The scales on the wolf's throat immediately blew out a lot of steam, and then the heat was like a dam opening, the space around it became distorted, and the scorching temperature instantly blasted into the goblin camp, and the surrounding rotten plants immediately dehydrated and died.

The goblins were even worse, being caught in the flames and twisted into a ball in pain, and the rest of the goblins collapsed and ran around.

Field remembered the scene when he was a child, pouring hot water on ants.

The fire column swept back and forth in the camp, and the goblins ignited by the flames wailed in pain. More were directly hit and then burned into a pool of black ashes. The rest of the guys were unwilling to wait for death in despair, and fought back with javelins and stones.


The goblin leader led seven or eight diehards, holding spears, and charged at Field.


The goblin in the front fell to the ground without a sound, his intestines and broken organs flowing out of the huge wound in his abdomen, and the arrow that shot him dead sank into the boulder behind him, the tail of the arrow still trembling slightly. Ashina was too lazy to command the giant wolf to attack, she drew her arrow and shot at the goblin quickly.

The charging goblin didn't even have time to consider whether to escape, and they were all shot to death by silver streams of light.

Soon, all the goblins in the camp were killed, the ground was roasted and cracked, and the ground was full of gray ashes.

"These goblins have armor, they definitely didn't make it themselves. I think there are things around that are worth exploring." Field remained focused. Unfortunately, the small map did not mark the supplies. He picked up a piece of rusty iron, "This seems to be something from the royal family, but it's so rotten that no one wants it even if it's scrap metal."

The exquisite and gorgeous chrysanthemum pattern on it vaguely shows that it is a shoulder armor produced by the royal family, which was worn on the goblin's head as a helmet.

Field flicked his fingers on it, and the rust fell all over the ground.

"Well, what am I expecting? These armors have rusted into slag and have no value." Throwing away the garbage with disdain, Field continued to search in the goblin camp.

There is no such thing as antiques in this era.

"My Lord, I guess there are still their nests nearby. There are no cubs in the territory. This is very strange."

"Search carefully. Whether there are treasures is secondary. This group of goblins must be wiped out." Field looked serious. He didn't want to leave a group of monsters that hated him.

If you don't remove the roots, they will grow again in the spring breeze.

Asina tilted her head. She felt that Field was particularly wary of the goblins, who were obviously weak creatures. However, the lord gave the order, and Asina searched carefully around. As they predicted, after a careful search, they found that the goblin cubs were hidden in a cave not far from the territory.

Pulling aside the thorns covering the cave entrance, Field bent down and went in.

The entrance was small, but after getting in, she found that the space was very spacious and full of debris, especially a large pile of armor and weapons, but they were all rotten. The smell of rust and feces and urine filled the space with a pungent smell, but Field could ignore it. Anyway, the smell of decay was not much better.

"Wow wow wow ~"

A bunch of weasel-sized goblins huddled together, all over the ground, at least a hundred of them, if they were not found, they might be able to recover in a month. There are two deformed does imprisoned beside the goblin. Unsurprisingly, these two does are the goblin's biological mothers.

Goblins have no females, so they can only reproduce with other creatures, and they reproduce very quickly.

"Hey? Is it a species that is immune to the death haze?" Field's eyes lit up and he went forward to check the doe, but after seeing a mouth and eyes on the doe's back, he was disappointed, "It turned out to be a corrupted creature, just a non-aggressive type."

Ashina covered her mouth and laughed, "This kind of strange goblin is very rare. The death haze is not immune to it casually."

This is true, otherwise the empire would have recovered the vast northern province long ago.

"Something is wrong, these goblins can already reproduce with corrupted creatures?" Field suddenly thought of this and took a breath of cold air. Corrupted creatures are everywhere. If the goblins catch a large number of female corrupted creatures, it will pose a great threat to the Night Territory.

"That's a problem. We have to be careful of the goblins in the future."

Ashina drew a long knife from her waist. The dragon wolf was too big to squeeze in, so they had to do it themselves.

"Let's do it together, faster." Field picked up a rusty nail hammer from the ground, and like whack-a-mole, he smashed all the little goblins into "two-dimensional" and then hammered the two corrupted deer, sending them all to hell.

After counting the spoils in the cave, Field got a cave full of tattered armor. It was time-consuming and laborious to move them, and they were useless, so they didn't want them. There was a locked ironThe wooden box attracted attention.

"Did you see the key?" Field searched around.

Ashina winked mischievously: "Of course, my lord."

She casually stretched out her slender hand and pulled off the iron lock on the box, along with the corrupt moss attached to it.

Well, you are awesome!

Field took a deep breath and opened the box slowly and cautiously, praying that there was no trigger bomb or treasure chest monster inside.

Fortunately, the boring fantasy did not happen. The first thing that came into view was two flags, an old and faded griffin flag, and another one that Field did not recognize, a strange pattern composed of eyes and hexagrams, like the family flag of a noble. Just like the flag of the Ross family, it is a rose composed of abstract symbols and lines. Field did not want to use that flag because it looked like a gay.

Under the flag, there were vertical sealed thin round wooden cylinders.

Carefully prying open the lid with a knife, Field could see that there was a rolled parchment inside.

Asina's eyes lit up, and her wolf ears stood up: "I feel like I've found something interesting. Is it a royal secret that has been sealed for many years? Or is it a treasure hidden by a noble!"

Field was also very curious. From the old griffin flag and royal armor, it was not difficult to see that this was equipment left over from the royal army. The paper in it must have recorded something interesting.

Carefully pouring out the parchment scroll, Field saw the flame pattern on the scroll and suddenly felt very familiar.

Asina just took a look and narrowed her eyes in frustration: "I feel the magic flowing. I think this is not a treasure map."

Sure enough, after opening it, I found that it was full of incomprehensible symbols.

This is a magic scroll!

"No wonder I feel very familiar. My sister went to the Mage Academy. The magic scroll she brought home to show off was this style." As he said, Field, who had been itching to do it for a long time, aimed at the corpse of the corrupted deer and tore open the scroll.

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