Lord Highlander

Chapter 958: 944. The Devil Stuck in the Door

Lord MacDonnell Estate

The corpses in the courtyard have been cleaned up by the guards, but the large iron gate at the gate of the courtyard has not yet been repaired, and all the guards of the manor have been escorted to the military headquarters of Mukuso City.

There was no way to wash off the bloodstains on the stone road, only to temporarily spread a layer of sand on it.

The Fifth and Seventh Cavalry Battalions of the MacDonnell Corps are currently in charge of the defense of the MacDonnell Manor, and Lord MacDonnell's fourth son, Viscount Markham Donnell, is also in charge of the family and the affairs of the estate.

This young viscount holds half of the military power of the Tangnei family.

After Lord MacDonnell was robbed, although Markham was not the number one heir to the Donnell family, he had more say than anyone else.

A group of Lord MacDonnell's wives were restless, and everyone was waiting in the inner courtyard in panic. They even packed up their gold and silver jewelry.

The maids were sent to the vestibule of the manor to inquire about the situation, and they all seemed to want to leave here...

Who would have thought that this manor would fall apart quickly after Lord MacDonnell was hijacked.


The front yard and backyard of the manor are like two completely different worlds that do not interfere with each other.

On weekdays, the attendants in the manor regarded that area as a restricted area. Once someone walked into the backyard accidentally, and never came out again.

It was later heard that he was bitten to death by a group of vicious dogs, and the body could not be brought back.

In yesterday's battle, so many hideous dogs rushed out of the backyard, and no one dared to approach the backyard.

In fact, everyone in the manor knew that Lord MacDonnell kept a group of magicians in the backyard. These people basically didn't go out, and they locked themselves in the tower all day long to do research.

Lord McDonnell only occasionally went to the backyard when he encountered some difficult decisions.

Then he will do some incredible things.

For example, the war tax was imposed on the people of the Ganbu plane, which made many bankrupts suddenly appear on the Ganbu plane, which was originally well-off.

For example, the Tarapakan region was declared independent to the Bena Province, and then the largest civil war broke out in the Bena Province in recent decades. The southern part of Tarapakan instantly became a battlefield. was completely destroyed.

Another example is to declare to everyone that the homeless poor and vagabonds are guilty, and the security forces are sent everywhere to arrest them and detain them in a concentration camp. The concentration camp is very strange. come out……

Some people say that the big man living in the backyard is the real master of the Ganbu plane.


Grover. Lukaz looked a little anxious. He was walking around in the magic tower wearing a Mithril magic robe.

The old face was engraved with wrinkles of the years.

He was holding a magic wand in his hand, his body was a little hunched, and he looked a little restlessly at a demon door in the middle of the platform on the top of the magic tower.

This two-meter-high devil's door stood alone in the room. The entire portal was like a huge flat-necked wine bottle. The protruding part on it was a statue of a demon. The dark color had no beauty.

In the middle of the Devil's Gate, where the mirror should have been, a demon with two antlers protruded from it. This demon was stuck at the portal, with tiredness and irritability written all over its face.

He has two distinct black and white eyes, and he is turning around with the Lucas magician.

The wooden floor in the room is covered with dozens of metal plates with magic runes. The magic circle formed by the metal plates is constantly gathering magic power from all around. These magic powers are continuously sent to the Devil's Gate to keep it going. go down...

Grover. Lukaz is the regional head of the Tarapakan area in the Bena Province of the Black Magic Priory, and it was his decision to declare the independence of the Gambu plane.

Perhaps because he was tired, his pace became more and more sluggish.

The demon stuck in the demon gate blinked, and said a little violently: "Lukas, your body has been trembling all the time, are you afraid?"

Lukas turned around and looked at the demon stuck in the demon gate, he was not very afraid of it.

It is now stuck in the devil's door, and the head, right shoulder, and right arm are exposed from the devil's door, which looks a little awkward.

But now it can't go back, it can only get stuck on the devil's door, and has been thinking about solutions these days.

