"Sir, all the goods have been packed. Last night's 'support supplies', including seven cattle, twenty sheep, a pack horse, and various other things, have all been recorded in your account book and packed."

The butler Karim was wearing a decent cloth shirt, but his expression was very depressed. No one would be happy to enter the north. They stood on the city wall and looked out, except for the gray fog connected to the sky, there was still only gray fog.

It's not that he didn't think about escaping, but Field didn't give him any chance.

The Bobcats and other slave soldiers, corrupted by money, have completely become Field's die-hard loyalists. Cam can guarantee that as soon as he runs away, he will be killed by those damn lackeys, and then Field will reward them with a silver coin.

Damn lackey, he corrupted his soul just for money, even his life was taken away from him, the housekeeper cursed in his heart.

Slaves are like this, as long as you give them a little hope and preferential treatment, they dare to sacrifice their lives.

"By the way, sir." Kao hesitated again and again, glanced at Asuna several times, and couldn't help but ask, "That slave, I'm sorry, I mean Miss Asuna, she is really the chosen one, isn't she lying to us? Can you show me a miracle?"

In order to encourage people, Field gathered everyone last night and announced the news of the Chosen One.

"Do I still want to prove to you? How about you come to explore and I will be your housekeeper? I just don't know if you can survive the empire's siege." Field stopped Asuna's idea of ​​summoning the giant wolf and snorted coldly. With a cry, he frowned and stared at the butler. This unfaithful butler kept saying depressing words throughout the whole process. If it weren't for the fact that he was the only one who could read and write, Field would have wanted to make him a horse driver.

Time to give him a whack.

Kaa felt the pressure, and cold sweat immediately fell from his forehead. He said "uh" and did not dare to speak.

His master was completely different from before. Perhaps the family put too much pressure on him? That should be the case. After all, he did not want to enter the cursed land, and the pampered nobles certainly did not want to. Kaa's mind was in a mess. .

"No objection, then let's go!"

Field lit the fog lamp. The price of a lamp was twenty-five gold coins, and every minute it burned was throwing money into the fire.

Gritting his teeth, Field stepped into the Northern Province, and all the sounds or breaths of living creatures around him suddenly disappeared. Instead, there was only terrifying silence. Looking up, Field saw the gray mist of death shrouding the surroundings, the eerie silence, and even the sun could not be seen. If you stay for a long time, you will have the illusion of being in the deep sea. Even Field will feel nervous and scared, let alone the slaves.

If it weren't for the fact that they would be corrupted if they left the fog-repelling lamp, and Field announced the news of the Chosen One to everyone, they would have lost their minds at this moment, crashed into the gray fog, and then been corrupted into monsters.

There are red and black wriggling "tentacles" on the ground. They are corrupted plants. They have no attack power, but they will wrap around the wheels.

"It's really like Silent Hill." Field forced himself to stay calm and walked in front of the team, letting them see him, guiding everyone forward, and giving them courage.

After all, the nobles who care about their lives are here, so what reason do they have to run away?

"Quack quack..."


Various strange cries kept coming from the gray fog. The fog lights illuminated a distance of more than a hundred steps ahead, and the roars came from farther away. No one felt safe at all.

There are dilapidated ruins everywhere, and there are shriveled heads with corroded iron spears stuck on the ground. Field even saw the faded griffon flag. The empire sent many pioneering legions, but unfortunately they all died, and they became "locals" very well. ".


Field swallowed.

"Sir, get behind me." Ashina's scarlet eyes looked to the right ahead with vigilance, "There is a monster approaching."

Soon, a rotting corpse with half of its face staggered into Field's sight.


Ashina opened her bow and fired an arrow, drawing a silver stream of light in the air.

The head of the rotten corpse exploded like a watermelon, and the corpse rolled twice on the ground and stopped moving.

"Be careful! More monsters are coming!" A large skull symbol appeared on Field's mini-map. Now that he was discovered, Field did not bother to lower his voice, "Surround the wooden wheeled carts as before. Wall, crossbowman shoots arrows!"

At Kashan Fortress, Field obtained eighty crossbows and one hundred imperial bows. Unfortunately, there were only two or three slaves who could shoot arrows. Fortunately, the crossbows were very useful, so he armed twenty crossbowmen.

The strange screams became more and more rampant, and accompanied by the sound of dense footsteps, the black corpses crowded in, exposed to everyone's sight. Field had the help of a small map and knew the location of nearby monsters, but the density was too high and they were still forced to engage with the enemy.

"Damn it, let go of the arrows!" No need for Field to say more, the slaves had already shot the trembling crossbow arrows.

"Whoosh~" The rotten corpses in the front row seemed to have hit an invisible wall, and seven or eight of them fell immediately.

Asuna put away her bow and arrows, summoned a giant wolf and crushed it. Although she was only a first-level God's Chosen, the combat power of the God's Chosen was already higher than that of mortals.

The long knife in her hand flew up and down like a butterfly, and corpses fell under her knife.

Either her head was decapitated by a long knife, or she was beaten to death by the claws of a dragon wolf. Asuna rushed into the dense place of corpses, and immediately caused the dragon wolf to spin and spit fire, like a hurricane of fire, and all the rotting corpses were around it. Burnt to ashes.

"Actually, he is really the Chosen One?" Kaa rubbed his eyes with a look of disbelief on his face.

Ashina shared a lot of pressure, but the tense atmosphere did not slow down at all. Affected by the field of vision of the gray fog, the corpses constantly pouring out of the gray fog caused great psychological pressure on everyone.

"Kill!" The lynx shouted, trying its best to stab the carrion in its hand with the halberd in its hand.

Three or four halberds were smashed into the chest of the corpse together, and then they were picked up. The corpse was thrown to the ground like a rag bag. More corpse monsters collided with the slave guards where the lynx was, and the fists and claws of the corpse fell like raindrops. The guards' shields and armor made a clanking sound like iron.

"Huh? What flew over?"

Field noticed a fast-moving skull mark on the map, which was already above him. Without hesitation, Field immediately turned over and dismounted. He was the only one in the team standing high, which was too dangerous.

Just as he stood firm, before Field could look up, he felt a strong gust of wind.

"Watch the top of your head!"

Field immediately lowered his body, drew out his sword and stabbed it upward. With just a quick glance, Field saw a Batgirl.

She has no hair or eyebrows and an ugly face. In addition to her body having female characteristics, her hands are like bat wings and her legs are like sharp hooks.

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