Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 41: Transformation

After sending Saberi away, Ethan held the first meeting of lords in the captain's room of the pirate ship that night.

The purpose is to allocate tasks, clarify everyone's responsibilities, and the specific tasks everyone is responsible for before winter comes.

There were only 6 people attending the meeting, Ethan, Angelina, Lili, Robert, Tibbers, and Andreev.

Robert, Tibbers, and Andreev, these three people are the old, weak, sick and disabled arranged by the family.

Among them, Andreev is the oldest, 53 years old, and Ethan is worried about whether he can still move around.

Therefore, when arranging work, deliberately arrange some easy work for him.

Ethan himself is of course responsible for all the affairs, while Angelina has to take on the role of housekeeper, and Lili is responsible for the food.

As for the three wilderness experts, they are responsible for collecting supplies.

Of course, there is one "person" not mentioned here, and that is Xiao Huangmao, and Ethan also assigned responsibilities to it.

Its responsibilities are both the simplest and the most difficult. Everyone knows what they are, so I won’t go into details.

Ethan also made arrangements for the next specific matters.

Since the winter here is too cold and is coming soon, the main focus in the early stage is on preventing cold and keeping warm.

Ethan asked Angelina, Lili, and Andreev to arrange the heating work for several people's residences.

Including laying carpets, setting up stoves, chimneys, wind protection, fire protection, etc. This work is very important and involves whether you can spend the winter comfortably.

The most important thing is the stove, because there is no floor heating here.

To be precise, there is no such thing as floor heating in this world, so stoves are the only means of heating for everyone.

Whether you can create a warm and comfortable room depends on it.

And since these are all wooden rooms, while creating a warm and comfortable environment, fire prevention and heat insulation must also be done. Otherwise, if a fire breaks out, you will have to return to the embrace of nature.

Because of this, Ethan gave particularly detailed instructions.

After assigning work to Angelina and others, Ethan assigned specific tasks to Robert and Tibbers.

That is to collect firewood, and the firewood here is not ordinary firewood.

It must be those dead branches. Only dead branches will not produce a lot of thick smoke when burning because there is not much moisture in them.

This may seem like a simple job, but it's actually not easy.

First of all, the amount of firewood required to store enough firewood for the winter is staggering, and the firewood must be divided into sections to facilitate storage and combustion. This is another huge project.

Therefore, Robert and Tibbers both had grim faces when they knew their mission.

In fact, everyone in attendance was grimacing, including Angelina.

Especially Lili, when she docked from the ship, she did not see the castle and manor she had longed for, but only looked at a vast virgin forest. The suitcase in her hand fell to the ground with a "pop" in shock, and her face was filled with shock. It's despair.

This god hasn't come back yet, and she has been given a long-term, unpaid job as a cook. Can she not face a grimace?

The others were grimacing, and Ethan could understand, after all, they all had a lot to do, but Ethan couldn't understand why Angelina was also grimacing, because she was the hostess here.

After the meeting, when he returned to the room, Ethan asked Angelina about it, and his voice was stern.

"Angelina, I'm very sad for your performance tonight. Although you didn't speak, your expression affected everyone's morale.

If you really don't want to help, you shouldn't have agreed to it in the first place.

I have decided that after spring, you can go back with the ship!

We will never meet again! "

After hearing this, Angelina lowered her head like a child who made a mistake, said nothing, and trembled all over.

Finally, he pursed his lips, fought back tears, walked to his purse, took out a few crumpled papers from it, and handed them to Ethan.

Ethan took the pieces of paper doubtfully, glanced at them for a moment, and his scalp suddenly went numb.

This paper records the distribution of various materials, including storage, location, specific activation time, etc.

This was all discussed with Angelina before, but I didn’t expect that she would even record it.

In addition, there are actually various tasks that Ethan mentioned during the meeting, but the specific distribution is somewhat different from what Ethan said.

And the above plan is much more detailed than what Ethan said.

It was so detailed that the canvas on the pirate ship was removed and the cargo on the deck was covered to protect it from snow.

There are also some contents that were just written recently, such as using the pulley on the boat to make a tool for fetching water, so that there is no need to get off the boat to get water.

He even drew a simple sketch to lead the water to the side of the boat, set up a large bucket to store water, and then use a small bucket to hang a rope to lift the water.

Seeing all this, Ethan immediately understood why Angelina looked ugly.

It's not that she's pampered and doesn't want to help, but she's planning the housework as a hostess and creating specific procedures.

Judging from the crumpled appearance of the paper and the scribbles and corrections on it, you can tell that she has made careful preparations and wants to show off her skills.

Ethan understood that Angelina was blaming him for taking her job, which was a sign of extreme distrust of her.

"Although Angelina looked ugly in front of outsiders just now, she never interrupted her speech, which gave her enough face, but she still said something that made her sad."

Thinking of this, Ethan immediately blamed himself.

He held Angelina in his arms and said with an embarrassed expression: "I'm sorry! I didn't know you had made so many preparations. I sincerely apologize to you!"

At this time, Angelina couldn't control it anymore and tears flowed down.

Angelina shook her head: "It's none of your business, I didn't control my expression just now and embarrassed you in front of everyone!

Ethan, you know what? That day on the boat, you told me that you wanted to shoulder the mission of being a hostess. How happy was I?

For the first time, I felt that I was needed, that I was useful, that I was not just a vase, that I could stand up and contribute to this family.

I'm sorry that I made plans but didn't inform you because I wanted to give you a surprise! "

"You don't need to apologize!" Ethan wiped Angelina's tears: "It's me who should apologize! And you did give me a surprise, you are better than I thought.

You are an elegant, beautiful and capable wife and a qualified hostess. I am proud of you! "

Angelina burst out laughing with tears in her eyes: "Really?"


"Okay!" Angelina wiped away her tears and said with firm eyes: "In the future, you are not allowed to interfere in any internal affairs matters.

If you have a need or something you are used to, just tell me, but I will never interfere again.

You should use your energy where it should be used!

Just like today, you used all your strength to open a small ditch.

I'm not blaming you, but you have to understand that only you can protect everyone here.

If you focus all your attention on these little things, how can we trust you?

Even if you leisurely go fishing at the beach every day, I feel at ease.

Because I know you are a responsible person. If you dare to go fishing, it proves that the territory is not dangerous!

Ethan! My dear husband, am I right? "

Ethan swallowed and nodded hard: "Are all the women in the Lawson family like this? The way you speak is a bit like your sister Sophia, and the praise implies that it cannot be refused!"

"Just say it, right?" Angelina insisted.

"I understand!" Ethan nodded seriously: "I will no longer interfere in any affairs that you are responsible for, and I will also shoulder my responsibilities!

However, there is something that I might want to explain to you first.

In the next two days, I may have to repair the stairs, otherwise it will be too time-consuming for them to do it.

This is a matter of access and must be completed as soon as possible! "

"Deal! My dear husband!"

Just when the two were deeply in love, the little yellow hair on the deck suddenly let out a scream, and Ethan immediately became alert.

"What happened?" Angelina asked worriedly.

Ethan didn't reply and kept frowning. After a while, he showed a smile and said:

"It's okay! A guest in the mountains took one look at us and left! Don't worry about it. Let's go to bed early. There are many things to do tomorrow!"

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