Ethan didn't know how Little Yellow Hair persuaded his wife, but his wife finally came down and lived together on the boat.

By the way, Little Yellow Hair was the name Ethan gave to his yellow-headed eagle partner.

The reason for such a vulgar name is because of its golden eagle head and its eyes that give people the feeling of a bad boy, so it was named Little Yellow Hair.

In the next few days, in addition to using soft hay to build a nest for them on the deck of the poop, Ethan also sent them fresh fish on time every day.

According to Ethan's temperament, as long as the two of them can eat, the amount is not a problem.

But the key is that Little Yellow Hair doesn't even look at the food Ethan sent, and goes to the sea every day.

And one day, he actually used his small body to lift a 600-pound bluefin tuna from the sea.

And threw the fish in front of Ethan, and then "chi chi" kept calling.

Ethan understood what the other party meant. The little yellow-haired guy probably meant: This fish is for him, but he hopes that Ethan can fulfill his promise as soon as possible, otherwise he will be embarrassed.

Ethan was extremely embarrassed, but he still happily treated everyone on the boat to a raw fish feast.

After all, this kind of fish that must swim every second of its life is not often available.

Not to mention inland, even if you live by the sea, many people have never tasted this delicacy in their entire lives.

Many people on the boat tasted the taste of bluefin tuna for the first time, including Ethan.

That day, everyone spent a very wonderful day like a holiday.

After tasting the taste of bluefin tuna once, everyone encouraged Ethan to let the little yellow-haired guy catch another one.

Angelina acted like a spoiled child when she saw Ethan, and insisted that Ethan go to persuade the little yellow-haired guy.

Whether there was something or not, she would bring dessert to visit the little yellow-haired guy.

But the little yellow-haired guy ignored everyone else.

If anyone with evil intentions dares to approach, he will be served with a [scream].

Ethan naturally wanted to try it again, but because he was in the wrong, he always felt that he couldn't raise his head in front of the little yellow-haired man.

Especially when the little yellow-haired man looked at him with dead eyes like a human, it was even more so.

These days, he has also tried his best to make up for it, and repeatedly assured the little yellow-haired man that as long as he kills another person with the Force, no matter how much the profit is, he will definitely help his wife advance as soon as possible.

He also explained to the little yellow-haired man that if he helped his wife advance now, his strength would be greatly damaged.

When the enemy comes, he may die.

After a frank conversation, the little yellow-haired man reluctantly accepted Ethan's explanation and warned Ethan that if he dared to break his promise again, it would not only be a disgrace to Ethan.

Ethan expressed his understanding. After all, it is really shameful for a man to not keep his word, especially when he does not keep his word to his wife.

That night, when Ethan was sitting on the deck and eavesdropping on the little yellow-haired man and his wife, Saberi came to him.

"Knight Ethan, I knew you were here. You're almost living here these days. Does my niece have any objection?" Saberi teased.

Ethan knew that the other party had something to do with him, otherwise no one would come here to disturb him: "What happened? Lord Saberi!"

"You actually asked what happened?" Saberi looked incredulous: "You played with the eagle too much. Have you even forgotten the purpose of this voyage?"

Ethan was shocked when he heard it: "Are we there?"

Saberi nodded: "It is estimated that we will arrive in an hour or two, but it is dark, and we will not go ashore.

Wait until tomorrow morning, and then go ashore. You should make some preparations early."

"I understand!"

Although Ethan has been playing with the eagle these days, including communication and testing skills, he has not forgotten his duties.

He had already thought of the specific steps, including the details of each step, and even planned the time. As long as the people on the ship unloaded quickly enough, it could be completed in half a day.

As for the plan after the base was built, he also had a general idea, and he would implement it in detail when the time came.

In a word, we should spend this cold winter happily and comfortably.

Early the next morning, everyone on the "Popeye" got up early and was busy. Everyone had to race against time to prevent possible attacks during landing.

Although the probability is very small, after all, anything can happen without protection.

Saberi first moored the ship to the beach where the original base was located. Although it was destroyed and there was nothing on it, there was already a large piece of flat land. At least the view was wide, which was very important in defense.

After seeing it, Ethan frowned, because this open land was too flat. Although the view was good, the simple road was directly opposite.

If the cavalry launched a charge along that road, not only would there be no danger to stop it, but it would also provide the opponent with a distance to charge, which was very bad.

However, he couldn't think of any good solution for the moment, and there was no space to put a pirate ship, so he could only do it this way for now.

When there is time, dig a few trip holes on the road ahead to slightly prevent the cavalry from charging.

As soon as the ship docked, Ethan took the lead and jumped directly from the ship that was more than ten meters high.

After landing on the beach, while others were building a simple pier, he inspected the situation of the garrison on the spot and released the little yellow hair to investigate the surrounding situation.

After making sure everything was safe, he stood in the middle of the station, slowly pulled out the Champion Blade, used his sword energy, and made a V-shaped groove several dozen meters long on the ground.

This is the new home prepared for the pirate ship, because the bottom of the pirate ship is also V-shaped.

If there is no matching position after landing, the hull will fall.

Of course, a V-shaped groove alone cannot fix the pirate ship.

Later, large logs need to be used to support the sides of the hull, otherwise it will still fall when there is a strong wind.

Now it is just temporarily fixed.

The soil here is also soft. After a while, Ethan opened a half-meter deep V-shaped groove, and relying on precise perception, Ethan believed that this V-shaped groove must match the bottom of the pirate ship.

Then Ethan asked the sailors on the pirate ship to drive the pirate ship over, and the bow rushed ashore facing the V-shaped groove.

Of course, it is impossible to rush the pirate ship into the inland more than 30 meters deep with the speed of the pirate ship, but Ethan has also thought of a way.

Following Ethan's instructions, the sailors on the pirate ship stepped up their horsepower and rushed the pirate ship to the shore.

When they were about to reach the shore, a sailor on the ship threw a rope as thick as an arm to Ethan.

One end of the rope was fixed on the bow, and the other end fell accurately into Ethan's hand.

The moment Ethan took the rope, he quickly tied it to his body, and then his whole body glowed red, and he began to run towards the V-shaped groove with all his strength.

With a "bang", the rope was instantly tightened and pulled as hard as steel.

With the impact of the ship and the pulling force of Ethan's ancient giant bear, the pirate ship rushed to the coast, rushed across the beach, rushed into the station, and fell steadily into the V-shaped groove dug by Ethan.

And the V-shaped groove fits tightly with the bottom of the pirate ship, standing upright on this new land!

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