Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 475: Merchant Jace

Early the next morning, Antonov and William dragged their tired bodies onto the return carriage.

In the car, Antonov suddenly asked William: "What do you think about this matter?"

"The teacher is asking about the interest rate hike in the St. Franco area?" William asked cautiously.

"Of course!" Antonov said while rubbing his eyebrows: "At first, I thought they were planning to punish Duke Arsinoe, and they were probably going to make a big move.

But the result is that we are just asked to cooperate with them in raising interest rates, and even the interest is still paid by them.

There seems to be a connection between the two, but they don't seem to match up at all.

What are your thoughts on this? "

"I'm sorry, teacher!" William said helplessly: "Actually, I have been thinking about this all night, but I can't figure out the logic.

Perhaps this is due to a lack of critical information on our part.

However, one thing is certain, they are definitely going to attack Duke Arsinoe, and we are helping them.

Perhaps what we should consider more is the issue of risk. "

"Risk?" When he heard the word risk, Antonov smiled disdainfully: "Are you worried about the risk of the Iris Club, or are you worried about the personal risk?"

"All of them! After all, it was a Duke who was offended this time!" William smiled sarcastically.

How could Antonov not see through William's little thoughts? He said he was worried about Iris being at risk, which was just to put money on his face.

Therefore, he specially reminded: "My dear William, please remember that if we do anything detrimental to the interests of the Duke of Arsinoe.

The responsibility must not be on you and me, because this is the decision of all the senior officials of the Iris Society, do you understand? "

"Understood!" William replied with a smile, and then changed the topic: "But, teacher, do you have a way to get Bojir to cooperate?"

The Bogil that William was talking about was the actual controller of the Iris Chapter in St. Fran City today, and his authority and rank were similar to William of Marlow City.

However, he was not a disciple of Antonov, but a confidant of another chairman.

The reason why the Iris Club separates the chairman responsible for the division from the actual person in charge is to prevent power from being connected.

After hearing this, Antonov smiled: "I've even prepared the scapegoat. Isn't this better?

As for whether to cooperate or not, that is not his decision.

After all, he is from Botello. I just need to go and have a good chat with Botello and everything will be settled. "

"Then the teacher wants to tell Chairman Botero the truth?" William asked worriedly: "What if he also wants to join in?"

"Haha!" Antonov smiled: "You don't have to worry about this. Botero seems to be smart, but in fact his brain is full of sperm.

You should know that the areas he is responsible for are basically losing money now, but he can't come up with any solutions.

Although we all face difficulties, we are always trying to solve them.

But what about him!

The people under his command were almost out of food, but he didn't care at all. On the contrary, he was still in the mood to have fun every night.

Just the night before I came here, he organized a dinner party and then invited a bunch of beautiful women to choose his concubine.

What does this kind of person have to worry about?

However, you must keep an eye on the interest settlement here, there must be no problems with the accounting, and you must be prepared for the possibility of his auditing the accounts at any time.

Because I was going to convince him that Marlow City lacked liquidity. "

"I understand! Teacher!" William nodded: "I will reasonably arrange the location of the working capital as soon as possible to cooperate with your interest rate increase plan."


"By the way! Teacher! Please pay attention to the situation after the interest rate increase in St. Fran City. If you know why Maro City raised interest rates, please send me a copy. I am particularly curious about this!"

"Yeah! Got it!"

city ​​of saint franc

Sheffield family estate

This is one of the 17 coastal areas of the Aslan Empire. The Solan Mountains, which originally stretched north and south, curved here and expanded eastward until they reached the seaside.

The climate here is warm and the land is fertile, making it a famous grain-producing area in the empire.

At the same time, because it is adjacent to the Solan Mountains to the north, it has produced countless mineral deposits and is also a famous metal producing area in the empire. Countless people make a living relying on the mineral deposits here.

Businessman Jess is one of them.

Jace's ancestor was once a nobleman, but unfortunately due to continuous branching, branching, and continuous downgrading, by his generation, he had lost his aristocratic status and became a commoner.

In fact, among the common people who can survive to this generation, or in other words, the common people who can live to this day, as long as they go up a few generations, who is not a noble?

Otherwise, no real civilians would be able to survive the various natural and man-made disasters that have occurred over the past hundreds of years.

However, Jace was lucky. Although he became a commoner, he at least inherited some property.

With these assets, he founded a thorium processing factory.

Since thorium has always been in short supply, there is no need to worry about the market. In addition, he can take care of relationships. After decades of business, although he is not rich, he can be considered to have a certain family background.

His lifelong dream is to lead his family back to the nobility.

But this dream is too difficult for him without force!

The only thing he can do now is to work hard to make money, and then carefully train the next generation, hoping that the next generation can complete his dream.

However, he feels that this dream may also be shattered.

Now he is holding a newspaper in his hand, which is the "Saint-Franc Weekly" published by the City of Saint-Franc.

It clearly said that the Duke of Asino was going to issue paper money.

Jess looked at the news with confusion in his eyes, and then he picked up another crumpled newspaper.

This newspaper was given by a client from Maro City when he was having dinner with him recently and the two accidentally talked about the issue of paper money.

The client talked a lot about the credit of paper money at that time, and clearly stated that the truth about paper money was in this newspaper.

Jess took a serious look at it out of curiosity, and was shocked by the various knowledge in it at that time.

What reserve fund system, what anti-counterfeiting logo, what regulatory policy, what the relationship between the issuance scale and the reserve fund...

At that time, he just felt that his knowledge had been greatly improved.

It was also at that time that he knew that in order to issue paper money, various security policies must be established and subject to supervision to ensure the credit of paper money.

If paper money has credit, then money is money, otherwise it is waste paper.

Now that the Duke of Asino is also going to issue paper money, he picked up this newspaper and reviewed it again.

After that, he picked up the San Fran Weekly and read it again. He found that in addition to introducing the various benefits of promoting paper money, San Fran Weekly did not mention what kind of paper money security policy should be implemented.

And San Fran Weekly also emphasized that the promotion of paper money this time is mandatory. Everyone must exchange metal currency for paper money, and it is not allowed to exchange it back to metal coins.

And all this is done to facilitate the lives of the people.

"Doesn't this mean that I have to exchange all my real gold and silver for waste paper?"

Jace's heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant.


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