Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 555: Protecting Breakfast

Early the next morning, Paul, the commander of the Southern Alliance, arrived at the Bertner Manor in a dusty state.

Because he was in a hurry to get on the road, he didn't eat all the way. Ethan knew about it and invited him to have breakfast together.

When Paul saw the breakfast of Ethan's family, he was surprised because there were 36 kinds of food alone, and many of them were unfamiliar.

At that time, Paul had only one thought in his mind. If a breakfast was so luxurious, other aspects must be more luxurious.

In fact, Paul guessed correctly. Ethan's family stipulated that breakfast was 36 kinds, lunch was 72 dishes, and dinner required 108 dishes, and each dish was very large. As for supper, it was casual.

Ethan was obsessed with eating, and dinner was based on the standards of the old Buddha.

Of course, this was not luxury. Anyone with a discerning eye knew that Ethan's family could not eat so much. The reason why they could not eat so much was purely to add extra meals to the people in the manor.

Now in the manor, there are about 60 male and female servants, and dozens of permanent guards. Although they have working meals, they are not very good.

With their salary level, it is definitely not a problem to eat enough, but it is really impossible to eat well.

Ethan cooks a little more for the three meals, and the family members use public chopsticks to share the food, and the rest can be shared with others, which is equivalent to giving them some nutrition in disguise.

The result is that the maids who just entered the manor are all thin waists and long legs, with supermodel figures, but as long as they stay here for two months, they will definitely grow fat on their faces, and if they can stay here for more than half a year, they will definitely be Russian aunties.

This gives Ethan a headache, because when he goes to other people's homes as a guest, the maids of other people are all slender and curvy, but when they come to him, they are all big and fat, like walking bathtubs, which makes him very embarrassed when he entertains others.

However, no matter how embarrassing it is, he still insists on doing so. Of course, this is not because he is kind-hearted, but for his own consideration.

You have to know that the world is treacherous, and you don’t know if the chef will be in a bad mood one day and add some strange ingredients to the dishes.

For example, the original nine-turn large intestine, maybe they dare not use the original nine-turn large intestine, but if they are in a bad mood, it is reasonable to spit some 82-year-old saliva into the pot! It is also reasonable to put a cold dish directly for you without washing your hands after going to the toilet!

If you want to stop this behavior, it is impossible to succeed by regulations, oppression, punishment, or morality.

The only solution is for everyone to "share the blessing"!

Everyone knows that after Ethan finishes eating, the rest will be left to them. If they are not stupid, they will not do such stupid things.

Even if someone really wants to be stupid, there are so many chefs, assistants, and maids in the kitchen watching. If you dare to add ingredients, Ethan doesn't have to do it, there are people to cut him.

"Sir Ethan, every time I come to you, it opens my eyes." After breakfast, Paul sighed in the study.

Ethan didn't know what Paul was sighing about, nor did he want to know. He asked directly, "General Paul, I want to know, does NATO have the ability to stop the orcs heading south?"

"No!" Paul smiled bitterly, "If the orcs come, the newly completed fortress will collapse in less than a day. Of course, it's not the fortress itself that is not good, but the people."

"Can't even hold out for a day?"

Ethan was speechless. He spent so much money to build the fortress, organized a force of tens of thousands of people, and had a high wall for protection, but was told that it couldn't even hold out for a day. Ethan really couldn't accept it.

"Yes! Sir Ethan, he can't survive a day!" Paul said affirmatively: "My father participated in the war against orcs in the North more than ten years ago, and he was lucky to come back alive.

But the 3,000 people who went with my father were not so lucky, and almost all of them died in the battle.

After my father came back, his body was fine, but he had big problems with his spirit. He would be terrified and nervous from time to time, and he couldn't sleep at night. He died of excessive mental stress within two years.

I remember he told me that I must not enter the attack range of the orcs, otherwise whether I can survive or not depends on luck, because even if the orcs die, they will drag a few people down with them.

I always remember this, but I don't know why. Later, I participated in the defense war in the North myself, and I saw with my own eyes that a bunch of orcs would explode out of their bodies after they died. Flying insects.

Those insects are small and fast. If you get a little bit of them, you will rot. It was at that time that I really understood what my father meant.

Just imagine, if those orcs are sent into the fortress through magic, his life can be exchanged for more than a dozen lives. How can we bear such an exchange ratio?

The North has been accustomed to this way of fighting due to years of war, but even so, their loss ratio can only barely maintain one for one.

We are not as strict as the North. As long as the orcs come in, it will definitely be a massacre.

Although I have been stepping up the training of the tactics of the North recently, the time is too tight. With the current combat power, let alone defending, it will be a miracle if it does not collapse after the war. "

Ethan sighed when he heard it.

It seems that in the future, when the orcs attack, I can only go into battle myself, and I have to keep an eye on it 24 hours a day.

Alas... What's the point of living like this?

Just when Ethan was feeling discouraged, Paul smiled and said, "However, we are not completely helpless. The fire blast cannon that you provided to me recently, Mr. Ethan, really opened my eyes.

Not to mention the huge power, the maximum range is close to 12,000 meters, and the most important thing is that it can hit accurately.

Such performance can completely stop the orcs from their attack range. If there are enough fire blast cannons, I think the safety of Solan Mountain Fortress can be guaranteed. "

Hearing this, Ethan understood Paul's intention.

The previous statement that it could not be defended was just a prelude to the fire blast cannon.

"What do you mean by enough quantity?"

"At present, at least 100 guns are needed! 100 guns are also needed as backup. "

Ethan calculated in his mind that the cost of a fire blast cannon was only hundreds of thousands of Malaysian dollars, and 200 guns were only more than 20 million, which was a piece of cake!

However, Ethan was not prepared to agree too readily. After all, if something is too easy to get, no one will cherish it.

After struggling with a painful expression, Ethan nodded: "200 guns are not a small number, but it doesn't matter, I'll find a way. I will arrange for someone to send a batch over soon. "

Paul originally thought that today would be a difficult negotiation, because he was used to the selfishness and greed of the nobles, but he didn't expect it to be so smooth. Although the great swordsman was a little extravagant, his extravagance was reasonable and legal.

Seeing that Ethan agreed, Paul smiled knowingly: "On behalf of the southern people, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you, Mr. Ethan. You protected everyone's breakfast! But, can I make another request?"

"Go ahead!"

"When the fire burst cannon was installed, I heard from those mages that the cannon was locked and could not be moved at will. I hope you can lift this restriction."

Ethan frowned immediately: "It's not that the muzzle cannot be adjusted in a fixed position, what will be the impact?"

"The fixed cannon really has no impact!" Paul spread his hands: "It's just that if one of them breaks down during the war and needs to be replaced with a spare cannon, you can't let those magicians spend half a day unlocking it and another half a day installing it.

If that were the case, the orcs would have rushed in long ago. What's the use of them then? "


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