Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 408: Flame Blast Cannon

In addition to economic measures, Ethan also did not fall behind in terms of military power.

First of all, of course, it is his own Force. By killing an adult blue dragon and completing the third-level task of [Liberation], the upper limit of Force is unlocked.

Now the upper limit of Force has reached 10 million.

And the elf replenishes Force by percentage. It casts [Vitality] once, which is more than 100,000 Force.

However, due to the physical condition of the elf, [Vitality] can be cast at most once a month.

Before, it could be cast once every three days, and it could harvest 150,000 or 60,000 Force in a month.

Now that the upper limit has increased, it seems that the income has increased each time, but after a month, the income has decreased.

But it doesn't matter. Now Ethan's Force has reached more than 900,000 after several months of replenishment.

With this level of Force, even if the dozens of sage-level opponents take turns to play, he can also kill them.

The second is the research on armed ships at sea. For this new type of ship, the hull and [Windbreaker] are ready-made, just copy and use them, and there will be basically no mistakes.

The only difficulty lies in the weapon.

Ethan's idea is to design a magic cannon that is driven by magic stone and can repeatedly cast fire blasts. The range is about one thousand meters and it must be accurate enough.

Its main principle is to absorb the magic power in the magic stone and convert it into fire blast energy through the fire blast inscription.

Then the fire blast energy is repeatedly compressed through a certain storage device and finally the energy is emitted.

Although the principle looks simple, it is quite troublesome in actual operation.

First of all, there is the problem of magic stone converting magic power. Generally speaking, the magic power in magic stone is relatively stable and not easy to absorb.

Even through a special inscription to accelerate, its conversion rate will not exceed 4% per hour.

You know, the energy required to cast a fire blast is about 20% of the energy of an ordinary purity magic stone.

According to this conversion rate, not to mention whether the fire blast can be cast, it will take 5 hours just to prepare the required energy.

And because the fire blast energy is very unstable and very easy to self-destruct, it cannot be stored in advance.

This means that even if this kind of magic cannon can be made, it will take 5 hours to prepare just one shot.

5 hours!

The daylily is cold.

In addition to the conversion rate problem, there are also compression and short-term storage problems. This is the core problem. If it cannot be solved, everything else is just wishful thinking.

There is also the problem of what material should be used for the cannon body so that it will not be shattered by the energy of the fire explosion itself.

There is also the problem of how to ensure accuracy. After all, each shot costs hundreds of gold coins. If it is not accurate, the money will really be wasted.


In short, research and development is like this.

Everyone understands the principle, but if you really want to make it a real thing, it requires thousands of experiments.

Then solve the problems one by one, and finally it can be realized.

This requires a lot of funds and technical reserves.

Fortunately, Ethan has nothing else, but he has these two things.

In order to develop the [Fire Blast Cannon], Ethan invited almost all the magic professors in Allen College.

Not only them, but even the magicians in the Duke's Mansion were invited together.

In order to invite them, in addition to money, he also promised to teach them the inscription technology.

He even promised the dean of Allen College that he would open a new professional course in Allen College - Inscription Studies.

Of course, there are many additional conditions for assisting Allen College to open this professional course.

For example, students who participate in this major must undergo political review to ensure that their background is the local elite class of Maro City.

If they are students from other places, they must sign an agreement to serve Maro City for 30 years, and there is no doubt that they will be assigned a job.

For example...

In short, adding a bunch of additional conditions is to ensure that Maro City is absolutely leading in the world in inscription technology.

Ethan also figured it out. Although he has the inscription skills by himself, it has brought him many benefits, but he has almost no other use except using it to make [Wind Breaker].

But in fact, inscription studies should not have only such a little use.

But he has no time to study it, so he can only rely on others.

His idea was also very simple. As long as there were enough people who mastered this technology, they would have the time, energy, and knowledge to use this skill to develop various magical items, which would benefit all mankind.

Of course, the humans here refer to the humans in Maro City, not humans in other regions.

As an academy that spreads this skill, it will inevitably reach the pinnacle of the education world, and will become as top-notch as Merlin College.

This will continuously attract various talents to Maro City, just as Merlin College continuously absorbed talents from Maro City in the past.

Back then, as long as Maro City had a genius, they basically went to the imperial capital for further studies. Then, once they left, it was basically impossible for them to come back.

Those who are willing to come back like Sophia are rare.

And if you can change the current situation of talent flow in the entire Maro City by showing some inscription skills, it is worth it no matter how you look at it.

Of course, people are selfish, and Ethan can't be so generous and give the inscription skills to Maro City for free.

He plans to set up a special inscription research institute and recruit outstanding graduates to develop various military or civilian inscription systems.

Of course, all this takes a long time, and it will take several years or even decades to see the effect.

Nowadays, Ethan's main focus is still on the [Pyroblast Cannon].

After dozens of professor-level magicians studied day and night, [Pyroblast Cannon] finally made some progress.

The first is the problem of conversion rate. Although the newly designed inscriptions cannot increase the conversion rate much, a seventeenth-level magician in the Duke's Mansion came up with a brand new plan.

That is to change the storage and compression method.

Because the Duke has a space storage method, that is, using black crystal stone plus their unique memory space, they can store the energy of the pyroblast stably and safely.

Although this method still takes several hours to charge once, it can store the energy of several pyroblasts in advance.

When it is needed, it only needs to be compressed and it can be cast continuously.

This means that not only the three most important problems are solved at once, but also the firepower of the [Pyroblast Cannon] is greatly increased.

The rest are some supporting functions, such as accuracy, range, etc.

Since these have corresponding finished inscriptions, it is relatively simple.

The next step is to build a real gun, and then use the real gun to verify the safety and various parameters in actual combat.

If everything meets the requirements, it can be mass-produced and equipped on new ships.

In fact, after solving the main technical problems, all the subsequent processes developed very quickly.

In less than two months, the researchers presented a finished product to Ethan.

And today is the day to test it.

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