Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 35: A pillow for those who feel sleepy

Seeing that Ethan had guessed the reason, Saberi nodded proudly.

"That's right! In the northern border, even the emperor would not dare to issue a development order without the permission of the Duke of Eagle! No one would dare to go there to develop."

Ethan was a little confused after hearing this: "Since the Duke of Eagle has such influence, why is our territory still attacked?"

Saberi smiled bitterly and said: "Our territory was attacked by orcs and bandits. What do you want the Duke to say?

Is it that the orcs got in under his nose? Or that the bandits are rampant in his territory?

In fact, he has helped us a lot. Every time a cargo ship arrives at the port, they send troops to Pick up the goods at the port.

We just need to unload the goods and it's done. How easy is that?

Even that road was built by them, on the grounds that it was convenient to buy supplies in the territory.

Not only did they build the road for us, they even obtained road construction subsidies from the empire on the grounds of strategic routes.

To be honest, he really tried his best.

The rest can only be done by ourselves.

If we can't defend that territory, in fact, from a certain perspective, it means that we are not worthy of being the ally of the Duke of Eagle, nor are we worthy of enjoying the benefits brought there. "

After hearing this, Ethan's eyes suddenly became strange.

"I understand! Thank you for telling me this! However, let's think about how to deal with these pirates first! Look, we are about to collide!"

"Don't worry!" Saberi said easily: "They do this every time, thinking they can scare us.

In fact, even they themselves know that their ships look big and strong, but they are actually retired from ours, all old models, and they are not resistant to collisions at all.

And our ships are not only bigger and heavier than theirs, but also reinforced on all sides.

If they really collide, no matter which direction they hit us from, we may be damaged, but they will definitely be the ones feeding the fish.

The reason they do this is just to force us to slow down so that we can get on board.

As long as we ignore them and speed up and rush over, nothing will happen.

Their ships are not as fast as our large cargo ships. It won't take a while to throw them away."

"That's it!"

Everything was just as Saberi said. The pirate ship deviated at an angle before the minimum distance of collision to avoid collision.

The two ships were only more than ten meters apart and passed by quickly.

Ethan squinted his eyes and looked at the pirate ship passing by.

It was about 45 meters long and about 14 meters wide at its widest point. The style was very similar to the cargo ship he was on, with a pointed front and wide rear, powered by sails, and a huge poop.

After taking a closer look, Ethan was immediately delighted and shouted to Saberi: "Sabery, slow down and let them catch up."

Saberi was shocked: "What do you want to do?"

Ethan smiled slightly: "Robbery!"

"Robbery pirates?"


Under Ethan's encouragement, Saberi finally lowered the sails and slowed down, and kept moving forward at a low speed.

When the pirate ship behind saw the cargo ship lowered its sails, it would not be easy for the ship to speed up if it lowered its sails, so it quickly turned around and accelerated to catch up.

It took more than half an hour to finally catch up with the cargo ship. The two ships were about 5 meters apart and kept moving forward.

Nearly a hundred pirates on the deck were holding various weapons. Before they boarded the ship, they began to shout wildly, and then took out the grappling hooks and threw them onto the cargo ship.

Once they were hooked, they quickly fixed them and prepared to climb up.

But before they could get on, a black shadow jumped up from the sky and landed on their ship.

When the pirates saw that someone had jumped on the ship to die, they laughed and raised their blades and slashed at Ethan.

Ethan waited for them to fix the grappling hooks before jumping over, for fear that they would kill everyone and lose control of the ship.

As soon as he got on the other side's deck, Ethan opened the [Quantum Fund] without saying a word, cooled the [Leverage] skill, and harvested lives crazily.

Originally, he was worried that there were hard points on the ship, but what he didn't expect was that there were nearly a hundred pirates here, all of whom were ordinary people, and none of them could fight.

Every time he drew his sword, he cut the opponent in half with his weapon.

So much so that after cutting dozens of people, all the pirates were scared, and some of them jumped into the sea directly.

Ethan was also scared, these people are all skill points! How can they jump into the sea?

So he slowed down the pace and couldn't force them too much.

Fortunately, this is a moving ship after all, and falling into the sea only means dying later. Most pirates still hid in the cabin.

Ethan walked to the side of the ship and looked at the four or five people who jumped into the sea, and his heart was bleeding.

He looked up to the sky and sighed: "My skill points!"

But they all jumped into the sea, what can I do?

I can't just jump down and chase them for these few people!

Really helpless, Ethan could only bear the heartache and slowly walked into the cabin to find the remaining dozens of people, and made up his mind that no one could be left!

In order to prevent them from running around, after entering, he deliberately locked the cabin door and started a cat-and-mouse game.

In this dim cabin, although the sight is not good, Ethan can sense everyone's hiding place without his eyes, every one!

"Little cuties, are you hiding? I'm coming!"

Ethan placed the sword on the floor and dragged it, occasionally hitting various obstacles, making a "dangdangdang" sound.


"Little cutie, you are here."

With a smile, Ethan thrust his sword into a pile of debris.

"Puff!" That was the sound of the sword entering the flesh, and a scream sounded immediately, followed by blood gushing out from inside.

Ethan smiled and drew out his long sword, while continuing to tap the floor gently with the sword, while slowly moving forward.


"Oh! Little cutie, your little feet are exposed from behind the door!"



"Little cutie, you are too careless, look, your clothes are exposed."



"Little cutie, how long have you not taken a shower? I can smell the stench on your body through such a thick blanket."



"Little cutie..."


The devilish rhythm continued to sound, and under Ethan's endless torture, the last dozen people actually surrendered voluntarily.

Ethan agreed without thinking, and took them to the deck, and then executed them one by one.

Because they were afraid that they would jump into the sea and escape, causing irreparable losses.

So before the execution, Ethan cut off all their legs first, and then activated the [Leverage] skill to slowly execute them.

So that the entire deck was full of broken limbs and arms, blood and brains were flowing all over the ground, and meat and intestines were sliding everywhere, like a scene in hell.

Of course, everyone else surrendered, and Ethan agreed, but they still had to be executed. It was not that Ethan was not trustworthy, because Ethan never wanted to let them go from beginning to end.

The reason for taking them to the deck for execution was that Ethan felt that if they died in the cabin, not only would he have to ask someone to help move the bodies out, but he would also have to deal with the blood stains, which was very troublesome!

He also planned to take this ship to the territory together.

When the ship was towed ashore, the residence was solved, and the storage place for supplies was also solved. Perfect!

After doing everything, Ethan called Saberi and asked him to ask someone to come down to help.

When Saberi's guardian knight Storio jumped onto the pirate ship drunkenly, he found that Ethan was throwing bodies into the sea.

"Ugh! You've already solved it, why did you ask me to come down?"

Ethan was also confused, so he looked up and shouted at Saberi: "I asked you to call some people down to help clean up the bodies, why did you call a drunkard down?"

"And call a few more people down to fix this boat, I want to tow it to the territory!"

The people on the "Popeye" all stood by the edge of the boat, watching everything, their eyes full of awe, speechless, including Lili.

Today, they felt that they had opened their eyes!

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