Field was in despair when he saw the messy scene in the wine cellar.

Fortunately, there is always a path, so Field only searched a few places and found the unopened wine barrel.

"Dong dong~"

He tapped the barrel lightly, and a low muffled sound came from inside. Field's heart beat two beats faster, and joy immediately appeared on his brows. However, he was worried that his happiness was in vain, so he pretended to be calm: "Open this barrel, hoping that it will be full of wine." For wine, not for tentacles.”

Gray fog will only corrupt animals and plants, and dead objects will generally not turn into monsters, provided that the wine is properly sealed.

The guard laboriously pried open the wine barrel, and with a "bang" sound, the mellow aroma of wine filled the air.

In a winery full of rancid odors and monsters, but smelling the aroma of top-notch wine, this weird experience is comparable to looking for shrimp in the toilet.

"This is it! The black pearl wine that has been out of print in the empire." Field was excited. He waved his fist excitedly and ordered to the wine-hungry guards beside him, "Call my butler Kao and count the drinking barrels here. number."

Seeing that Field was immersed in joy, Asheina cautiously advised: "Lord, even if it is fine wine, you should drink it in moderation."

Many lords were ruined by alcoholism and spent their days in the land of bars and fireworks.

"Don't worry, Asuna, I don't want to drink these wines."

Field prefers iced tea or cola to wine.

"These fine wines that have been out of print for ten years are all liquid gold. As long as they are shipped to the capital of the empire, no, as long as they are sent to any nearby city, they will immediately bring us a huge amount of gold coin income."

As for the specific value, it depends on how much wine there is.

But Field can be sure that those dignitaries will definitely spend their lives for famous wines.

"Oh~" Asheina put her slender fingers on her lips, looking thoughtful, "Since the black pearl wine is so precious, we can also make wine. Anyway, we have the Starry Night Winery in our hands."

"You are right, but that is something that will only be considered if safety is ensured."

After handing over the wine cellar to Kao, Field finally had time to examine his territory.

Centered around the winery, which is about the size of a primary school playground, this circle is occupied by Field.

As long as there is no gray fog and people can carry out activities on it, it is considered a real territory. As for what is on the territory, it doesn't matter now, because they are all corrupted plants and creatures, and they must be eradicated before they can be considered.

"Now, the challenge officially begins."

Field walked around the outermost edge of the road. The corrupted creatures in the field ridges were reduced a lot due to the cleaning up by the local people, and they finally looked a bit human.

The citizens pushed together the deformed corrupted creatures. These monsters had no fighting ability, but their existence was pollution. The broken wood cleared out from the big winery can be used as waste, thrown into the pile of monsters and set on fire.

The cat-like screams kept ringing, and along with the sizzling sound, a large cloud of gray smoke poured out of the monster's body.

"Oh my God, by the grace of Valkyrie, these devil's minions have finally been eliminated."

The maid slapped her chest and shouted in an exaggerated tone.

The female slaves working there cast envious glances.

Being able to go in and out of the castle, eat the leftovers of the nobles, and have luxurious rest time is enough to make slaves jealous.

"Scissors, I need you to do something."

Field had finished visiting the territory, and before issuing a new decree, he planned to meet his servants.

"Sir, you said..."

The smile of the maid Scissors immediately faded, like a frightened Grasshopper, even her loud voice stopped. Although Field has always acted cowardly and stupid before, he is still a person that the common people look up to.

Field has been busy developing things these two days and has neglected many things. He now realizes that there is a huge class gap in the world.

Remember the funny thing that happened to Field’s cheap dad.

The hostile nobles planned to surprise the family's caravan, but a peasant happened to stumble upon the nobles' ambush location. So the peasant immediately came to the castle and told the earl about the enemy's plot. The earl then used the plan to kill the enemy and returned home defeated. .

Logically speaking, the peasant should have received a monetary reward, but after the count came back from victory, he hanged the peasant in public.

The reason is: the disgusting excrement and mud stained by the farmers' lowly shoes left lowly footprints on the earl's carpet.

In the eyes of the nobles, the subjects are like a piece of shit, and the slaves are even worse than shit.

Field is not a saint. He will not overthrow himself, nor will he become completely localized and become a complete feudal aristocrat.

"Just let my subjects live a good life." Field thought to himself, "Of course, it must be obedient subjects."

"Scissors, call all the people who serve me here. I have something to say."

"Yes, sir." Scissors immediately picked up his apron and started trotting.

The butler was the first to arrive. After all, he had the highest status among the servants, so it was natural for Scissors to notify him first.

"Sir, the number of wine barrels has not been counted yet. It will take at least two days." Kao, the butler, ran over panting. He looked very thin, with not even a few ounces of meat on his thighs. It seemed that his life was very difficult.

But his salary is the highest in the entire territory, with 5 silver coins and 50 copper coins a month. At the same time, all matters such as purchasing and accounting will be left to him. As long as he puts some thought into it, his income can be doubled several times.

Under normal circumstances, 1 copper coin from the empire can buy a piece of black bread, that is, rye bran bread, which even has sawdust and bark in it. Unlike the bread that modern people imagine, black bread is as hard as a stone and can break teeth if chewed hard. The correct way to eat it is to soak it in hot soup until it becomes soft, and then eat it with coarse salt grains full of impurities.

The taste is neither wheaty nor sweet, only salty and bitter.

But even with such junk food, many people may not be able to earn two loaves of bread for a day's work, and in the end they can only become slaves.

The daily salary of maids, male servants and cooks is 15 copper coins, which is 4 silver coins and 50 copper coins a month.

Not long after, Field saw his servants, two maids, a male servant and a chef.

In modern society, having two or three servants is a very cool thing, but in the Middle Ages, Field could only be regarded as a poor nobleman. His sister, the woman who sent the cavalry to try to kill him, was only a male servant. There are twenty people, responsible for cutting vegetables, mincing meat, leading horses and even manicuring nails.

Field's alert eyes swept over everyone, and they all lowered their heads to avoid eye contact with the lord, which was rude behavior.

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