Lord Highlander

Chapter 960

Perhaps the black mages in Lord McDonnell's manor did not expect that the assault team would come back so soon to launch an assault operation.

Second-rank swordsmen may be slightly weaker than assassins when performing surprise assassination missions.

But in this kind of team assault, the Bena swordsmen have a huge advantage, and it can be said that they are invincible anywhere in the Green Empire.

The great swordsman Quintus went directly to the backyard of the manor this time, and the twenty-eight members were divided into five groups to attack the five magic towers in the backyard of the manor.

This time, Suldak, as the captain of the assault team, rushed into the second magic tower on the west side of the backyard with Gulitum, Samira, Sia and a second-rank swordsman from the Luthor Legion.

The two-headed ogre Gullitum used the most direct way to break the door. He started to run when he was 100 meters away from the magic tower. When he was 30 meters away from the magic tower, the ogre was so tall Jumping up, the whole person turned into a white light, like a cannonball directly hitting the gate of the magic tower.

The armor piece on his shoulder shattered the moment it touched the gate of the magic tower, and then the gate of the magic tower sank inward, breaking into several pieces with a bang.

Several black mages on the first floor of the magic tower were about to run upstairs, because Lord Lukas shouted from the top of the tower, but at this moment, a two-headed ogre more than three meters high broke through the door. The black magicians were so scared that they quickly hid behind the test bench.

Holding the staff in one hand, they took out the magic scrolls from their arms in the other hand, and chanted magic spells. The magic scrolls shattered and turned into magic shields for their protection.

Samira and Suldak then broke in, Samira stepped into the magic tower and shot three feathered arrows, one of which just pierced the eyebrows of a black magician who had not opened the magic shield, and the other two The feathered arrow hit the magic shield, and the magic shield was strongly twisted.

The black mages hiding behind the test bed also quickly counterattacked. They didn't even chant spells, and directly tore apart the magic scrolls in their hands. A complex magic circle was lit up under their feet, with black flames and The fireball flew towards the door.

Gulitum and Suldak charged side by side. Suldak held Goethe's shield and stood a little forward. When he opened the knight's holy seal, he immediately chose the 'Oath of the Ancients', a light shield Covered on the Goethe Shield, the Goethe Shield itself is also blessed with the effects of the Holy Shield and the Blessed Shield.

The ogre Gulitum only had a layer of ice armor on his body, so Suldak rushed to the front as much as possible.

A few black flames and fireballs exploded in front of Suldak, and the Goethe shield suddenly burst into colorful brilliance. The big stick in the ogre's hand had already smashed into the cast iron test stand, and the cast iron test stand It was cut into two pieces, the tracking magic experimental items piled up on it were scattered all over the place, the glassware made a crisp shattering sound, some magic potions were mixed together, and pungent smoke came out...

Suldak didn't stay downstairs, the second-rank swordsman and Gulitum who followed up had already firmly suppressed the black magicians, and he rushed up the spiral stairs.

Samira followed behind Suldak, with a feathered arrow on the Sky Strike Bow in his hand...

It was just beyond Suldak's expectation... When he climbed to the top of the tower, he found a weak magician at the top of the tower's stairs. His body was still warm, but it was in the socket of his left eye. A blood hole the size of an egg appeared, and blood flowed out from it. It was impossible to save such a serious injury.

On the top of the tower is a circular room of about tens of square meters, surrounded by bookshelves against the walls, on which are some books and magic materials.

Right in the center of the circular room, a black demon gate is slowly dissipating, and the huge magic pattern circle emerging on the ground is also slowly losing its magic brilliance. The horn of the devil, the devil with an extremely ferocious face fell into the purple blood.

It still had a weak breath, but from the right shoulder to the left rib, it was cut into two ends by some sharp weapon, and a large amount of purple blood flowed out of his body.

Although this demon has only half of its body, it can still be seen that it is extremely burly and strong, with some magic patterns on its body.

From the wound on the severed body, some damaged organs flowed out along with the purple blood. It seemed to be crawling a few steps on the ground, dragging a long bloodstain on the floor, and even the stomach and intestines flowed all over the floor.

When Suldak saw it, its eyes had completely lost their color, as if it had no soul.

