looked a little embarrassed. That Goethe Shield played a big role.

Samira stared at the pale red eyes, and nimbly jumped onto the roof of a corridor again, and shot an arrow at the magician who released the 'Hellfire'.

The black mage was already on guard, raising his hand to prop up a magic shield.

The arrow hit the magic shield, and it shattered the magic shield in an instant. The arrow hit the black magician's chest with the remaining momentum. I don't know what material his magic robe is made of. The teacher stepped back a few meters in the air, riding on the handle of the magic scorpion to stabilize his figure again...

Suldak saw that the guards of the manor surrounded him, worried that Samira would be surrounded, so he hurriedly told her to run quickly.

Samira turned her head to look at the black magicians in the air, quickly jumped off the roof, and chased after Suldak.


The great swordsman Quintus rushed over with the first team, and the two teams of second-ranked swordsmen joined together by the fountain in the manor's vestibule.

With Quintas and Gullitum clearing the way ahead, the guards of the manor standing in front of them had no enemies at all.

A group of people went straight out from the main entrance of the manor.

The two giant swords of Quintus Great Swordsman were covered with blood, and the blood stained his hands and arms red, but he himself could still maintain his sanity at this time, and after leaving the manor with the assault team, he quickly got into the In the mountains and forests, avoid those black mages chasing in the sky.

A series of horns sounded in the manor, and signal flares shot up into the sky, obviously calling the nearby garrison.

However, the assault team did not follow the main road. After getting into the dense forest, they specifically searched for some places with lush trees. When the sky gradually darkened, the black mages who had been biting behind had no choice but to return the same way.

Samira boarded the canopy several times, and found that the black magicians were gone in the sky, and the guards of the manor were also far away by the group.

The commando team relaxed a little.

Suldak followed a group of people over a mountain ridge, and stopped at a forest clearing on the north slope of the mountain, where the canopy of the trees almost formed a single piece, completely covering the starry sky.

Great Swordsman Chester and Great Swordsman Quintus stopped at the same time. The two second-rank rangers in the assault team immediately began to check the surrounding situation. Samira also nodded to Suldak and jumped to the ground. Look around from the canopy.

"Rest in place for a while, set up a tent, and let's go after dinner!"

After the great swordsman Chester finished speaking, he put Lord MacDonnell from his shoulders next to a big tree, and squatted beside him to check his condition.

Lord MacDonnell closed his eyes tightly and was still unconscious. Apart from his pale face, there was a trace of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. It seemed that the journey was bumpy. Even though he was in a coma, he still suffered a lot.

The other second-rank swordsmen began to build a simple tent with all their hands and feet.

Of course, this tent is not used for resting, but for covering the fire when lighting a fire and boiling water.

Suldak took Sia and sat down beside her. Miss Mermaid untied the water bag from her waist, pulled out the cork of the water bag, and poured a stream of clear water from the top of her head.

The clear water quickly wetted her long hair, and she recovered from her slightly sluggish state, and then she leaned against a big tree beside her, her big sea-blue eyes sparkled with a different kind of shine.

"After this operation is over, I will help you buy an airship ticket at the airport terminal of Bena City. Don't worry about troubles on the way. I will send you back to the sea safely..." Suldak was beside him. Sit down and speak in a low voice.

Miss Mermaid's eyes fell on the pitch-black mountains in the distance, and bright golden bands of light lit up in the dark red night sky.

The stars pale against these bands of light.

She twisted her wet long hair, and the robe was wetly attached to her body, outlining a youthful curve.

The night wind took away the last bit of heat, and the surrounding area was filled with the sound of cicadas.

Xi Ya took a deep breath, hugged her legs with her hands, and sat on the root of the tree. She seemed a little excited, and whispered to Suldak:

"Actually, this kind of task is quite exciting. Except for the inconvenience of the action, the others are pretty good. I like this kind of adventure life."

"Huh?" Suldak was a little surprised.

Xi Ya turned to look at Surdak, and said in a softer voice: "If you think I didn't hold back when I fought, I can consider staying..."

"Forget it, do you know where I live...the barren land of Hailansa City, where water is scarce all year round..." Suldak laughed and refused.

I thought in my heart: 'No matter what, I can't make trouble for myself. '

Seeing that Suldak refused, Siya didn't speak.

Panting, the ogre sat down against a big tree trunk, and when he heard Suldak talking about the Badlands, he began to complain to Siya that there were only some seabuckthorn grass and thirsty elixir in the Badlands. Gray rock iguanas hiding in the cracks, soft volcanic ash everywhere...

Suldak was not idle at this time either. Only one second-rank swordsman in the team was slightly injured, so he ran over to help treat him.

Xi Ya blinked her eyes, looked down at the imprints of fine scales emerging from her arms, and pursed her mouth.

The body has not been wet much for a day, a kind of tingling after drying.

Siya didn't even want to move.

Over there, two swordsmen set up a tent, lit a bonfire, and set up an iron pot to boil water. The scones and marching rations were placed next to them, and they waited for the water to boil before pouring the dry food into it to make a pot. Gooey...


