Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 288: I am Pixar, I am glad you can protect me

The visitor is a... bird creature with a very powerful aura.

Only the size of a pigeon, or rather a pigeon.

At least in Ethan's perception, that's the case.

At this time, the bird landed on a straw man in the vegetable field.

As soon as it fell, two shallow depression marks appeared on the ground on both sides of the straw man, as if something was pressing there but could not be seen.

Although the thing couldn't be observed with eyes, Ethan could sense it clearly.

That thing is the black tentacle that I encountered before.

They are only three fingers thick, with a pair of human-like hands at the front.

Suddenly, the two shallow marks on the ground began to extend forward, twisting like two long snakes, rushing towards the cabin.

Ethan sensed this situation and shouted "Not good".

I originally thought that the black tentacle was coming towards me, but I immediately discovered that this was not the case. Its target was Amy who was trapped in a petrified hallucination outside the house.

And judging from the posture, it was not to save Amy, but to kill her.

Ethan was curious why?

After all, judging from what is known, both of them belong to the Witch Cult.

Why do you attack your own people as soon as you come up?

Before he could figure it out, Ethan immediately released the elf and drove the sword spirit out of the house.

After all, he had promised to Tourt that nothing would happen to Amy no matter what.

When the sword spirit blocked Amy, through vision sharing, Ethan also saw clearly what was parked on the scarecrow.

It was not a dove, but a one-eyed crow.

The only remaining eye was glowing with scarlet light.

And that red light was guiding two invisible black hands to pounce on Amy.

Just as they were about to arrive, one of the black hands suddenly changed direction and rushed into the cabin, targeting the elf.

In this posture, he completely regarded Ethan as air.

Ethan was amused by the other party's behavior, and the anger and hatred in his heart rose.

However, he did not show it, but sat on the chair with a calm face, quietly watching the Sword Spirit's performance.

Sword Spirit first grabbed the black hand that rushed towards Amy with one hand, then flashed back into the house, grabbed the other black hand, and then pulled the two black hands directly off.

In an instant, a golden thunderbolt fell on the crow outside, and the crow's body was instantly twisted.

Once the crow died, the two black hands disappeared.

The battle was over in the blink of an eye, and it fell into calm again.

But Ethan knew that it was definitely not that simple, and he was always on guard.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement from the enemy, so he slowly got up and walked out of the house, shouting to the sky: "Since everyone is here, why don't you dare to show up?"

Unfortunately, no one responded.

Seeing no one responded, Ethan shouted again: "If you don't come out, I'll leave!"

Still no response.

Since he couldn't sense the person within a thousand meters, Ethan felt powerless.

Finally, he shook his head helplessly, really determined to leave.

At this time, Kyle appeared, and a white light sword pierced Camilla's head without any warning.

Camilla woke up instantly. When she saw Ethan, she immediately realized that she had been under an illusion just now. She was about to speak, but Ethan stopped her.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear your warning, let's get out of here now."

With that said, he walked outside the house.

Kyle walked ahead and carried Amy who was under the illusion on his back.

Upon seeing this, Camilla turned her head and glanced at the elf, her eyes full of helplessness. She finally sighed and hurried to follow.

When the elf saw that Ethan was taking Amy away, he also flew out and landed on Amy's back.

"Where are you taking Amy?"

"Take her home!" Ethan replied calmly.

"Go back to the Borgia family?" The elf said anxiously: "Amy can't go back, they will..."

Ethan ignored the elf and walked towards the way they came with Kyle.

Since there were too many people, we couldn't fly, so we had to walk back, and then go to the Neutral City to find a carriage.

And that little elf Pixar became even more anxious when she saw Ethan ignoring her!

Seeing that Ethan didn't mean to hurt her, she simply flew to Ethan's shoulder, then pulled Ethan's collar and cried: "You can't send Amy back, they will eat me."

"Eat you?" Ethan was a little surprised, "Why do they want to eat you?"

"They want to make me into a magic potion!" Elf Pixar almost cried. "Amy ran away with me just to protect me.

Now you're sending us back again.


You...you...let us go!

We have never done anything bad, and I often help others treat illnesses. If you don’t believe me, ask Gugu, he can testify. "

As Ethan walked, he looked back at the apostle who was following not far behind.

I don’t know if the elf gave it the order, or if it was scared.

At this time, it followed quietly like a good baby.

"It's your apostle, so it's entirely possible to lie. In fact, you must have done a lot of bad things behind your back, that's why they want to eat you." Ethan teased the elf boredly.

"Absolutely not!" Pixar held Ethan's collar with one hand and patted his chest with the other and promised, "Please believe me, I am a very kind elf and have never done anything bad."

"You haven't done anything bad, why would they eat you? Don't try to lie to me, I can tell you're lying at a glance." Ethan said jokingly again.

Hearing this, Pix lowered his head, and then whispered back: "Okay! I did steal Mr. Squirrel's nuts, but Amy has already returned them for me.

And Amy returned a lot, more than I ate.

In theory, we are at a disadvantage!

At the same time, I apologized to Mr. Squirrel, and they forgave me.

So, let us go!"

Ethan almost laughed out loud when he heard this.

I wanted to tease her again, but I didn't say it in the end.

Because a group of crows suddenly flew in the sky, a huge group, estimated to be hundreds of them.

They flew together and turned into a tornado, blocking the way.

After a while, the tornado collapsed inward, and all the crows merged together like ink, turning into a three-meter-high black figure.

Since it was made up of crows, the face could not be seen clearly, and even the specific thing could not be distinguished.

However, the person holding a long black whip in his hand was particularly clear.

Ethan's first reaction was that the [Twisted Hand] of the Witch Cult had come, because the breath was exactly the same as the crow just now.

Just as he was about to speak, the elf Pix exclaimed: "It's this weirdo again!"

After that, he hid behind Ethan's neck.

And his apostle rushed to Ethan, as if to protect Ethan.

Seeing this, Ethan smiled and asked, "Do you know this weirdo?"

"A few years ago, he wanted to catch me.

At that time, he killed a lot of people, and there was blood everywhere. I couldn't save them no matter how hard I tried.

Amy and Gugu were both seriously injured by him.

In the end, he was hit by Amy's illusion, and we escaped." Pix replied tremblingly.

Pix's words confirmed Ethan's previous guess.

It seems that the Witch Cult is really chaotic and likes to kill each other.

When the shadow man saw Pixar talking about him, he grinned, made a threatening gesture to the elf, and then said to Ethan with disdain: "Leave that little thing behind, and you can leave."

Ethan also grinned at the shadow man: "If you can leave alive, you are capable!"


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