After searching around the cave, the two actually found the Survey Corps' carriages, a total of five.

The horses pulling the carriages were dead, with tentacles and tumors growing all over their bodies. They would soon become corrupted horses, so Field had to finish them off.

In the first two carriages, there were several male corpses lying. When the white cloth was lifted, it was seen that they were covered with tooth marks and torn wounds. Perhaps they were wounded soldiers of the Survey Corps. They were all dead, with eyes wide open, full of unwillingness.

"There are no living people." Rosaria shook her head, then swung her knife to chop off the heads of the corpses to prevent them from turning into corpses.

Field said as a matter of course: "If you can arrange such a thing as the Resentful Spider, you won't make a low-level mistake."

The other three carriages were all good things. Field found armor that was better than the border fortress, ten sets of heavy chain mail. In the absence of gunpowder weapons, the defense ability of chain mail is terrifying. Most weapons cannot cut through it, and blunt weapons will also share most of their power.

The value of ten sets of chain mail is enough to buy a farm.

In addition, there are 17 heavy horse armors, several fine weapons, two boxes of fighting spirit potions, and a box of blood-stained personal belongings, such as jewelry, coins, suicide notes, and family flags.

"There is no doubt that they are out of ammunition and food. Apart from hard weapons and armor, there are no potions or food." Field saw the key at a glance. He only found half a piece of gnawed bacon, which was still hidden in his heart. Field shook his head and said, "Even the wounded who retreated first are in such a predicament. I dare not imagine Miss Shirley's situation."

Eighty percent of them have been defeated, and then they performed the defeat animation with the corrupted creatures.

"After all, there are no supply warehouses or villages along the way for them to plunder, so the knights of the empire cannot get food." Rosaria put one hand on her waist and swung the meteor hammer with her right hand like a propeller. She said playfully, "Even the chosen ones need to eat, of course, except for the invincible me."

Rosaria killed people just to eat.

"You will get my title, the first model worker in the Night Territory." Field was so happy that he gave her the title.

From now on, the dragon wolf that can survive by eating rotten corpses and Rosaria who survives by chopping rotten corpses are both called the first model workers in the Night Territory.

"No!" Rosaria protested loudly, "I will punish you by not kissing my feet for 30 seconds."

Compared with the crazy titles such as "Stunning Dancer" or "Blood Rose", "The First Model Worker in the Night Territory" is simply stupid.

"So, in the future, our army needs to establish a complete logistics system." Field automatically blocked Rosaria's outrageous remarks.

Unlike the Eastern concept of "food and grass go first before troops move", the nobles of the empire did not attach enough importance to logistics, and often resorted to looting to supplement food.

Only the Kingdom of Franvia, under the influence of mercantilism, began to improve military support. But the mainstream of the continent is still willing to take from the enemy.

Rosaria tied up several carriages with chains, dragged them all back to the territory, and then wrapped her jewelry and hid it in a place only she knew.

"She is a hoarder, so fond of hiding things." Field complained and returned to the winery first.

Just after commanding the slaves to store the spoils, Field hadn't even sat in the chair.

"My lord, Tate wants to see you." Waguan was holding a rag in his hand, and he was cleaning the entire winery.

"Let him in."

As soon as Tate came in, he talked about work without saying a word: "My lord, I found that the slave group has serious internal fighting problems."

Slaves are already at the bottom, can they still fight each other?

Field sat up straight, raised his head and said, "Go on."

"It's like this. Strong slaves will rely on their physical strength and combat power to privately divide the territory and population, form gangs, and fight each other, such as secretly pulling out the crops planted by opponents."

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, even slaves are no exception.

"And within the gang, there will be superiors and subordinates. Strong slaves will not only work less, but also leave the work to the weak, and use force to rob the weak of food and money."

"Hu~" Field exhaled a foul breath, with a bad tone, "So a large amount of materials will gather towards those who don't work, and the more people work, the less they get. My food is constantly fattening up lazy guys, while those who work hard can only struggle in hunger."

"Yes, your analysis is very accurate." Tate was indignant. He hated termites the most. "We need to pull those guys out and hang them."

Ah, this, you seem a bit extreme.

After the war, the Night Territory had a total population of 427 people, and they couldn't afford to lose any more.

Killing was simply not an option.Completely solve the problem, and it will also reduce the population and happiness of the territory. No one wants to live in a territory where they can be hanged at any time.

"Hang one group and there will be another. It is the instinct of living things to gather resources. It cannot be blamed on individuals. Don't expect everyone to be a saint, Tate, otherwise why manage."

Field was very rational. His fingers tapped lightly on the table. "Tate, I selected 30 people yesterday for training as new recruits. You let them help suppress and punish gang members and temporarily serve as the security team."

Turning his head to look at Kao who was joining in the fun, Field said: "In addition, Kao, you take an hour every night to teach soldiers and security teams. Just teach a few of the most commonly used words and numbers."

"Ah? Why teach them to write? Once they go to the battlefield, they will die at any time." Kao looked reluctant, "and they are all stupid and can't learn."

"Just do what I say." Field waved his hand.

Kao looked reluctant: "Ah? I..."

"I heard that someone spread rumors that I peeped at female slaves going to the toilet."

Field took a sip of tea slowly.

"Oh! I don't know which damn bastard said such an outrageous thing. The goddess will definitely make his mouth rot!" Kao was so scared that he was sweating all over, and his legs were shaking like noodles. "I will definitely teach the soldiers to write. I will definitely. The lord gave me not trouble, but honor. I will cherish it."

"Very good, go." Field put down the teacup.

Kao rolled and crawled away.

Tate looked puzzled and stood up and said, "My lord, I'm going to work too."

"Don't worry, I plan to plan a new way of working, subdividing the work into individuals. For example, a slave will be given five copper coins after he cultivates one acre of land, and three copper coins after he deals with the corruption of a piece of land, instead of working together in a mess and getting wages together."

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