Lin Wudi left the [High-end Supermarket] and flew directly with his sword to the [Lingshui Hot Spring] to soak in the hot spring.

While soaking in the hot spring, Lin Wudi saw that the number of Lord Soul Stones had reached 20 million.

Therefore, I plan to consume 10 million Lord Soul Stones to upgrade the territory to level 6 and 1 star.

As the lord’s soul stones continue to be consumed, the territory level is also constantly improving.


“Territory Tips: Consume 1,000,000 Lord Soul Stones to upgrade the [Immortal Crystal] level to level 5 and 2 stars!”

“Territory Tips: Consume 1,000,000 Lord Soul Stones to upgrade the [Immortal Crystal] level to level 5 and 3 stars!”…

“Territory Tips: Consume 2,000,000 Lord Soul Stones to upgrade the [Immortal Crystal] level to level 6 and 1 star!”


Lin Wudi looked at the territory information that had been upgraded to level 6 and 1 star.


【Lord’s Space Name: God-Level Black Shadow Corps!】

【Belongs to: Lin Wudi!】

【Quality: God-level!】

【Level: Level 6, 1 star! (0/10 million)】

【Territory Talent: Soft Rice King!】

【Territory area: 5000×5000 square meters!】

【Buildings: Lord Crystal (Level: Level 6, 1 star), God-level Shadow Corps (Level: Level 5, 9 stars), Watchtower (Level: Level 4, 1 star), Tower of Light (Level: Level 4, 1 star), Super Taunt Tower (level: 6th level, 1 star), Wanjian Mountain (level: 5th level, 1 star)……】

【Ability: Gathering!】


After the territory reaches level 6 and 1 star, the size reaches 5000×5000 square meters.

This area is already quite large.

Although there is a distance of 5000 meters from one side of the territory to the other.

But Lin Wudi wanted to get from one side of the territory to the other very quickly.

It doesn’t even take a minute.

Because his physical attributes have reached about 10 million.

You know… as long as the physical attributes reach the full attribute of level seven and one star, the speed can reach 100 meters per second.

But the higher you go, the more attributes you need to increase your speed by 100 meters per second.

Because of the full attribute of level 8 and 1 star, the speed only reaches 200 meters per second.

Although the physical attributes of those shadow generals did not reach 10 million.

But there are 9 million


As for the monsters that come to attack the territory every day, they are taunted by the [Super Taunt Tower] building.

If you are too far away from the [Super Taunt Tower] building, Mysterious Space will move the affected monsters nearby.

But this will only happen during the trial, after arriving in the Lord’s Continent.

After being taunted, these monsters could only run in the direction of the [Super Taunt Tower] building.

After the territory level was raised to level six, Lin Wudi’s territory talent unlocked another effect.

And this effect is also very useful


【Territory Talent: Soft Rice King!】

【Quality: God-level!】

【Effect 1: All attributes of all female heroes in the territory x 10000%!

Effect 2: All female heroes in the territory stay young forever!

Effect 3: When acquiring heroes, the probability of acquiring beautiful heroes is increased to 100%, and they are all innocent!

Effect 4: All heroes who belong to the territory have a constant loyalty of 100%!

Effect 5: The levels of all buildings in the territory will not be restricted by the territory level!

Effect 6: After the territory level reaches level three, the lord can choose any hero in the territory to increase combat power!

You can also replace it with any other hero in the territory at any time for combat power blessing!

Effect 7: As long as it is within the territory and within a radius of 1000 meters outside the territory!

If a hostile atmosphere is detected, the Lord Crystal will automatically alert the Lord!

Effect 8: Three buildings of different types with the same quality can be fused together!

This will raise the quality of the building to another level! (Details)

Effect 9: To improve the territory and building level, you only need to consume Lord Soul Stones, nothing else is needed!

Effect 10:? (Lord level is insufficient)


【Introduction: I didn’t become a real man in my previous life, so I’ll make it up to you in this life!】


“Not bad! This new effect really helped him a lot!”

You must know that after reaching the second level of the territory and building level, you want to upgrade to the next major level.

For example, the second level nine stars are upgraded to the third level one star, the third level nine stars are upgraded to the fourth level one star, etc.

In addition to the corresponding In addition to the Lord Soul Stone, you also need various materials and items of corresponding levels. However , during the novice trial

, you only need the corresponding Lord Soul Stone.

In addition to the Lord Soul Stone, he also needs corresponding things.

Now, when he arrives in the Lord Continent, he can quickly become a god.

At night, Lin Wudi took Daji and Diao Chan directly to the sky outside the territory. There was a barbecue on the ground, and they also took out a lot of giant fruits.

Then Lin Wudi summoned Nijia and the others.

When Nijia and the others appeared in front of Lin Wudi, they all had food in their hands. And they were still eating. Moreover ,

Manny and Cabo transformed their hands and feet into human appearances.

It was not known whether this was their original ability or the effect of their evolutionary abilities.

He put the food in his hand directly into the hero’s backpack and then said.

“Hello boss!”

Manni’s generals did the same thing. After putting away the food, they said hello to Lin Wudi.

“By the way, these two are your sisters-in-law!”

“When you see them in the future, remember to say hello! Lin Wudi said

“Okay, boss! Nijia and the others responded.

Then their five shadow generals also said hello to Daji and Diao Chan.

“I summoned you here because I want to eat barbecue and fruits with you!”

“I didn’t know you guys liked to eat delicious food before, so I didn’t call you over when I was eating!”

“And when eating, there are more people and it’s more lively!”

“So you’re welcome, just do whatever you want! Lin Wudi continued.

When Manny heard what Lin Wudi said, he spoke directly.

“Don’t worry, boss, I won’t be polite to you!”

Then he directly picked up a giant peach next to him and started to eat it.

Seeing that these shadow generals basically let go, Lin Wudi was also very happy.

Then he summoned a group of ghost soldiers and asked them to take charge. Barbecuing and cutting fruits.

Lin Wudi, Da Ji, and Diao Chan were responsible for eating.

Moreover, these shadow generals also followed suit and directly directed these ghost soldiers to help them enjoy the barbecue. In the evening, Lin Wudi took Daji and Diao Chan back to the hotel to rest.

As for the shadow generals who stayed there and continued to eat, their stomachs seemed to be like bottomless pits, but they didn’t eat very fast. So even if they eat all day long, they won’t be able to eat much.

And they don’t need to rest, so if they really want to eat, they can have a lot of fun reading books on May Day! Coupon!

Grab it now (Activity period: April 29th to May 3rd)

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