Lord Highlander

Chapter 984: 970. Invitation

Every morning, Suldak has to practice shield swinging and slashing. Only with persistent practice can the body subconsciously accept these actions.

So, after only a short sleep in his tent, he crawled out to find a clearing for exercise.

The rebel soldiers carried a piece of horse meat and cut it into strips on a tree stump not far from Suldak.

In the eyes of these rebels, Suldak, Sia, Samira, and Gulitum are all followers of the noble magician Avid.

Suldak treated so many wounded in a busy night. When all the rebels saw him, they would stop and say hello to him, and respect him very much.

The horse meat picked up from the battlefield yesterday will be cured with salt today, and it can be stored for a long time after being smoked.

For the rebels who were short of food, these meats were rare and good things, but it was a bit of a waste of salt.

"Good morning, Knight Suldak!"

A child ran out of the camp, squatted beside Suldak, watched him chopping curiously, and greeted him proactively.

He had taken refuge in the manor of the Arvid wizard, and knew the knight who handed him a bowl of porridge.

"Good morning……"

Suldak responded casually.

"I can learn swordsmanship from you!" the boy said bravely.

"Of course, but before that, you need a saber!"

Suldak stopped, went to a big tree and broke a branch, peeled off the bark with a dagger, and whittled the stick into a wooden sword without a guard, and handed it to and pointed out his posture of holding the sword so that he could slash at the air.

I thought it would be all right, but Surdak didn't expect that children would continue to join in.

Suldak chopped down several more sticks, which he wanted to cut into wooden swords.

When other children heard the news and rushed over, a rebel soldier who just passed by came over and said gently to these children:

"Okay, children, don't pester the Suldak knight. You need to go to the camp to have breakfast. This kind of meat porridge is hard to eat at ordinary times. Let the Suldak knight take a good rest. In order to save Our injured man, he didn't sleep all night."

Although these children were somewhat reluctant, they ran away obediently.

The rebel fighter looked like a captain, and Suldak nodded to him, continuing to practice his sword swing in the woodland.

"Knight Suldak, I really want to thank you..." The captain probably came here specially to express his thanks to Suldak.

Suldak didn't stop, but just said casually: "Okay, I've heard enough thank you words, if you really want to thank me, you might as well take me around..."

The captain said with some embarrassment: "I have to ask Captain Edgar for instructions. He has the final say in this camp."

After speaking, he turned around and ran away quickly, and then ran back not long after, and said excitedly to Suldak:

"Captain Edgar agreed, then you can go with us, we are going to patrol around..."

This team of rebel fighters consisted of eight members. They didn't have long leather boots, their calves were wrapped with some cloth strips, some ropes were hung around their waists, hunting bows were carried on their backs, and short daggers were tied to their legs.

Move in wet woods so that you can move more easily.

In fact, the route they walked was to go around the camp in a big circle, check the surroundings, and put away all the beast clips arranged along the way, hanging them on their waists.

Occasionally, a grouse or a hare can be picked up on the clip.

They have many traps around this forest, and it seems that they usually eat these small animals in the jungle.

"Are all these clips put away?" Suldak asked.

He followed in their team, the surrounding mountains were very dense, it looked like a depression, only the valley road stretched in.

"Yeah!" the pair of rebel army captains replied.

Then he said: "The camp here has been discovered by the lord army, and their cavalry can rush in directly through the passage in the valley. It is no longer safe here, and we are going to start moving."

Suldak asked, "Do you want to leave here?"

"I want to move to another camp. This place is actually very close to Tanley Town. Horse carts can come in, which is convenient for transporting supplies, but it's not safe here. We can't deal with the rebel cavalry for the time being..." The leader of the rebel army He explained: "The other camps are much farther away, and horse-drawn carts can't get in..."

Suldak followed behind him, and asked as he walked, "What do you think is the difference between you and that group of lords?"

The woodland was covered with moss and looked wet and slippery.

The leader of the rebel army stopped and thought for a while before saying:

"The main difference is in the equipment of weapons and armor, and their squadron leaders are all constructed knights, well-trained, and everyone is very good..."

A rebel army behind added: "We captured a batch in Takale Town, and it should be stronger after training for a while!"


In the camp, the magician Avid put on his magic robe under the service of the young woman, and walked out of the wooden house slowly.

"Your Excellency, Mage Avid, how did you sleep last night?"

The bearded Edgar was already waiting outside the cabin, and he greeted Avid when he saw him.

"not bad……"

The magician Avid glanced at the young woman beside him, and felt that he should find an opportunity to ask her if she would like to leave the Ganbu plane and go to the city of Bena with him.

The bearded man deliberately did not look at his fascinated eyes, but asked directly: "Your Excellency, Mage Avid, have you ever thought about joining our rebel army..."

The magician Avid was slightly taken aback, but he had never thought about it.

"Give me some time to think about it!" the magician Avid rolled his eyes and found an excuse to delay.

Avid wanted to ask Suldak what he thought, whether he came out to help them on the spur of the moment, or wanted to help them all the way to the end, he couldn't decide.

The bearded man was a little disappointed when he heard the prevarication words of the magician Avid.

Seeing the disappointment in the bearded man's eyes, Avid pondered for a moment and said, "Well, do you mind if I visit your other camps?"

"Of course!" the bearded man replied.

The magician Avid said to Edgar:

"I like to travel around and do something different, but it doesn't mean I'm going to do something meaningless. For me, I'm pursuing self-worth, yes! That's it .”

"You want me to join you, but I also want to see if you are worthy of my help..."

"I hope to see the real situation of life behind you, not just because I came here to make a show. If that's the case, I'm sorry, I will definitely refuse..."

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