The memorial ceremony was held in the southeast corner of the territory, in a cleared vacant land. Because it was far away from the winery, crops could not be planted there.

Field marked out an area there as a cemetery.

In this military operation against the main building, 26 people died, including 15 slaves, 7 guards, 1 freeman and 3 subhuman cavalry. Most of them died at the hands of Rosaria. The Chosen One dissociated his own artifact, and the power of the explosion was too terrifying.

But war is like this. There is no war without death.

Only the enemy died, that is a fairy tale. As a lord, Field can only take care of the living.

"Thank you, the goddess of light, for collecting the souls of your servants! Thank you, the goddess of light, for letting the souls of your children rest in peace..."

The one who read the eulogy was the freeman Lao Tujue. Because of his age and more experience, he could barely recite the eulogy. Although he stumbled when reading it, his hands were shaking, which showed that he was emotional. Of course, it is more likely that he was simply nervous.

Slaves were cremated, while freemen were buried. Burial was a right only freemen and above could enjoy.

Those who believed in the Holy Light believed in the "Judgment of the Holy Light". After death, people had to lie quietly in the "River of Light" and wait for the Holy Light Goddess to judge their final destination, whether to go to heaven or hell.

This theory was almost universal across the continent. After all, the official belief was the Holy Light Goddess.

In fact, there was no atmosphere of sadness among the people. Most people were numb. They came simply because Field asked them to mourn. In addition, they could enjoy a piece of black bread and be exempted from labor.

Death was nothing strange to everyone, especially slaves.

Tiechui reached out and touched the place in his heart. A gold coin was hidden in it.

"There is really a gold coin! Haha, it's like a dream." Before coming here, Tiechui had never touched a gold coin in his life. Neither his father nor his grandfather had one! If they were alive, they would definitely be jealous!

The beautiful and heavy texture of the gold coin was simply intoxicating. He killed enough corpses to get this gold coin. As long as he gave the gold coin to Field, he could get rid of slavery and live a real "human" life.

Iron Hammer was not interested in listening to the old turtledove. In his opinion, slaves would only be sent to work in dark mines by noble masters, and they would only eat dry bread every two or three days. It was normal for them to die of hunger, cold, illness or monsters. If you have time to feel sad for others, you might as well think about how to get more bread.

For the guards, the only use of the goddess of light is fog lights and purification potions.

"The master is going to give a speech." The comrade nudged Tiechui with his arm, "Don't show off your gold coins."

Ironchui immediately stretched his neck: "Oh! I have to listen to the master's words."

Field didn't speak at length, but Tiechui listened to it all, especially the sentence "They will become heroic spirits, guarding the Night Territory forever, and we will always remember them." This sentence made Tiechui scratch his head and feel indescribable. But he had no culture and couldn't express himself, so he could only get excited for a while.

The most shocking thing was that Field actually gave the deceased something called "pension".

The guards didn't even know there was this money. This was a rule that Field had just made, and it happened to be announced today.

Field cleared his throat: "Freemen will receive a pension of 1 gold coin and 20 silver, and slaves will receive a pension of 20 silver. The pension will be given to relatives. If there are no relatives, it will be confiscated and used to improve the army's food."

When the coins were handed over to the wife of the dead freeman, almost everyone's eyes were straight.

"Is there such a good thing?" Many women whispered, "Wow, such a large sum of money."

Iron Hammer felt many hot eyes staring at him. The guards who were originally looked down upon by others instantly became the favorites of women.

Even some beautiful free people looked at the slave guards with strange eyes.

"Damn it! I'd better give birth to a son as soon as possible, so that my money won't be given away to others."

Almost all the guards thought so.

"Let's disband."

After doing all this, the end of the war was resolved.

Walking on the road, Field sighed. He was a little sad that so many people died in the war. He even remembered the names of many people.

"You have done a good job." Ashina came up and took Field's hand, smiling gently.

Field nodded and cheered up: "It can be better."

"In fact, ordinary people, um~ or slaves, don't need funerals at all. Fighting for you is an obligation." Ashina pondered for a moment and said with a sigh, "You are too kind. Slaves are like weeds on the grassland, everywhere. I have been a slave,I know I have no value, I can't write, and I can't manage. "

"Pfft, don't think so, these can be learned." Field patted Ashina's head and laughed, "It is the people who create history, just like weeds make up the grassland, the nobles and the elites are just... ahem, what are you talking about."

Field wanted to say that the nobles and the elites are just flowers or trees that grow exceptionally well, but they also have to rely on the grassland.

However, this set of ideas is useless now, and the productivity is not up to par. It's just a waste of trouble to say it out.

It's like talking to a primitive man about AI, it's better to give him a peach, as long as I can make the people live a good life.

"This is the Night Territory, it's brand new." Field snapped his fingers, "Of course, the pension is beneficial and has no harm. It has many benefits for me. The most straightforward one is to boost morale and let them have no worries. "

"Good day, Baron. "

Tate came over, with more than 30 slaves and three carriages loaded with chopped wood and two boxes of black bread.

"Good day, Tate, how is the cleaning of the debris outside the main villa going?"

"Almost done, it will be transported about seven times. We have recovered a lot of supplies, so we won't go back to the winery for lunch today." Tate said competently, "And we will also bring wood on the way to build walls and wooden forts."

"Very good, don't get too close to the building, there are still scattered monsters in the house."

The recovery of the main villa is a foregone conclusion. His chosen ones are in a weak state, so there is no need to take risks at this time.

Field looked around. He planned to move to the main villa in the future, and then empty the winery as a dormitory for slaves. The winery is in the center of a large tract of farmland, which can effectively radiate and cultivate all the surrounding farmland.

"Thank you for your concern, I will be careful. "Tate was very busy, so he gave a brief report and left.

"By the way, Ashina, come with me to see Xiao Qingcai."

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