Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 215: Battlefield 2

Earl Charlton was the speaker of the parliament. When he walked onto the stage, the parliament hall fell silent again.

People looked at him in confusion, guessing that he had something to say.

Out of necessary respect, they returned to their seats without waiting for him to maintain order in the meeting.

Charlton was very satisfied with the performance of the crowd. It was obvious that his prestige still existed.

After looking around with a firm look in his eyes, he slowly said:

"Since everyone has passed the bill, I will sign it immediately to make it formally effective and ensure that the bill is implemented without deviation.

At the same time, I sincerely thank Councillor Ethan for his contribution to the people of Maro City.

Thank you!"

As he said this, Charlton took the lead in applauding and paid tribute to Ethan again.

Everyone was puzzled by this sudden scene.

However, after all, it was a tribute to the Great Sword Saint, so everyone followed suit and applauded.

Ethan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Although he didn't know what Charlton wanted to do, everyone paid tribute, so he could only smile and wave to everyone.

At this time, Charlton suddenly raised his hand and signaled everyone to be quiet.

The applause stopped immediately.

Seeing this scene, Ethan felt very familiar.

It seemed that Sophia treated him like this before.

Taking advantage of every opportunity to exert psychological hints, make people obedient, and thus establish her prestige unconsciously.

But this method is only useful for those who have not seen the world.

Just like myself before.

Charlton actually used it in parliament?

Is he looking down on the people present too much?

Thinking of this, Ethan couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

Although Ethan thinks this low-level method is useless, Charlton doesn't think so.

After all, behavior is the standard for measuring everything.

Seeing that everyone was still obedient, he continued, "The original intention of the parliament since its establishment is to maintain the rights and interests of all the people in Maro City, and this will never change.

Today, Councillor Ethan's proposal firmly achieved this.

I am particularly pleased.

Therefore, I propose that we take advantage of this enthusiasm to benefit the people and vote on another bill that has been pending!

It is the bill that was discussed before, about opening up the free flow of daily necessities such as food and salt.

Once this bill is passed, it will truly benefit the millions of people in Maro City.

What do you think?"

When the representative of the Duke's Palace heard the proposal, his face suddenly turned livid.

Food and salt have always been monopolized by the Duke's Palace, which is also the origin of the planned tax.

But now that the planned tax has been abolished, if the monopoly of daily necessities is deprived again, it will undoubtedly be a fatal blow to them.

Therefore, the representative of the Duke's Palace, contrary to his previous obedient attitude, stood up from his chair angrily, slammed the table and loudly expressed his opposition.

When others saw it, some were enthusiastic and loudly expressed their agreement.

Some frowned and hesitated.

Others were silent and sat aside.

Although everyone had different opinions, everyone had the word "serious" on their faces.

Of course, seriousness is very necessary.

Parliamentary advocacy has never been a child's play. Once you advocate and vote, you have to take responsibility.

Just like the United Nations conference, if you vote in favor of attacking a country, you either send troops, pay money, or control the public opinion of your country. You must always do one or two of the three.

It's not, oh! I support you, and then nothing happens.

So don't make random claims in parliament, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

Once a big brother named Ka had a brain hole and scolded the five permanent members in the United Nations. This was his advocacy, and he thought the five permanent members were unnecessary.

Now, even the Eastern country with the best temper has voted in favor of him. Now the grass on the grave of that big brother Ka is dozens of meters high.

Back to the topic, after a commotion, everyone suddenly remembered that this matter still depends on the Lawson family's opinion.

So they all looked at Ethan.

Ethan was overwhelmed when he saw everyone looking at him.

This bill has been proposed for some time, and it has been shelved because of the disagreement among the people.

Although Ethan did not clearly agree or oppose this bill.

But he expressed his opposition more or less through Papalia.

It is precisely because of Ethan's opposition that the bill has been shelved and dared not be voted on.

Now it is proposed again, which is obviously a challenge from the old king to the new king.

This challenge is not easy to accept.

If you don't respond and shelve it as before, it is equivalent to telling everyone that it doesn't matter whether the new king is replaced or not.

This will be a huge blow to the authority of the new leader.

You can respond! Judging from the attitude of the people.

No matter which one you choose, it will definitely not satisfy the wishes of another part of the people.

Since it cannot be satisfied, it is inevitable to lose some allies, which is also a blow to the authority of the new leader.

Ethan thinks Charlton is really annoying.

It's hard to reach an alliance consensus, but he comes to destroy it for his own selfish interests.

But after a little thought, I felt relieved.

This is the nature of the parliament. You can never satisfy everyone.

Once you cannot satisfy others, you have to bear the possible consequences.

For example, division.

From the current situation, everyone is still inclined to pass the bill, which runs counter to his own ideas.

Ethan is not willing to follow the crowd in order to maintain the alliance.

He also did not want to cause the alliance that had just reached a consensus to split again because of his clear statement.

Of course, he was even more unwilling to escape Charlton's challenge.

In the current situation, if you want to break the deadlock, you need someone to stand up and pave the way.

In other words, you need a subordinate who can stand up and speak out Ethan's wishes, and then Ethan can express his support.

In this way, even if it is not in line with everyone's wishes or mistakes are made, everyone will not blame Ethan.

At the same time, the problem is thrown back to everyone.

You can choose to follow or not.

If you don't follow, it's you who destroys the unity, not Ethan.

This is the famous "monkey-carrying" theory.

It is also a skill that all leaders must master.

Everything is said by others, and the leader himself is only responsible for the judgment.

In this way, the responsibility and mistakes are all subordinates, while the credit and honor belong to the leader.

At the same time, it also strengthens the authority of the leader.

Thinking of this, Ethan sat in the chair without saying a word, stroking his forehead in contemplation, and glanced at Sophia inadvertently.

Sophia! It's your turn.

When you were hesitant before, I stood up and took the blame. Now it's time for you to repay.

Of course, Sophia saw Ethan's eyes, but she pretended not to see it.

She knew Ethan's thoughts very well.

Ethan needed a clown to stand up and express his thoughts for him, and then he would take a vote. This was a necessary means to maintain authority.

Although she understood this truth, Sophia was unwilling to be the clown.

Because once she did this, while helping Ethan out of trouble, it also meant that her prestige in the family would be gone.

Ethan would make all the decisions in the future.

This was absolutely unacceptable to Sophia.

Sophia chose to remain silent.

This made Ethan anxious.

Little girl, what are you doing? At this time, you don't care about the overall situation and have to make me look bad?

Ethan sighed in his heart.

This woman is too independent, she values ​​her reputation more than her life.

Now it's good.

Is she really going to go on stage by herself?

Then the control of the parliament that she has finally obtained will be handed over again.

But no matter how anxious Ethan is, Sophia just turns a blind eye.

There is no way, he can only try to convince everyone by himself.

Thinking of this, Ethan stood up slowly.

Just as he was about to go on stage, a voice of "Wait" stopped him.

Looking back, it was Councilman Joseph who he met before entering the parliament.

Joseph slowly walked onto the stage, and when he passed by Ethan, he blinked.

That look seemed to say: Clown, right! I'll do it!

Ethan was immediately overjoyed...

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