The voice of Magician Lucas was a little low. He summoned this demon gate, and it has been maintained for more than a month. Unfortunately, the condition of this demon is getting worse and worse. The magic pool is also almost exhausted.

When he saw a team of second-rank swordsmen yesterday, he became even more worried.

He said to the demon stuck in the demon gate:

"I said they would kill them. That McDonnell is not reliable at all. Even if they destroy the portal, they will still have a way to come here. Now this time they are all second-rank powerhouses. They must have discovered us. , Immediately there will be those magicians from the Law Enforcement Team chasing us, we must leave here.”

The demon rolled his eyes full of lifeless anger, and asked the Lucas magician coldly: "I asked you to send people to follow them, how is this going?"

"It's so dark, and there is a very powerful archer in their team, our people dare not get too close." Magician Lukaz thought of the battle yesterday, and defended his magicians.

The devil said disdainfully:

"That means losing them?"

Magician Lukas nodded, and said, "That dense forest is really hard to follow. Didn't your hell dogs fail to come back..."

He casually asked again: "You said... what will happen if I unlock this demon door now?"

The demon's voice was as cold as ice: "The space rift will cut my body in half, I suggest you give up this idea."

Wrinkles squeezed together on Magician Lucas's face, and he said, "But we can't just sit here forever."

The demon asked anxiously again: "Lukas, hasn't your strength improved?"

Magician Lukas raised his brows, spread his hands and said, "But you can also see that this demon's gate has not changed at all!"

The demon rolled his eyes and said, "Maybe they just came to arrest Lord MacDonnell and didn't notice us..."

"How can you have such a naive idea... Are you still a demon?" Magician Lukas moved closer, and then continued: "I think the reason why you are stuck in the portal is actually because of your head. These two horns are too long, if they are cut off..."

He got too close.

"Don't have such dangerous thoughts!" The demon roared loudly. He stretched out his dry and powerful hand and grabbed the magician's collar. He was about to continue to get angry, but he felt his stomach making a loud noise. He stopped his hand. , "Um, I'm so hungry... Go find me something to eat again, I found that since I started eating people, my strength has become stronger and stronger, go get me some more, didn't I die a lot yesterday person?"

The demon let go of the Lucas magician from his grasp.

Lukas stood on the floor, tremblingly rearranging his collar.

He is not too worried that the demon will kill him. He is the creator of this demon gate. When he dies, this demon gate will dissipate. The demon stuck in the demon gate will...

He felt that even if the demon was cut in half by a space rift, it didn't mean it would die.

Thinking of the disgusting pool of blood in the garden, he beckoned to the wall, called for an assistant, and walked slowly down the spiral staircase down the tower.

Seeing the figure of Magician Lukas completely disappear on the stairs, the resentment and hatred in the devil's eyes were completely released, and the long purple tongue licked his forehead, and it said in the devil's language with a hideous face:

"Actually, I've always been curious about the smell of a magician."

Of course, Magician Lucas, who was walking down the spiral staircase, did not hear what the devil said. He took his assistants and planned to go to the blood pool to get a bucket of human blood and come back.

The corpses in the blood pool are almost all dry cloth plane wanderers and civilians. After they are slaughtered like cattle and sheep, they will be soaked in this blood pool.

The blood pool is surrounded by various magic circles, and the magic assistant is also a disarmed young black magician. He asked with a trace of expectation in his eyes: "President, are we leaving here?"

"Of course!" Lukas said firmly.

When he left the high tower, there was no hesitation in his eyes, and he said to his assistant: "When he feeds, pour this bottle of anti-magic potion into it, as long as he can successfully get the two demon horns , let's get out of here."

After finishing speaking, he took out a small medicine bottle from his magic pocket, handed it to the assistant, and then said: "The research on black magic will also be suspended for a while, we destroyed the portal, and these second-turn strongmen from Bena Province The attackers can still come in, but there is no large army to follow, it seems that they should have opened a temporary portal."