On the platform of the high tower, a young magician hastily pushed open the window, but unfortunately he failed to maintain his balance and fell out of the high tower.

When Suldak ran to the window, he saw that the young magician actually pulled out a magic handle during the fall. With the flexibility of his body, the young magician turned over and rode on the magic handle and drilled directly into it. night sky.

Samira nimbly got out of the window, grabbed the tile eaves with one hand, turned over and stepped on the top of the magic tower, aiming at the young magician who had penetrated into the night sky and shot an arrow hastily.

The young magician was hit by an arrow in the shoulder, and the magic scorpion shook violently, but it didn't fall, and flew to the far north valley.

At the same time, black mages rode out from other magic towers one after another...

In this kind of fierce battle inside the tower, it is impossible for the mages to be the opponents of this group of second-rank swordsmen, especially with the suppression of power across levels, which makes these black mages have no room to fight back.

The magicians who flew into the air began to hold the magic scrolls and launched a counterattack against the second-rank swordsmen who chased them out.

Amidst the explosion of the fireball, several magic towers were ignited one after another.

Samira stood on the top of the tower and shot down six black mages who were riding a magic handle one after another. Only then did these black mages realize that it was not safe for them to ride a magic handle in the air, and they raised their heights in the air one after another.

But in this way, when the fireball in their hands is thrown down, it also has no power.

Archmage Merlin rode on the magic scorpion to catch up to the sky, and the space magician of the assault team also rushed up. The magic scorpion flew at a very fast speed, and the magician flying in front had absolute dominance.

Bursting flames exploded in the dusk night, like gorgeous fireworks at night.

Losing the support of the second-rank swordsmen, Archmage Merlin and the space magician were blown up by those black magicians and returned to the manor.


Hearing the sound of fierce fighting, the guards in the front yard of the manor began to gather towards the back yard, but they didn't rush in. Nearly a thousand lord's private troops surrounded the back yard heavily.

Suldak quickly cut off the demon's head. It is said that the devil's horn can make a very sophisticated wand, and the head is still a high-level sacrifice.

There are a lot of books in the tower, as well as some magic materials. Of course, you can take as many of these things as you can.

The second-rank swordsmen began to clean up the hellhounds in the yard. The two-headed ogre has a habit of cutting off the head immediately every time it kills a hellhound. There are a lot of hellhounds in the yard. After a while, the hellhound's head wrapped around his waist twice.

Lord McDonnell's thousands of private troops are currently searching in the mountains and forests. Seeing the flames of fierce fighting erupting from the manor, the army quickly gathered towards the manor.

There was even the sound of wheels rolling in the distance, and some shield vehicles and ballistas were parked outside the manor.

All the commanding heights around the manor were full of archers, and there were always sharp and cold arrows shooting in from outside the wall.

"It's a Rank 2 powerhouse..."

Samira stared at the arrow path and reminded Suldak in a low voice.

Suldak hurriedly told Xi Ya to hide behind him as much as possible, so as not to show up by the way.

When the assault team attacked the magic tower, some second-rank swordsmen were also injured by magic. The traces of burning, freezing, and corrosion were obvious. Everyone rushed out of the magic tower, and after they got together, they were ready to break out and leave... …

At this time, I heard dozens of anchor-like iron hooks hanging on the east wall, followed by the sound of neat chant.

The wall began to shake rhythmically, and as the shaking became larger and larger, it finally collapsed with a bang.

A group of infantry stood in a row outside the courtyard wall with tower shields on them. They stood sideways, and a row of longbowmen in leather armor stepped up from behind, and then drew the longbows in their hands to the full. A gleaming feather arrow aimed at the assault team in the yard.

There is a neat row of spear throwers behind the longbowman, and the surrounding commanding heights are also full of archers.

And this group of people didn't intend to make any declaration of war. After setting up the battle, the commander with a saber in his hand swung the saber and shouted: "Shoot the arrow..."

A row of arrows shot out neatly flew towards everyone.

The great knights Suldak and Trollope raised their shields to stand in front of them, and the other swordsmen also stimulated their fighting spirit and waved their long swords to strike the arrows.

