"Gah, Gah~"

A ferocious-looking crow with sharp claws and fangs like hooks circled around and landed on a corrupted tree. The wriggling tentacles are natural shelters.

The black crow quietly looked at the hundreds of people in front of him, who were busy sorting out their equipment.

"Are there adventurers again? They may be stimulated by the destruction of the Holy Angel City and intend to fight the disaster."

Through the black crow, Field saw the situation in front of him: "They are not in the same group. It seems that they have to act separately."

There are two roads leading to the Northern Province. The Bull Fortress is in his hands, and the Maple Leaf Fortress naturally becomes the focus of surveillance.

"How to deal with them..."

I used to hope that adventurers would come to the Night Territory. After all, they can earn their money and they can clean up the rotten corpses.

But now the Night Territory has eaten them all. The place where they are staying is full of corrupted creatures. It's just the "corrupted area wall" that he deliberately kept to confuse the outside world.

It's difficult to make countermeasures without knowing the reason why they came in.

Field thought about it and threw the magic core in his hand into the animal pen. Three husky-sized "black dogs" immediately jumped out of the straw shed, running and jumping over stupidly, biting and attacking each other for a magic core.

If it weren't for the lizard-like scales on their ears, they would definitely be mistaken for real dogs, not the offspring of dragon wolves.

"Crunch, crunch~" The hard magic core was chewed twice by an alert young wolf, and swallowed.

"Good teeth."

Looking at the three very aggressive little ones in front of him, Field was very satisfied.

"The growth rate is faster than I thought, but it may be too late to participate in the next rebellion campaign." Field rubbed his chin, "We have to find a way to give them more nutrition. The monster flesh has not been bought yet, and there is nothing else to give except the magic core."

"Dragon wolf... Dragon... Oh, I also have the flesh of the black dragon, which is a treasure."

Field slapped his head. This happened too long ago. It was something he got after helping the Dragonborn kill the black dragon during the first rebellion campaign.

Just when he was about to go back to the castle to get it, Field noticed the actions of the adventurers: "Tsk, what should I do with these people?"

"Lord of the Trash, there are stupid scums who ran to the Night Territory. I'm still collecting corpses there."

Opheli also found something unusual and ran to report.

"Great, I just found it too, and you came to report." Field nodded secretly. Although the Corrupted God Chosen were a little naive, they were all very efficient at work. You can rest assured when you give them the work.

"That's it~" Opheli smiled triumphantly, swinging his tail wildly, almost knocking down the animal pen.

"I remember you had human subordinates before, you come to deal with them, whether to kill or capture, you are fully responsible." Field was very curious about how the little fat dragon got human subordinates in the first place, "Don't forget, help me find out the reason why they came in."

"Okay, I was afraid that you would care about your own kind and refuse to do it."

Opheli spread her wings and flew in the direction of the adventurer.

Field's mind moved, and he turned to observe the adventurer.

"Miss, do we have to take this risk? If you need an artifact, tell the Earl. Even if it's a third-level artifact, we'll give it to you."

A maid holding a sword in knight armor looked at her lady with great concern: "It's too dangerous here. Let's go back. It's fun to conquer the maze, and it's full of unknowns."

"No need to say more." The black-dressed lady with blonde hair raised her head arrogantly, "I've made up my mind. I will definitely lead the Moon Blade Adventure Group to find the artifact left here and conquer the Northern Province!"

"Whether there is an artifact in the Night Territory is still a mystery." The maid shook her head.

Mirei held the scroll with her slender fingers and smiled confidently: "Clang clang, this is what I stole from my father's study. It's marked with a treasure left behind. It's in the Morning Territory."

"But... okay." The maid holding the sword was embarrassed.

Mirei drew out her sword, and the ruby ​​in the center of the gemstone shone with a miraculous light: "Let's go, Moon Blade Adventure..."

"Go, go, hunting adventure team, the first goal now is to find a reliable base to put the luggage!"

Edgar stood on the big rock, his heart surging.

"It's so noisy, the lowly people are so rude." Mirei even forgot the lines she wanted to say, and she raised her hair and set off directly.

Less than half an hour after setting off, the ten adventure teams were all dispersed, with no intention of forming a team.

"Oh, they chose the most classic split action. But it seems that they are not rookies. Let me see how the adventure teams in this world fight."

The first time I encountered an adventure teamWhen they were on the run, those rookies were actually defeated by the gray fog goblins.

Field immediately found a hunter adventure group with the worst equipment and followed them.

This adventure team consists of seven people, including warriors, rangers, priests and other professions.

"Brother Edgar, I always feel that something is staring at us." The little loli holding a staff kept looking back.

"Don't worry, Jenna, I'm behind you, I will protect you." A woman holding a halberd and wearing leather armor hurriedly comforted.

"There are rotten corpses approaching."

To Field's surprise, the swordsman Edgar, who looked jumpy before, was extremely calm at this moment. He slowly drew out the long sword behind him and closed his eyes slightly: "About twenty-three."

"Really? Don't joke." The companion next to him questioned.

As soon as the voice fell, a shrill roar came from all around in the gray fog.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

More than 20 corpses rushed out of the gray fog, each with a distorted face and extremely terrifying appearance.

"Be careful, everyone protect the priest and the mage, Jenna, prepare to charge the fireball spell." The team leader is a young man with a very friendly appearance.

"No need, I can handle it alone."

Edgar's mouth drew a confident smile, drew his sword and rushed out, rushing straight towards the corpses.

The corpse's gray pupils stared at Edgar who was rushing towards him, and stretched out his claws as much as possible.

The two figures flashed past each other.


The corpse was directly cut in half, and Edgar seemed to be like a fish in water, rushing into the corpse tide and rushing left and right, and instantly killed more than 20 corpses. Stepping on the last corpse, Edgar looked at his open bloody mouth and sent him back to hell with a sword.

After shaking off the blood on the sword in his hand, the young man coolly put away his weapon: "Rotten corpse, it's nothing more than that."

"Good, so strong!" The adventure team immediately burst into amazement.

"You kid, you are not pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger, right?" The team's shield guard ran up and hugged his neck, "Okay."

"Well done, it seems I didn't make a mistake." The captain smiled with relief.

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