The food for lunch was porridge and heated black bread. This batch of black bread from Maple Leaf City was much better than the previous ones. It was 10 pounds and mixed with a lot of bran, but at least it was not so black as to mix stones, sand and sawdust. The bread was cut into fist-sized pieces for easy distribution.

The slaves smelled the aroma of food and threw away their work without hesitation and rushed towards the carriage.

The guards immediately raised their halberds, blocked the slaves, and shouted loudly, not allowing them to move forward.

"I want to eat! Damn bricks, it's me, you bastard, have you forgotten us after eating eggs for a few days?"

"Yes, we are friends who are locked in the same cage, give me an extra piece of bread!"

Some slaves began to make friends, and more of them were verbally abusive. Some of them were people who were unwilling to fight or lazy in training and were kicked out of the guard team.

They regretted it so much that they couldn't sleep all night. Sometimes when they were asleep, they thought of their former cellmates who were now enjoying a good life, which was more painful than killing him. Every time they wake up, they slap themselves upset: "I'm so damn!" After all, the Guards can eat meat every day, and eat meat in the eyes of slaves, which is the pinnacle of life. Ignoring the climbing of the former prisoners, since they can eat extra meals every day, such as smoking meat and eggs, they have completely become Field's loyalty. "Queue up, please line up in ten rows!" The maid Sparrow shouted with a soft voice. Seeing that everyone ignored her, she angrily put her hands on her hips and said, "Queue up! Otherwise, there will be no food."

"What a beautiful woman, if I can get one night, I will be happy to live fifty years less."

"Shut up, I am a noble lady, be careful to dig out your tongue."

"I know I was wrong!" The guy who said the wrong thing immediately sweated profusely, fearing that he would be dragged out and beheaded by the guards.

Obviously, the maid's clean and beautiful dress made the slaves misunderstand that Sparrow was also a noble. This is also the invisible benefit of being a maid in the castle. The status is always higher than that of ordinary people.

Just like the driver of the leader, when the leader is not there, the driver is the leader.

Fortunately, Sparrow didn't bother with them. If he had changed scissors, he would have used two black breads as bait to let other slaves beat up the guy who said the wrong thing.

In fact, Sparrow really likes to be treated as a noble lady. The feeling of being looked up to is irresistible. She cherishes the task assigned to her by Field and tries her best to do her best.

Soon, the slaves pushed and squeezed, barely lining up in ten rows. A few stronger slaves dragged others and cut in line while cursing. But this illegal behavior was immediately suppressed by the guards. The guards rushed up and punched, knocking down the villains who cut in line. No eggs were wasted, and all turned into fighting power.

"The one who cut in line should be at the end!" Sparrow put her hands on her waist and tried her best to be a little fierce.

The slaves finally became more honest and began to recall the violent scene just now.

"Haha, did you see that just now? Just one punch, God! Those guys are so powerful."

"No wonder they can kill corpses."

"I heard that the baron distributes meat to the guards every day. I also want to join. Then I can beat people at will, haha."

The slaves talked loudly and excitedly. Violence can let slaves release their repressed emotions and become a topic of conversation for several months.

"So scary..." The disheveled girl Bai Yu tightened the dirty hat on her head. This smelly linen hat belonged to another kind old slave, but the grandfather died on the way to the Night Territory. He was caught in the air by the bat demon and torn into pieces. Fortunately, the warm hat can be left. The two sisters will always take turns to wear it and share the few "assets".

Her twin sister Hei Yu has begun to sob softly.

"Be strong and don't look at them. You'll be able to eat soon." Although both of them were 11 years old, the elder sister became stronger earlier. Bai Yu held her younger sister tightly in her arms to prevent her from being kicked down and trampled to death by the crowded slaves.

Fortunately, the sisters were lucky and were ranked relatively high.

"This is the food given by Lord Field. You must work hard for him!" Sparrow kept repeating this sentence. She thought so in her heart. Only the dear Baron would be so generous to share food. Sparrow pouted, "This is the food that Lord Field risked his life to transport.Food. "

Work hard...?

Bai Yu repeated this several times in her mind, and finally sighed. They once had a happy family, their parents worked hard, and they would go to the fields regardless of wind or rain. Their father also had the superb skill of shooting birds with a slingshot. He would take the prey to the castle to sell, and occasionally exchange it for some leftovers that the master didn't want. That time was the happiest time for them, and the delicious leftovers always appeared in their dreams.

Their names also came from the gift of flying birds.

Unfortunately, later their father picked up branches in the forest and planned to make a better slingshot.

The forest was the private property of the nobles, including the animals, berries and even trees in it. Branches cannot be picked up, which is a serious violation of the law.

That evening, their father was hanged for the crime of embezzling noble property.

Their mother was molested several times by the captain of the security team who had long had evil intentions, and finally jumped into the river in a madness.

The two sisters escaped the hands of the captain of the security team by chance, but on the way to begging, they were caught in the Maple Leaf Territory and became slaves. After three days of hunger, they were handed over to a lord named Field. Bai Yu wanted to die several times, maybe that was the only way to be relieved. This world is really rotten, and it is equally desperate everywhere. Bai Yu estimated that the Night Territory is no different from her hometown.

"One person gets a bowl of porridge and two pieces of black bread! Dinner is already included, and no food will be distributed tonight."

Two pieces of black bread are the amount for a day.

It was actually two pieces of bread! Reality immediately broke Bai Yu's memories and despair. She stared with wide eyes and exclaimed in a low voice: "Are you kidding me? Two pieces of bread a day and porridge? Goddess, is this a joke? "

On the way to Nightfall, two pieces of bread a day were for fast travel after a full stomach. But in Nightfall, normally, one piece of bread should be every two days, or every three days.

Why is it more? The lord must have drunk too much and got the order wrong.

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