"We have to avoid those second-rank powerhouses in the military..." Lucas Magician said.

The assistant promised: "Okay, President..."


In a town close to the city of Mukuso, three assault teams successfully merged together.

The assault team of the Norton Legion was swept away in the city hall. They did not cause a large-scale commotion, but when the great Basian knight left Mucuso City with the second-rank powerhouses, he was killed by a team of city defense troops. It was discovered that they killed a senior officer of the other side during the battle.

The Jonson Legion assault team sneaked into the Civic Center Square as planned, only to find that the portal there was not sealed or the Magic Hub was taken away, but the entire portal had been artificially knocked down.

To rebuild the portal, what is currently needed is not a magician of the space department, but a group of bricklayers who can understand the blueprints. They need to rebuild the masonry structure of the portal.

Clearly, such a task would not be possible unless the city of Mucuso was fully captured.

Lord McDonnell, with all broken hands and feet, was lying on the dining table with bandages on his limbs. After receiving the treatment of Suldak's holy light technique, he was in a good state of mind. At least he didn't look like he was dying. Many second-rank swordsmen gathered in this private house, only to realize that it was impossible for their cronies to save themselves from these second-rank strongmen.

The Grand Knight Basien of the Norton Legion approached Lord MacDonnell, looked at some Lord MacDonnell seriously, then turned around and said to his companions behind him:

"Don't underestimate Earl MacDonald. Back then, he and I served in the Constructed Knights of the Bena Legion... His strength was close to the peak of the first rank at that time, but unfortunately he still failed to break through the second rank."

Suldak did not expect that Lord MacDonnell was once a Constructed Knight.

Chester and Quintas looked at each other. They were not familiar with Lord MacDonnell before, and they only met once.

Chester Swordsman asked with some concern: "During the arrest, Lord MacDonnell did not resist at all. Could it be a substitute?"

"That's right, this is him..." The Grand Knight of Basien carefully identified the scar on his face, and said firmly.

Hearing what the great knight of Basien said, everyone felt relieved.

Afterwards, Chester Great Swordsman told about the discovery of the demon in Lord MacDonnell's manor, and the second-rank powerhouses of the other two assault teams all looked at Lord MacDonnell in surprise...

The great swordsman Quintus glanced at the great knight Trollope.

Sure enough, the great knight who was so jealous of hatred squeezed forward, came to Lord MacDonnell, stared into his eyes and asked, "Are there a group of black magicians in your manor?"

Probably because he felt that he could not escape no matter what, Lord MacDonnell's momentum also weakened.

Lord MacDonnell said: "These black mages are just doing academic research on demons, I don't know anything else..."

The big knight Trollope closed his eyes, held back the anger in his heart, took out the map of Mukuso city again, and asked the big swordsman Quintas: "Where is that manor? Since it was discovered by us, there is no Reasons to let them go... Anyway, they are here!"

Quintas Great Swordsman obviously hopes to gain the support of Trollope Grand Knight...

Hearing his question, he immediately pointed it out on the map: "This is the place, if you want to destroy their stronghold, you must count me in..."

Several second-rank knights of the Jonson Legion's assault team expressed their willingness to join this temporary operation, even Sabrina the Great Swordsman was no exception.

At this time, the space magician who was with the assault team of Jonson's Legion said: "I will open the temporary portal first, and send someone to send Lord MacDonnell back. Anyone who wants to stay can stay, and wait until the black man is destroyed." The stronghold of the Magic Retreat, I will reopen the temporary teleportation array and take everyone back to Bena City..."

When the magician said this, the second-rank swordsmen of the Luthor Legion also expressed their intention to stay and help.

Only the second-rank strongmen of the Norton Legion's assault team decided to return to Bena City with Lord MacDonnell under the pressure of the Grand Knight of Basin. They were not prepared to participate in the destruction of the stronghold of the Black Magic Priory.

But Archmage Merlin cannot escape, all magicians are obliged to clean up the demons...

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