Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 435: The Last Chance

Yes, Financial Officer Klotz was appointed as the first president of the Agricultural and Commercial Development Bank.

Ethan thought that Klotz would be satisfied with this and would not mention retirement again.

But the fact is not so.

He still proposed retirement from time to time on the grounds of being too old, and even did not want to take over the position of president at the beginning.

This made Ethan feel a little unbelievable.

Miloch also felt unbelievable.

He sent the carriage in the hope that Klotz would not mention retirement again, which would be good for everyone.

But Papalia refused.

Miloch was confused at this time: "My dear son-in-law, I just sent a carriage to my in-laws, why refuse?"

Papalia smiled: "This is not just a carriage, it will ruin my father's image in the master's heart, and it will also ruin my father's plan.

If you still want to enter the parliament, put away the carriage."

Miloch opened his eyes wide when he heard that he would enter the parliament. This was his lifelong dream.

So he hurriedly asked: "So the in-laws want to use retirement as a threat to make me..."

"No, no!" Papalia was worried that Miloch would say something treasonous, so he interrupted him: "This is just a favor.

For us, because of our previous wrong decisions, my master doesn't have a very good impression of us.

If you want to get a seat in parliament, this favor is indispensable.

But just a favor is definitely not enough, we also need to have enough strength.

So the next thing to do is to improve our strength, instead of spending money to customize a carriage.

My father has planned everything for us, we just have to follow it."

Milochi hurriedly asked: "What plan?"

Papalia pursed his lips and replied : "My father summarized the reasons for our previous failure.

He believes that the main reason for our failure is that we did not understand the master's mind.

And my master mainly looks at the ability to pay taxes when determining whether one is qualified to enter the parliament.

So, dear father-in-law, although your business is doing well, in terms of tax payment ability, it is definitely not comparable to those nobles who have accumulated for hundreds of years.

It didn't work before, it doesn't work now, and it is estimated that if it continues to develop like this, it will not work in the future.

Therefore, if you want to enter the parliament, you must find another way, for example, to satisfy my master's sense of achievement.

And now there is a good opportunity.

As you know, the master is currently vigorously promoting the promotion of paper money. If you can help me in this matter Adding fuel to the fire obviously wins the favor of the master.

Of course, letting you add fuel to the fire does not mean that you can exchange banknotes without thinking, and it is even more impossible for you to suffer losses.

Therefore, I have listed the following points:

First, the parliament is preparing to issue new bonds recently, and the money raised will be used to improve the medical conditions in Maro City.

Because it is a public welfare project rather than a commercial project, the interest rate is not as high as the bonds issued last year, and it is estimated to be only three points.

Although the return is not very high, you should buy as much as possible, and at the same time, you should find a way to persuade some people to buy, so as to show your enthusiasm for public welfare.

My master is very patient with people who are philanthropic, and he can even listen to public welfare improvement projects for a whole day.

Therefore, if you want to leave a good impression, this good reputation, no matter how Whatever you want, you must take it.

Second, the medical school project that my master is behind has completed the preparatory work and will be officially launched soon.

Donate some money at that time, not too much, but not too little, as long as it is qualified to show up in front of the master.

My suggestion is to set up a scholarship to support one or two poor students every year.

In this way, you can do a big thing with just a little money. Not only will you gain a good reputation, but you will also have a favor when these students graduate.

If someone in the family gets sick, there will be relatively trustworthy senior doctors, killing two birds with one stone.

Third, this is the last one, and the most important one.

You should know the Doerrick family! "

Miloqi nodded, indicating that he knew, and let Papalia continue.

Papariya pursed his lips and continued, "This family has been running a magic metal business. Since they have just experienced the looting of the Holy Light Church, they are currently having some difficulties in running the business.

And their family, because of the chaotic situation in the imperial capital, has no intention of taking care of them. In addition, they have offended the Holy Light Church, so local merchants are unwilling to interact with them.

Now is their most destitute time.

I hope you can invest in them at this time and help them rebuild their industry. As for the reason, I am not convenient to say.

But please believe me, this is an opportunity for your business to develop again.

It is also your last chance to improve your strength.

Once you miss it, you may never have the opportunity to enter the parliament again."

After hearing this, although Miloch had doubts in his heart, he still chose to believe Papariya and immediately began to execute.

And for a while, Ethan felt very strange because he could hear Miloch's name from time to time.

It is said that he brought a group of merchants to exchange a large amount of banknotes together, and also purchased a large number of public welfare bonds newly issued by the parliament.

And it is clearly stipulated that the industry he runs can only be settled with banknotes.

Since he had a good influence among businessmen and had many business partners, his move greatly promoted the influence and credit of paper money among businessmen.

Then I heard that he had set up a scholarship for the newly established medical school and made it clear that as long as he was alive, the scholarship would be available every year.

I thought that was the end, but I was chatting with the ten-year-old girl head of the Doerrick family.

I learned that they had received investment, and the source of funds was this Lord Miloch.

This made Ethan a little amused.

In fact, Ethan has always been paying attention to the Doerrick family, because the magic metals and metal processing products they provide are important components of the [Fire Blast Cannon].

But because of the internal strife, their family assets were confiscated, which led to a shortage of magic metals and some processed parts, and also caused the production of [Fire Blast Cannon] to stagnate.

Ethan didn't want to buy these important parts from other places, so he kept dragging it on.

But they were unable to resume supply.

Ethan knew that they had no money and some of them could not continue to operate, so he originally wanted to subsidize them himself.

However, the other party might be worried that Ethan would eat them, or perhaps worried about losing sovereignty, so they firmly disagreed with Ethan's investment and insisted on solving the problem with commercial methods.

Since the other party's attitude was really tough and it was a matter of mutual consent, Ethan did not force them.

Unexpectedly, this benefit was taken away by Miloch.

Thinking that the development of inscriptions in the future would use a large amount of magic metal, it would inevitably bring huge benefits to Miloch.

Ethan felt it necessary to consider Miloch's parliamentary seat carefully.

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