The Great Swordsman Chester and the Great Swordsman Quintus stood beside Lord MacDonnell, and the two whispered the information they found in the manor. The expression of the Great Swordsman Quintus became more and more serious. They also fell silent, waiting for Lord MacDonnell to wake up.

Although Lord MacDonnell was captured, the atmosphere in the assault team was still somewhat dull.

This was mainly because the two captains in the team had obvious differences on the next move of the assault team, but they couldn't convince each other.

It made the air in the glade seem to freeze.

Chester Great Swordsman's current idea is to bring Lord MacDonnell back to Bena City as soon as possible. He wants to join other assault teams and return to Bena City to discuss other matters.

"Tomorrow we will return to the city of Bena. Lord MacDonnell will send it to the city of Bena. This is very important. Now there are many local lords in the province of Bena who are about to move. With Lord MacDonnell as an example It is estimated that many lords are praying for this kind of freedom. Freedom to escort him to the court of the House of Representatives can suppress the restlessness in the hearts of other lords..."

Great Swordsman Chester said to Great Swordsman Quintus.

Then he said: "This is also the first task for us to gather so many second-rank swordsmen and sneak into the Ganbu plane."

The great swordsman Quintus shook his head and said, "I'm not saying that Lord MacDonnell's mission is not important, I just want to use the remaining time to fight back to the magic tower behind the manor..."

He stared into the eyes of the great swordsman Chester, and said very seriously:

"Someone told me that there is a land of demons, you know what it means, if we don't do anything about it, it is very likely to become a land of demons, and once they successfully open the transmission channel to hell, the consequences That’s unimaginable.”

"Once connected to the forces of hell, a brand new plane war will break out... This land will also become a battlefield."

Then, the great swordsman Quintus lowered his voice and said to the great swordsman Chester:

"Someone saw a pool of blood behind the high tower, and a group of servants were watering the demonic plants with flesh and blood, and someone said that there was a demonic gate in the magic tower... Isn't it worth turning around and going back to deal with it?"

"I'm not saying it's not worth it, I just hope that this time can be delayed a little..."

"I think the Black Magic Retreat has played a big game this time. They have firmly controlled the Ganbu plane in the name of Lord MacDonnell. I don't know the aristocratic society of the Ganbu plane. How rotten it is, but it's clearly worth our further investigation now!"

Swordsman Chester twitched his ears slightly, turned his head to look at Lord MacDonnell, and said to Swordsman Quintas, "He's awake...you can ask him something!"

The great swordsman Quintus didn't have such a good temper when facing Lord MacDonnell. He leaned over and grabbed Lord MacDonnell by the collar, and lifted himself up.

Lord McDonnell closed his eyes tightly and said nothing, his violent panting could no longer be concealed, especially when Quintas Great Swordsman pinched his neck, Lord MacDonnell began to cough violently.

Quintus the Great Swordsman threw him back under the tree.


"Viscount Suldak..." the great swordsman Quintas called Suldak's name.

Suldak hurriedly stood up from the crowd, walked up quickly, and said, "Quintas Great Swordsman, you called me?"

"Heal our lord..." Quintas the Great Swordsman pointed at Lord MacDonnell and said.

Suldak saw that Lord MacDonnell was not injured, but according to the orders of the great swordsman Quintus, he cast a holy light spell on Lord MacDonnell, and the holy light fell on Lord MacDonnell. , to make him feel better.

Before Lord MacDonnell could catch his breath, he felt a big hand on his knee. The great swordsman Quintus pointed at him as a knife, and slashed on Lord MacDonnell's shin without even saying hello. The two lower leg bones snapped, and there was a clear cracking sound in the night.

Lord MacDonnell let out a scream, but another swordsman covered his mouth in advance, and could only let out a miserable whimper.

"Viscount Suldak, help our lord to heal again, the most important thing is not to let him die in my hands..."

As the great swordsman Quintus said, he reached out and pressed the knee of Lord McDonnell's other leg.

Lord McDonnell sent out a signal to beg for mercy, and Quintas the Great Swordsman frowned slightly, spit to the side, and then mocked: "How can a Lord Lord not even have such patience?"

"Tell me, how on earth did you collude with those people from the Black Magic Priory, don't make up lies, you may not know that I am impatient, if I find you lying, I will kill your bones Knocking them off one by one will ensure that you will not die..."

The great swordsman Quintus said viciously, with the scars on his face and the muscles on his body, he really looked fierce.

The swordsman let go of Lord MacDonnell's mouth, and Lord MacDonnell let out an uncontrollable low moan...

Suldak straightened his broken leg and cast the Holy Light technique again to speed up the healing of his wound.

"Okay, just make sure he won't die..." the great swordsman Quintas put his arms around Suldak's shoulders and said kindly to him.

Lord McDonnell recovered a little at this time, and lay on his back on the woodland. The great swordsman Quintus squatted beside him, reached out and patted his pale cheek, and urged: "Hurry up, don't challenge me!" patience..."

"I don't know what you're going to say..."

Lord MacDonnell gritted his teeth, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said weakly.

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