Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 113: Refugees and Slaves

Angelina knew she was not good at financial management and was worried that she would not be able to do it.

But Ethan said it was only temporary, so she agreed.

Seeing the development of the territory, she believed that it would not take long before a professional would take over, and she was full of confidence in the development of the territory.

"Ethan, do you remember when you got engaged, you said you would slap those old men in the face?"

"Of course I remember! What's the problem?" Ethan didn't know why Angelina suddenly brought up this matter.

Angelina hugged Ethan's neck: "No problem, just a little emotional.

When I first saw the situation in the territory, I didn't have any hope for it.

But now, we have built so many houses in the territory without spending a penny, and also built an industry that can support thousands of people.

From being penniless, it has developed into what it is today in a blink of an eye.

I believe that in the future, there will be more and more people here, and finally develop into a big city.

When we go back, those old men's faces will swell up by themselves.

Ethan, you are really my pride!"

"Haha!" Ethan laughed: "It's probably a bit difficult to develop into a city.

However, after the spring, we will immediately have our own armed forces.

As for the basic configuration of the territory In other words, we only need administrative staff and residents.

This is a problem, but it is not a big problem.

As long as our fishing industry can continue to develop, coupled with our coffee business with Saberi, these can provide a steady stream of funds.

If everything goes well, we can continue to expand.

Perhaps, one day, it is possible to develop into a city.

Of course, to develop into a real city, many problems must be solved.

For example, population problems, territory area problems, industry problems, and overall planning problems.

The most important of these is the industry problem.

A fishing industry alone cannot support so many people. "

Angelina is rarely interested in these serious matters, but she is excited when she thinks that this place can develop into a city.

By then, she will be the hostess of the city.

"Shouldn't the most important thing be population? How can we develop without people?"

"Well..." Ethan thought for a while: "You are right."

Angelina was even more excited when she saw that Ethan agreed with her point of view, and then she said:

"Then when we have money, we will buy some slaves and recruit some refugees to farm here. Wouldn't that solve the population problem?"

Ethan raised his eyebrows and smiled bitterly: "Recruit refugees and buy slaves? Where did you learn this?"

"I have read many biographies of legendary pioneers." Angelina said seriously: "They all did this!"

"Haha!" Ethan laughed out loud: "Those are novels, how can you really do this! If you learn it randomly, something will definitely happen."

"Why can't you learn it? Why will it happen?" Angelina shook Ethan's shoulder: "I think it's good! Why can't you learn it."

It is basic common sense that refugees and slaves cannot be used!

Only those biographers who know nothing will write so much nonsense.

Ethan didn't want to say it, but Angelina pestered him so much that he had to say, "This question needs to be looked at separately.

First of all, slaves are absolutely not allowed.

You have been in Maro City for so long, you should have seen those slaves. They have to wear shackles whether they eat, sleep, or work in the fields.

Why do you think this is the case?"

"Because they are afraid that they will run away!" Angelina replied immediately.

"That's just one of them." Ethan nodded, "and it doesn't matter. The most important thing is that they are afraid of rebellion.

Although the reasons why slaves become slaves are different, the hatred in their hearts must be common.

And the hatred in their hearts will not be eliminated just because you treat them well.

Now all the lords know that wearing shackles will affect the efficiency of slaves, but they still have to do it.

This is not stupid, but a bloody lesson.

Those slaves usually look submissive and even obedient, which gives people an illusion of trustworthiness.

But once you trust them and unlock the shackles, the butcher's knife may fall on your head at any time.

In history, it is not uncommon for slaves to slaughter the whole family of their masters.

So, if you really want to use slaves, in addition to shackles, you must have enough force to suppress them.

Basically, one slave must be accompanied by two guards. Can ensure safety.

For us to open up the territory, it is not worth the loss. "

After listening, Angelina nodded repeatedly: "That makes sense. So, using them will not only fail to increase income, but also increase the burden.

What about refugees? Refugees are always okay, right!"

Ethan smiled: "Refugees are relatively better. As long as they have enough arable land, they can generally live in peace.

But there is a very important problem here, that is arable land.

Perhaps, you think that it is enough to absorb people first, allocate land, and let them open up wasteland by themselves.

But in fact, this does not work at all.

If you have paid attention, you will find that in history, places that can recruit refugees are often places with many mature arable land.

Because only with enough mature arable land can food be grown in the same year and self-sufficient in a short period of time.

Obviously, we do not meet the requirements here.

The main reason is that cultivated land requires extremely high soil quality, and food cannot be grown just by clearing land.

Generally speaking, after cultivating land, it often needs to be cultivated for three to five years.

It is also necessary to deal with various pests and diseases in advance through burning.

Otherwise, it is basically impossible to grow food. Even if it is forced to grow, the yield will be very low and will get lower and lower.

This means that if we recruit refugees, we need to provide them with food for three to five years, but without any income.

This is also unacceptable for a brand new territory. "

"Ah!" Angelina hugged Ethan's neck and looked embarrassed: "We don't want refugees or slaves, where can we find them?

How can one develop a territory if there is no one? "

Ethan remained in the same position, feeling a little uncomfortable, so he put Angelina on his lap and sat down, and then continued:

“If you want to develop a territory, you really need a population.

However, we will definitely not consider refugees and slaves for the time being. These people are factors of instability.

What we need is people who voluntarily come to our territory to develop, preferably people with various skills. "

When Angelina heard this, she didn't know whether to cry or cry: "We have nothing here, how can anyone want to come to us for development?"

"That's not necessarily true!" Ethan tapped Angelina's nose with his finger: "Look, there are not so many Northlanders willing to work and live here!

As long as we have enough industry here and people can make money and live a good life here, they will definitely be willing to come here. "

"But besides fishing, we have no other industries here. How can we attract people to come here?"

"There will be a solution!"

Ethan thought that since [Fishing] could develop a fishing industry, could other talents also be used?

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