Lord: I Am Raising A Girl In The World Of Pain

Chapter 47 From Farmland To Kitchen, Comprehensive Transformation

Just now I was thinking about how clean Baron Field was, but it turned out that the purpose of collecting feces was to pour filth on the food!

Too aristocratic! Too luxurious!

"Covering dirty unclean things on the gifts of the Harvest Goddess? This is blasphemy, and you will suffer terrible divine punishments, such as locust plagues and droughts. Sir, you must be kidding." The old turtle dove blushed and rambled on. A lot of experience in farming, "We are professionals in farming. I have been farming all my life, how could I not understand."

Field would not argue with the old-fashioned man, but waved his hand: "Maybe you are right, but I want the land farmed by slaves to follow my requirements. This is an order."

"My lord, only magical creations and God's chosen ones can affect food production." Faced with such a major issue as food, Kaa did not dare to let Field do whatever he wanted. "As long as you keep praying, God will answer you."

Yes, it’s God again, Field rubbed his brows.

The existence of the Chosen One and magic is indeed a treasure of this world, but it also has a great inhibitory effect on production and technology. The most common thing is that the work is not serious and the subjective initiative is greatly reduced. If you cannot grow food, live in poverty, or fall while walking, you will blame yourself for being ungrateful, and then give money to the church and wait for a miracle to come.

"I know that magic and the Chosen One can affect production, but the Night Territory cannot. We need to find other ways out."

Ashina is purely military and does not help with production.

"This is my order, compost, and then water it into the field. In addition, when planting radishes and cabbage, follow the ridge farming method. When planting wheat, you need to loosen the soil twice and try to keep the land as flat as possible." Ridge farming system It has the advantages of increased ventilation, fertile land, loose soil, etc., but Field did not explain it. He was used to dealing with these old-fashioned people. "This is my decree. The fields planted by slaves must be exactly according to my requirements. You must plant them according to my requirements." 's randomness.”

There were only a dozen or so freedmen, and they couldn't plant more than a few acres, so they were just used as a reference.

"As you wish." Although Old Turtle Dove was reluctant, the land belonged to the nobles, and Field also left some room to allow them to plant farmland without fertilizing.

Before Field traveled, he spent a period of his childhood in his hometown in the countryside, and he still knew basic agricultural knowledge. Of course, even if the knowledge does not apply to today's farmland, it will only be a very small loss. Anyway, nothing can be grown on the land in the Night Territory.

Then, Field personally guided several slaves to dig out a decent ridge, and then left with satisfaction.

"Will it be full of wheat and vegetables next night?" Ashina looked back with interest.

"Hopefully, but it will definitely not be enough for everyone, and we will have to rely on imports by then."

"It would be great if meat could be grown." Wiping the saliva from the corner of her mouth, Ashina was more interested in meat, "Meat is the most delicious."

As a carnivore, Field nodded in agreement: "That's true, but vegetables can also be delicious, but my chef hasn't tried it, or in other words, the meat he makes is mediocre."

The current cooking methods are extremely hellish, such as stewing fish heads in butter, boiling cabbage for half a day to make cabbage paste, stewing meat and fruits together, and making jelly made of fish jelly, mutton fat and animal offal, disgusting Extremely.

Field's chef did the same thing. Although Field asked the chef more than once not to skewer oranges when grilling meat, the devil chef firmly believed that this would be delicious.

"Really or not? I think the barbecue nowadays is very delicious." Asheina tilted her head, "Also, can vegetables also become delicious?"

"Of course, I happen to be free today, so I have to let you experience the real delicacy." Field glanced over and saw Tate starting to work in the new slave camp. "It just so happened that my consultant had already started working, giving him a chance to prove himself. , let’s go to the kitchen first.”

Previously busy defending the territory and clearing away corruption, Field didn't bother with the chef. Today he went to the kitchen in person to prevent him from making weird food again.

The current kitchen follows the existing kitchen of the large winery and is very spacious.

But Field walked in and immediately felt shabby.

Different from the Chinese kitchen, there is no stove here, but a camping pot built with a tripod and a soup pot. You have to be careful not to knock it over when cooking. There was a large amount of bacon hanging on the wall, various vegetables piled on the floor, and a tree stump in the corner with an ax stuck on it, which was a tool for chopping bones.

The other is the grill, which has already been pierced with steaks and two apples. The chef calls for a dinner plate. This guy has a special liking for "refining" fruits because this is a technique he is proud of. However, he could pickle fruits and make fruit pies, which was barely acceptable to Field.

The dinner plate had a round belly. As the fattest man in the territory, he was envied by all slaves and free people. He smiled honestly and said: "Hoho, sir, I will make apple barbecue steak, Brussels sprout soup and oranges for noon today." Stewed marinated ham with almonds, I also added chili pepper as a seasoning.”

Dead, thank you.

When Field heard "oranges, almonds stewed with cured ham, and peppers added", he couldn't hold back anymore and was so angry that he almost had a cerebral hemorrhage.

The chef also made this kind of food last time. Field took a bite and drank five cups of black tea to rinse his mouth. Without hesitation, Field rewarded all the dishes to the servants. What was even more bizarre was that everyone praised the delicious food.

The truth is that I have never had a few bites of good pork, and I treat swill as a state banquet.

"With the orange and almond stewed cured ham removed, I want to create a new dish called griddle beef. Prepare some beef tenderloin, onions, radishes, mushrooms and peppers." Field directed.

"What is a dry pot..."

Seeing the chef grunting with a suspicious expression on his face, Field had no choice but to repeat in a more serious tone. No one likes to be questioned in the professional field, and Field understood that, but in order not to be poisoned by dark cuisine in the future, Field directly used a commanding tone.

He wanted to show it with his own hands, but if the nobleman cooked with his own hands, the chef would hang himself in shame that night.

"Don't add water directly to the pot, plate, this cooking method is brand new, listen to me, wash the ingredients first, cut them and set aside, then pour some oil into the hot pot, this step is called hot oil, and then... .”

On the other side, the maid Sparrow, under the protection of five guards, was preparing to prepare meals for the slaves. The main people who prepared the meals were ten free people. Sparrow was responsible for supervision, as well as showing her face to give her a sense of presence.

Slaves must know who is feeding them.

The food for lunch was barley porridge and black bread. The quality of this batch of black bread from Maple Leaf City was much better than that bought from Golden Eagle City.

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