With gray hair and the surname Marius, Alison is a survivor of the Purple Gold Empire. However, she moved to the Holy Griffin Empire with her family before the empire was destroyed.

The last capital of the besieged Purple Gold Empire also received news of its fall a week ago.

The City of World Desire, the Purple Gold Royal City, completely fell into the hands of the pagans, and the emperor and the Chosen Ones were all killed or humiliated. Then there was a massacre of the residents. Fortunately, the pagan emperor had good character and pardoned half of the residents.

Therefore, refugees from the Purple Gold Empire could pour into the Griffin Empire.

Adrian was silent for a moment: "I will accept wealthy merchants. If there are Chosen Ones, mages or fighting knights, I can also provide help."

"But the one who really needs help is..."

Alison wanted to continue talking, but was stopped by Adrian.

"You don't think I'm in a good situation now, do you? I don't have the final say in Fulan City alone. Most of the power is controlled by my father, and he has arranged officials to supervise it. It's really damn it. Of course, even if there are supplies, I won't give them to the refugees. They are useless except for shitting."

"Well, I know." Alison lowered her head aggrievedly and accepted this answer helplessly.

Adrian didn't want to say more, looking in another direction: "Has the murderer of Kuchi's death been found? Is it that bastard Gareth? He seems to have evaporated from the face of the earth, disappearing without a trace."

"No clue at all. We have found no survivors or witnesses. Baron Simon also wrote to you to express his condolences." Adrian's consultant stepped forward to answer. The consultant hesitated for a moment and then said, "There is another thing. Baron Simon mentioned your brother, Baron Field. Not only is he not dead, he also earned a lot of money from Simon."

"Do you think I don't know?" Adrian began to lose control of himself again, his body trembling slightly, "How could he not be dead? He must not have gone to the Northern Province. Yes, he must not have gone. The cowardly loser has violated the laws of the empire and is simply a disgrace to the family."

"But... he brought out the monster's head and fine wine from the death haze. Moreover, Maple Leaf wants The garrison of Se also confirmed his entry into the northern province. "

Adrian was so angry that he almost flipped the table: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Now, Alison, go to Maple Leaf Territory and kill Field! I will never allow my property to be divided by trash." Adrian slammed the table and said angrily, "Also, kill Simon too, all my goods are gone, on his land! It must be him, it can't be my useless brother!"

"Sending the Chosen Ones to other noble lands and murdering nobles is equivalent to declaring war. We are not the opponent of Maple Leaf Territory." The consultant said calmly, "Sending the army to go is also not okay, it is also an act of declaring war. In addition, you don't want to be called a 'brother killer', right?"

The reputation of the nobles is greater than the sky. They can oppress the lower class at will, be kicked to death by war horses, or drowned in the toilet, but if they harm their relatives, they will be nailed to the pillar of shame and will never have friends again.

"That's it..."

Before Adrian spoke, hurried footsteps came from outside.

"Sir! The untouchables of Itaven Province were instigated by the cultists and rebelled directly!"

The messenger crawled in and handed over the letter. These words made everyone present gasp.

The Shadow World Cult launched a rebellion in the rich city of Nogaisk in Itaven Province. The border viscount Lucius and his family were killed and sacrificed by the cultists. Several barons around were also caught off guard. Three were killed and one escaped with the help of the Chosen One.

A retainer widened his eyes: "This... This is not a rebellion of the untouchables. The untouchables can't beat fully armed soldiers, let alone the Chosen One."

A weaker baron can easily deal with several times more peasants or slaves by pulling out five knights, a hundred fully armed soldiers, and five or six hundred conscripted serfs.

Not to mention the viscount who has the Chosen One and the fortress castle.

"Yes, so the royal family has noticed that this is a conspiracy. The fall of the Purple Gold Empire has made the dark forces ready to move."

The governor of Itaven Province was furious and asked the nobles in the province to suppress the rebellion immediately. The imperial family also asked the surrounding provinces to help.

As a neighbor of Itaven Province, Fulan City will inevitably be affected.

Everyone fell into deep thought.

In the Northern Province, Field was very busy.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang~"

A large gray stone, even with exquisite patterns carved on it, depicting philosophical discussions about the starry sky and humanities, but it was thrown on the ground casually, and then the dragon wolf slapped it and smashed the stone.Break it into pieces. The slaves took the small stones and broke them into smaller pieces, laying them flat on the compacted roadbed to build the gravel road.

After a week of construction, the road took shape.

Without theodolite distance measurement, the road would inevitably be uneven, and the materials would be unevenly laid, which would affect the service life.

But Field was already very satisfied. This road was temporary and would be replaced by better materials in the future, such as cement or magic materials.

The raw materials from the quarry and the lumberyard were also continuously transported into the territory. The poor quality scraps were bought by the slaves to build sheds. That's right, they were bought back.

Field built something that could barely be called a "market" at the entrance of the winery, selling some obsolete things. For example, wood waste, one copper coin could buy a large bundle, which could be bought back to make fire or build sheds.

The profit of the market was almost zero, and Field did not expect them to buy much. This market was just a simple expression of Field's domestic political direction. Tell the people that their coins will be spent sooner or later.

Because of this behavior, the enthusiasm of the free people has risen. They are willing to work for Field to earn money, transport stone to the quarry, or join other work.

"After the first batch of grain is harvested, the food supply can be cancelled." Field looked at the disappearing grain, his heart bleeding, "Let the free people be responsible for their own profits and losses in the future, or use money to buy food."

The food of the entire territory is supplied by Field, including the free people, after all, they can't starve to death.

"My lord, my lord! The first batch of happy beans is out of the pot!" Ashina ran over and cheered happily, "I made a lot, and it tastes sweet."

"Don't eat that thing as candy!" Field was speechless. Ashina was too greedy. "How is the experiment?"

Ashina blushed: "This khal is responsible, I don't know."

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