The blue glow lit up under Siya's feet again, and then the magic circle emerged, and as Siya's singing-like incantation was recited, a huge wave gushed out from her feet again.

The turbulent waves rushed towards the archers, and a row of arrows got into the waves and lost their aim immediately.

But the javelins thrown down from the sky couldn't be resisted.

A piece of javelins fell and was cut off by a group of second-rank swordsmen.

Although this kind of action is a bit cool, it is a great burden on the physical strength of the second-rank swordsman...

"We withdraw..."

The great swordsman Quintus shouted.

All the second-rank swordsmen followed the great swordsman Quintas and ran towards the other side of the courtyard wall.

But before everyone fled to the wall, the wall also collapsed under violent shaking. The moment it collapsed, a row of feather arrows shot in from outside the courtyard wall.

When the arrow flew in the air, it made a sharp sound of 'swish swish'.

Suldak and the big knight Trollope quickly raised their shields up, and the shield in Suldak's hand burst out with holy light...

"Rush over..."

The great swordsman Quintus did not change his retreat route, a cloud of white sword energy erupted from his body, and rushed towards the collapsed courtyard wall.

The archers quickly retreated to the back of the shield warriors, and the spearmen put their four-meter-long spears outside from the shield to prevent the swordsmen from approaching.

The great swordsman Quintus lit up with white light all over his body, swung his double swords and slammed into it, splitting three tower shields at once, and the two swords were like meat choppers, cutting off six or seven infantry soldiers in front of him.

Gulitum followed Suldak and Knight Trollope, and rushed up with the great swordsman Quintus.

The three of them immediately widened the opening opened by Quintus Great Swordsman, and the second-ranked Great Swordsmen followed up against the rain of arrows.

The heavy armored infantry kept retreating with the tower shield in hand, always adjusting the shield wall.

When someone fell, someone immediately blocked him with a shield.

The infantry in the army formed a huge pocket, tightly wrapping the assault team in it.

The encirclement was almost filled out by the heavy armored infantry, and the spearman kept following the gap, piercing the spear in his hand along the gap in the shield...

The second-rank swordsmen faced a large number of troops. Although their personal abilities were outstanding and they were all wearing magic pattern structures, it was inevitable that some people would be injured.

The swordsmen's feet were covered with the corpses of the shield warriors. Some shield warriors fell down and did not die immediately. Even if they were dying, they would stab the daggers in their hands into the ankles of the swordsmen.

It was only a hundred meters away from the manor to the forest, but at this distance, the second-rank swordsmen almost walked away stepping on the corpses of the opponent's heavy armored infantry soldiers.

Entering the woods, I saw the heavy armored infantry behind quickly give way to the sides.

The sound of "creaking and twisting" sounded, and a bed crossbow was pushed out from the back yard...

Although Suldak didn't look back, he seemed to hear the sound of the bed crossbow winch twisting, and the bowstring made a crackling sound.

The second-rank swordsmen present are all veterans with rich combat experience. When everyone heard this voice, they naturally knew what the other party had pushed out. Of course, at this time, they ran as far as they could...

Especially here is full of luxuriant forests, as long as you run far enough, there will be enough trees to block these bed crossbows.

Everyone didn't even wait for the great swordsman Quintus to issue orders, and rushed into the woods at a faster speed.


At this time, the black mages who fled to the sky finally had some breathing room. They saw Lord MacDonnell's private army rushing over to support them in the sky, and they immediately gathered in the night sky on their magic scorpions.

They smashed the fireballs in their hands at these second-rank swordsmen...

Although the fireball could not cause damage to these second-rank swordsmen, it blew up the battlefield in the evening, directing the archers behind to throw their arrows out.

The fireball even ignited the surrounding woods, successfully hindering the retreat of the second-rank swordsmen.

The enraged Samira quickly jumped onto the crown of a big tree, and as a magic spar in the gemstone groove of her bow arm shattered, a crossbow arrow flashing with countless electric snakes crossed the blurred night sky , and shot a black mage lying in mid-air.

A thunderbolt fell from the sky and immediately hit the black mage. His body was torn apart by the thunderbolt, and he scattered from the air together with the magic scorpion.

There was silence all around.

All the black mages in the air once again rode the magic handle to increase the flying height.

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