Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 471: Ethan's Staff

Ethan was keenly aware that the Duke of Asino was about to issue banknotes, which was probably because their family had financial problems.

But in fact, he couldn't believe that a small food war could put the Sheffield family, who was rich in financial resources, in trouble.

However, as long as there was such a possibility, he had to seize the opportunity.

He had a vague feeling that this was the opportunity he had been waiting for for many years to sanction the Sheffield family.

Of course, there was no metaphysics to have such a feeling, but it had a certain basis.

Just imagine that even the Iris Society knew that it was impossible to issue banknotes without solving the anti-counterfeiting problem, otherwise it would be harvested.

The Duke of Asino had always had close contacts with the senior officials of the Iris Society, and he couldn't be unaware of this.

Since he knew it, he dared to issue banknotes, and he still issued them alone without the Iris Society.

There were only three possibilities. One was that he solved the anti-counterfeiting problem, the second was that he saw that Maro City had successfully issued banknotes and wanted to compete with Maro City for the market head-on, and the third was that he was really short of money.

Ethan didn't think that the Duke of Asino had the ability to solve the anti-counterfeiting problem. Just a color-changing ink was not something he could solve.

That was the formula that Ethan had spent a lot of effort to research, and he had kept it strictly confidential.

Even if he stole the formula, it would be useless.

Because there was a special anti-crystallization agent in the formula that needed the help of the inscription to be extracted from the pine oil.

Without this thing, the ink would clump in a short time and could not be used for printing at all.

If the Duke of Asino could not solve the first point, then he still wanted to compete with the Ma Yuan for the market, which was tantamount to seeking death.

The Duke of Asino should not be so stupid.

Since the first two points are unlikely, there is only the last one left.

The food war probably hurt the Sheffield family, and they wanted to borrow the issuance of banknotes to quickly recover.

Of course, the above is just speculation.

Whether it is correct or not needs to be verified.

So, Ethan called a few staff members to discuss together.

Of course, when it comes to discussing, Ethan is not going to tell them the real purpose.

He just told them that the Duke of Asino was going to issue banknotes and treat the other party as a business rival.

But after hearing this, several staff members burst into laughter, as if they didn't regard the other party as an opponent at all.

This made Ethan very angry, but he couldn't tell the truth, so he could only calm down.

Putting on a serious expression, he reminded: "You'd better not underestimate others. No matter what enemy you face, I hope you will show the determination of a lion fighting a rabbit.

Otherwise, because of carelessness, the opponent will develop, and it will be useless to regret it at that time."

Seeing Ethan treat the enemy so cautiously, everyone present was in awe, put away their smiles, and began to take this matter seriously.

The first to appear was a staff member named Norricks.

He was originally a timber merchant and one of the suppliers of timber for the Lawson family shipyard.

Norricks achieved remarkable results in the timber business.

Faced with fierce market competition and fluctuating prices, he realized that relying solely on traditional procurement and sales models could not ensure long-term success.

Therefore, he adopted an innovative financial strategy to deal with market uncertainties.

The most successful battle was when the Lawson family and the Casillas family had a conflict.

At that time, due to the sharp reduction in orders, the demand for timber also decreased significantly, and timber merchants were wailing everywhere.

But he was keenly aware that the price of timber would rise sharply in the future, so when the price of timber was low, others sold at low prices, but he stocked up.

As a result, when the Lawson family shipyard was built, he naturally made a lot of money.

Of course, if he just had a vision, it would definitely not be enough to support him to join the staff team.

The real reason for supporting him to join the staff team was his innovative spirit.

When he realized that the price of timber would rise sharply in the future, he not only stocked up, but also cooperated with the Iris Society, and the Iris Society guaranteed it to design an unprecedented futures contract.

This contract allows him to buy timber at a fixed price at a certain time in the future, rather than at the current market price.

This contract not only provides him with price stability, but also enables him to lock in procurement costs in advance, so that he can still maintain profits regardless of future market prices, whether they rise or fall.

His innovation not only made him a lot of money, but also brought him into Ethan's sight.

He is also a very ambitious person. When Ethan offered him an olive branch, he did not hesitate to hand over the business to his family and joined the staff team alone.

Now he is one of the deputy governors of the Central Reserve Bank, responsible for a brand new business - commercial insurance.

This business aims to provide protection for risks in commercial trade and earn a certain margin.

Although this business has only been launched for less than a few months, the results are already very gratifying.

How good the results are can be seen from his annual salary.

Because his annual salary is linked to performance, it has been raised twice, from the initial 8,000 Malaysian ringgit to the current 17,000 Malaysian ringgit, an increase of 215%.

From this, we can also know how popular this business is, and of course his vision and strength.

Ethan has always believed that no matter how brilliant a person was in the past, it can only be used as a reference at most. Only when he shows results now can he be a real talent.

Due to Norricks' outstanding performance, Ethan admired him very much and was ready to confer him the title of knight after the new year and officially bring him into the family.

Seeing him stand up first, Ethan was very pleased, so he smiled and said, "Norricks, what do you think?"

Norricks smiled and said, "I don't have any opinions, but I think it's a bit strange.

Now the horse yuan we issue has not only reached cooperation agreements with many regions, but also established many promotion banks, and many regions have even taken the initiative to extend olive branches to us.

This is when we are the strongest, but at this time, they do not choose to cooperate with us, but choose to go it alone, which is incredible.

Isn't it that Duke Asino doesn't know that the banknotes they issue will become our opponents?"

When Ethan heard this, his face changed instantly.

Because after Norricks' reminder, he suddenly realized that maybe the other party did not have financial problems, but for another reason.

However, he did not say it, but stretched out his hand, indicating Norricks to finish speaking.

Norricks nodded: "I think there are only two reasons why he did this.

One is that they are ready to join our paper currency zone, but they may be dissatisfied with our distribution system and want to reap a wave of local wealth in advance.

The second is that the Sheffield family's financial situation has problems and they are in urgent need of recovery.

Considering the long history of the Sheffield family and their family's hundreds of years of accumulated wealth, the second one can basically be ruled out.

Then only the first one is possible.

If he really wants to reap a wave of local wealth and succeeds.

Then when we cooperate with him, although it will not affect the creation of subsequent wealth, the first wave of income will definitely drop sharply.

As everyone knows, the first wave of wealth income is the largest part and the most critical reserve. part, it directly affects the subsequent promotion of paper money.

If he takes it away, we will not only have to extend the return cycle of income, but also have to pay money to increase the reserve in the early stage. Otherwise, if there is not enough reserve, it means that there is no paper money of sufficient scale to promote them.

This is definitely unacceptable to us.

For the Duke of Asino, this move not only harvested local wealth, but also made a profit regardless of whether he cooperated with us or not.

If we cooperate, we have to replenish their reserve funds to promote the paper money smoothly. He not only got the deposit, but also earned the subsequent wealth.

If we don't cooperate, he will continue to eat up the local wealth.

Obviously, his move is just to retain local wealth. As for whether the local people live or die, he doesn't seem to care. "


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