Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 270: Plane World

Under Ethan's repeated questioning, Sophia finally told why she had allocated funds to the Holy Light Religion so that they could control the Parliament.

It turns out that the Holy Light Church consists of very complex components. From high to low, they are the Pope, the Academic Affairs Council, the Church Public Affairs Council, the College of Cardinals, three courts, two conferences, nine holy ministries, three secretariats, and a Office Committee.

The most famous of these is the Audit Department among the nine holy departments.

The Audit Department is responsible for auditing church finances.

Although its ranking is not high, its power is astonishingly great.

In addition to auditing finances, they also have the ability to collect taxes and independently pursue accountability, and they are absolutely armed.

Yes, this department also has independent armed forces within the church, and they are super armed.

Almost all the great sword masters and sages in the church belong to this department.

And their method of controlling others is also very simple, which is to force financial connections!

The so-called forced financial connection means that as long as any organization has a financial relationship with the Holy Light Religion, they have the right to conduct financial review of this organization.

Yes, you heard it right, he is so domineering.

The reputation is not to prevent corruption, but to prevent the transfer of interests. In short, it is to control!

If you don't obey, they don't need the consent of the departments above the Cardinals Council, they can just send people to rob it!

Take the Parliament as an example. As long as the Parliament allocates funds to them, it is equivalent to establishing a financial relationship with the Holy Light Religion.

At this time, their audit department has the authority to conduct financial audits of the parliament.

During the audit, all of the council's finances must be taken over by them.

The length of this audit period is naturally up to them.

If this is the case, the result can be imagined, and it will definitely be unlimited auditing.

So as long as you dare to establish a financial relationship with the Holy Light Religion, they will have a way to control your financial department.

And once they take control of the parliament's finance department, it's no different than taking control of the parliament.

It all sounds ridiculous, but it's the truth.

There has always been a saying in this world called "Three Don'ts".

No human women in the orc kingdom.

Don't talk about the church in the Republic of Hringard.

Don’t evade taxes in the Holy Light Church.

After listening to Sophia's introduction, Ethan sighed and was glad that he did not agree to the other party.

After temporarily solving the Holy Light Religion matter, Ethan also focused on soul weapons.

Now, except for the inscription seal and the eternal gold, Ethan found that he didn't even know what the plane world was, so he also asked Sophia for advice in this regard.

Sophia replied: "There are many opinions about the plane world, and no one knows whether they are correct.

However, the 'square ball theory' proposed by an elf magician 2000 years ago is generally accepted.

He compared the real world to a ball, and located on the outermost surface of the ball.

The plane world is the inside of the ball.

It is not a whole, but like the real world, advancing inward layer by layer.

The further inside you go, the more complex the spatial structure becomes, which you can understand as the higher the dimension.

The innermost world has the highest dimension. He believes that it is a super-high-dimensional square world, and that the Creator may live in it.

In order to confirm his conjecture, the elf magician created a space magic called 'door'.

This kind of magic can create an [anchor] in the real world. With an [anchor], people can travel through the plane world at will.

No matter how far you go in the plane world, you can return to the anchor point with just a thought.

Because of this magic, more and more magicians have entered the plane world, and this has gradually confirmed his statement.

People do find that the planes progress layer by layer, and each world is different.

But no one knows whether the innermost square world exists.

In fact, let alone the square world, since the beginning of magic records, the highest level that humans can enter the plane world is the 24th level.

When you hear this number of layers, do you feel familiar?

Yes, this is the origin of the mage rank.

But according to the magician's calculations, he believed that the plane world should have at least 33 levels.

In other words, we still have almost a third of the layers that we have not yet broken through. "

Having said this, Sophia paused, thought for a moment, and then continued:

"I'm sorry Ethan, I can't help you with the soul weapon materials, you can only rely on yourself.

However, I may be able to give you some advice on the inscription seal.

Recently, I checked the information of many magic families and found that the most recent one to create soul weapons was the Borgia family.

They successfully created a soul weapon called [Fantasy Card] 600 years ago.

And based on this soul weapon, he created a very strange magic called [Real Illusion].

In fact, I once learned this magic.

It gives me the feeling that it's not that great, but it's really interesting.

When casting a spell, on your hands..."

Speaking of this, Sophia realized that she was off topic, and after smiling helplessly, she returned to the topic.

“So I thought, if you need a seal, it’s best to go to them, after all, they’ve been successful.

However, you may want to consider what to trade with them.

Of course, I have to remind you that ordinary money is simply not in their eyes. "

Ethan had thought about this question a long time ago: "What do you think of the inscription skills?

I am responsible for helping them train several inscription talents, and they will give me the seal.

Since the people are here, I am not worried that they will tamper with the seal."

Sophia nodded after hearing this: "Very good! There should be no problem.

It's just... Ethan, you are teaching inscriptions, a skill that can be passed down to outsiders, shouldn't you also consider our own family? This water must always be more even!

Otherwise, the family members will always feel unbalanced when they see it!

Maybe because you are a great swordsman, the family members dare not say anything to you in person, but..."

"Okay!" Ethan interrupted Sophia directly. He already understood Sophia's thoughts.

If he guessed correctly, she might have prepared the candidate long ago.

"Just tell me who it is? But I have to tell you first, there can only be one person, I don't have so much free time to teach people!"

Seeing Ethan agreed, Sophia smiled knowingly, and then called to the door: "Anna, bring the person over!"

Anna replied "yes" and walked away.

After a while, she opened the door and led a little boy in.

The boy looked about seven or eight years old, with blond hair and a pretty face, a bit like a girl, wearing a small suit and shorts. Although he looked delicate overall, he looked timid and weak.

"This is Lucas Lawson." Sophia walked behind the boy with a smile, gently pressed his shoulders with both hands, and introduced him to Ethan, "In terms of seniority, he should be considered the son of one of my uncles."

"Lucas, the one in front of you is the only great swordsman in Maro City, and also the youngest great swordsman in history, the pinnacle of martial arts, the glory of the family, Ethan Lawson!"

"Don't you say hello?"

The boy bowed to Ethan after hearing this, and then said timidly: "Very... nice to meet you, Mr. Great Swordsman!"

Ethan didn't like the little boy very much when he saw him for the first time.

Because his body was a little curled up, his hands were always protected in front of his chest, and he kept rubbing his hands.

When he spoke, his eyes kept dodging, which was a manifestation of cowardice.

For a woman, this may not be a big deal.

But for a man, this would be fatal.

A man, no matter what occasion he talks to someone, must look directly into the other person's eyes and let go of his body freely and naturally.

If necessary, he should also open his hands to maximize the space he occupies.

Only in this way can he speak with momentum and others can be convinced.

And this temperament has nothing to do with age.

Obviously, this little boy is not good!

Although he thought the other party was not good, Ethan still smiled and replied: "Nice to meet you too!"

Then he looked at Sophia and asked with his eyes, where did you find this "baby"?

Sophia naturally understood Ethan's eyes, and she smiled: "Don't underestimate him! He has awakened the power of the ancient lightning wolf.

And like you, it is a perfect awakening!

Maybe he is the next great swordsman of the family!"

Ethan: "..."


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