Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 108: Knight Ethan also dies

When the rear guard heard that Knight Commander Eranda was personally pursuing them, their faces all turned pale.

However, even so, they continued to do their work silently.

Others were worried, but Embiid had no expression on his face.

He knew very well that at this time, he must not show any timid expression, otherwise it would only increase the psychological burden on his men.

He smiled and patted the scout's shoulder: "How far are we from us?"

"The nearest advance cavalry is about five miles away from us!"

"How many people?"

"I can only see the front team of fifteen people, and the main force is not clear.

However, they are marching in four columns, so it is estimated that there are no less than 400 people.

I also saw the heavy cavalry. Although it has not been equipped, the armored bracket has been mounted and can be equipped at any time."

Embiid couldn't help twitching when he heard the heavy cavalry.

He really thinks highly of himself. He uses heavy cavalry to pursue. Obviously, he guessed that there might be a rear guard, so he let the heavy cavalry follow for a while to open the way. This is the rhythm of killing them all.

"How many heavy cavalry?"

"I can't see clearly! However, the minimum configuration of the knight escort is one person and two horses, holding long shields, and two teams, so the number of people will not exceed 20."

After hearing this, Embiid was already desperate.

Without thinking too much, he also knew that next, when he met himself who was cut off, it must be the long-shielded knight escort holding the shield to clear the road first.

Then the heavy cavalry charged, and the light cavalry followed, leaving the battlefield to continue the pursuit.

The infantry that followed stayed to clean up.

It was obviously such a simple tactic, but his own crossbow team had no power to fight back.

And all the family members, none of them could escape.

The other party could have ridden lightly, but they didn't use the extraordinary knights, but used such a regular and impeccable fighting style.

It is obvious that not only do they want to do their best, but they also don't want to hurt anyone.

At this time, Embiid's eyes were red, and he was almost crazy, but he suppressed his fear: "Go and investigate again, and report the situation of the other party at all times."


The spy received the order and was about to leave.

Embiid grabbed his shoulder again: "Wait!"

"Sir, any other orders?"

"Idiot, call me uncle!" Embiid patted the spy's head.

The young spy touched his head and muttered: "You don't want me to call you uncle when we are marching!"

Embid put his head close to the spy, gently stroked his hair, and said earnestly: "Dolan, be careful!

Just keep an eye on them from a distance, I will arrange a retreat now to drag down their heavy cavalry.

When their heavy cavalry falls behind, you will come back quickly.

Do you understand?"

"Okay, uncle!" The spy named Dolan nodded, then rode on his horse and ran back the way he came.

Embid decisively gave up this blocking point and called everyone to retreat.

"Everyone, quickly line up and evacuate.

Anka, the caltrops should not be laid out yet!"

"Not so fast, there are still a lot left!"

Embid immediately stopped: "Don't lay them out, keep them! Sprinkle them as you go.

Don't lay them out on a large scale, and don't block the road, just throw two or three randomly.

Our target is those light cavalry, as long as we delay a little longer, we can drag down the heavy cavalry behind.

They want to pass through us safely, but we have to peel off a layer of skin from them.

By the way, make a good mark, mark it in our own way, don't let Dolan step on it."


Embid gave the order, and the team of more than 30 people quickly assembled and retreated, and laid caltrops as instructed.

And Embiid's arrangement did work.

When the pursuers' first cavalry encounter a large-scale trap, it is not easy to fall into it because it is more obvious.

As long as you leave a mark and then dismount and pass, it won't take much time.

But it is different for small batches of hidden nails. When the pursuers are running at high speed, if the horses suddenly step on a hidden nail, they will definitely fall over, causing fractures at the least and death at the worst.

Although only one unit is injured and cannot stop the entire team, it will make others nervous, thus reducing the running speed, which greatly delays the pursuit time.

For the cavalry, the original distance of 5 miles is only ten minutes if they pursue at full speed.

But they stopped and started all the way and chased for nearly two hours.

The most painful ones are the heavy cavalry. Although they are not wearing armor, the horses have been equipped with support frames in advance in order to be able to fight at any time.

For heavy cavalry to go to the battlefield, it is not as simple as simply wearing armor for personnel and horses.

Especially for horses, if there is no frame support connected to the body, not only will the armor fall off due to intense exercise, but it will also inevitably hurt the joints and skin of the horse.

Therefore, before the battle, the bracket will be installed in advance.

But this bracket is not only heavy, but also affects the flexibility of the horse's joints.

In a short period of time, there may be no feeling, but if it lasts a little longer, the horses can't stand it.

The knight leader Eranda, who was chasing behind, also discovered this situation, so he took the initiative to give up the heavy cavalry and ordered them to rest on the spot, while the light cavalry and infantry continued to pursue.

Because the light cavalry is slower, it is faster than the wagon team.

Therefore, after a long time of fighting, the two parties were less than a mile apart, and they could vaguely see each other.

The first cavalry chasing behind did not rush forward after seeing Embiid and his party.

Instead, they kept a distance and waited for most of the light cavalry to come up.

Since they were not far away, most of the light cavalry soon joined the first cavalry.

And while they were moving slowly, they began to adjust the queue and interval, preparing to launch a charge.

At this time, the spy named Dolan also ran back to the queue and reported the news that the heavy cavalry had left the team.

Embiid knew that the time to accept the punishment of fate had come, but at this time, the surrounding terrain was not good.

It was estimated that he could not stop the opponent's charge.

When he gave up that geographical advantage, he had expected this.

But he had no choice. Compared with encountering heavy cavalry, other places, no matter how bad, could replace some of the opponent's people.

Others also realized that the time to fight had come, and they all silently strung the crossbows and waited for Embiid's order.

Just when Embiid was about to give the order and fight to the death.


Accompanied by an eagle's cry, a straight line of lightning streaked through the night sky like a meteor.

Then, without hesitation, it fell from the air and smashed into the charging group that was lining up.

Countless electric lights exploded in the herd of horses like fireworks.



"Stop the horses...ah"

"Sir, it's a mess..."


The assembled team was in chaos, with people and horses falling down, horses squeezing each other, people stepping on each other, and it was a mess.

Countless knights fell off their horses and were trampled by other horses, screaming one after another.

Some people died on the spot because their heads and other vital parts were trampled.


Embid, who saw this scene, was a little stunned. He didn't know whether to stay to stop or continue to retreat.

At this time, Sarah woke him up: "Knight Embiid, let's continue on our way, leave this to the extraordinary eagle!"

"Is that lightning an eagle?" Embiid asked curiously: "Who did you send?"

"It was Knight Ethan who came down in person!"

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