After Zhou Yan saw the direction from which these sounds came, he discovered that a dark hole appeared on the cliff in the distance.

This hole was very large, estimated to be about ten meters high. Zhou Yan was about 1.75 meters tall. Under the hole, he looked up and found that the hole was surrounded by blades. These blades were shining. With the cold light, it makes people feel frightened just to look at it.

"This is my burial place. I am waiting here for you to take away my baby." The man said.

At this time, Zhou Yan saw the dark hole, and suddenly a ball of black gas came out of it.

This black mist immediately enveloped the person, and then Zhou Yan saw the person slowly disappear, and the black mist also slowly faded, and finally completely disappeared into the air. It was as if it had never appeared.

Zhou Yan stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the dark cave entrance. He hesitated for a moment, and then walked over.

When he just approached the hole, a dazzling red light shone on his face. This red light shone on Zhou Yan's face, making Zhou Yan feel a burning sensation, but it was not very painful.

After Zhou Yan got used to the red light, he finally saw the scene of the cave entrance clearly. The cave entrance was like an altar. In the center of the altar, there was a stone platform, and on the stone platform, there was an oil lamp. The oil lamp had been extinguished, but something was still burning.

"What is this?"

Zhou Yan looked at the oil lamp, and then prepared to walk towards the stone platform, but just after taking a few steps, he felt an icy cold air that invaded him instantly, making him tremble all over.


Zhou Yan took a deep breath, and then continued to walk to the stone platform. At this time, Zhou Yan saw the stone platform.

There are three grooves, and under these three grooves are three round beads. These three beads are blue-green, one of them is blue, and the other two are yellow and red.

"Could it be that those two jade pendants are the keys to this place?"

Zhou Yan looked at these three beads and thought to himself.

But Zhou Yan did not act immediately, but observed his surroundings.

After realizing that there was no danger, he bent down and tied the ropes beside the three stone platforms to his body. Then he grabbed the ropes with both hands and started to climb up.


Zhou Yan's breathing became more and more rapid, because the gravity here was much stronger than outside. Although there was a rope holding him, he still needed to use all his strength to crawl slowly.

Finally, he climbed to the top of the stone platform. He looked at the three beads in front of him and felt a little excited.

He immediately picked up one of the blue beads and studied it carefully, but Zhou Yan found that his strength could not break the bead at all.

He tried to put his hand into the bead, but the bead seemed to contain extremely rich spiritual energy.

Zhou Yan even felt that the fighting energy in his body was surging, but it could not function.

"what to do?"

Zhou Yan looked at the blue beads and fell into deep thought. These three beads were all the treasures he dreamed of.

He already has a Divine Weapon. If he can get another treasure, he can collect three treasures. By then, his attack power will definitely be improved a lot. However, now he does not dare to go rashly. Take the two jade pendants.

"Huhu~huhu~" Just when Zhou Yan was still distressed, suddenly, he found that his clothes began to melt slowly.

"Holy shit, what's going on? Could it be that this place is poisonous?"

Zhou Yan was shocked when he looked at the clothes on his body that were slowly dissolving.

However, fortunately, Zhou Yan reacted quickly and quickly ran to the rock wall next to him.

He slashed his clothes with a dagger, and then tore off a piece of cloth.

He entangled his wound and then splashed it with water again to stop the bleeding.

Then he sat quietly next to the rock wall and rested.


Just a few seconds after Zhou Yan rested, the mountain peak suddenly shook violently. Zhou Yan quickly lay down on the ground, looked at the boulder he just sat on, and found that there were countless cracks on it.

"Oops! This place is going to collapse. Get out of here quickly."

When Zhou Yan saw this scene, he quickly prepared to leave here, but at this time, the entire cave began to shake. Zhou Yan watched the mountain peak shaking, and then rolled down the slope.

After Zhou Yan rolled down the hillside, he breathed a sigh of relief, then stood up, patted his butt, looked at the valley and said:

"Damn, what is this cave for? Why are there so many agencies? Could it be that someone once established a secret base here?"

Thinking of this, Zhou Yan decided to leave here first. After all, it was too weird here.

If it really collapses or encounters any danger, he may be in danger.

Zhou Yan climbed towards the foot of the mountain and waited for Zhou Yan to get out of the valley.

Only then did he see a giant beast standing at the entrance of the valley. This giant beast was furry all over, just like an orangutan. Its eyes were green, and it was staring at Zhou Yan eagerly. Moreover, this thing's mouth It was very big, with sharp teeth exposed inside, as if it wanted to eat people.


This giant beast roared at Zhou Yan when it saw him.

"Hoo, what is this?"

After Zhou Yan saw this giant beast, he couldn't help but take a step back. He didn't expect that there would be such a giant beast in the valley of this valley. Zhou Yan guessed that this giant beast should be guarding here. Monster Race it.

"Hmph! I'm not afraid of you. I want to see who is faster, your speed, or my fist."

Zhou Yan sneered, and then rushed towards the giant beast, but he just took two steps.

The giant beast rushed towards him. At the same time, the giant beast opened its big mouth, and a stream of white smoke spurted out from the mouth of the giant beast. Zhou Yan smelled this After smelling it, he immediately covered his nose.

"Damn it, it's actually miasma!" Zhou Yan cursed.

"Bang!" Zhou Yan kicked the giant beast in the belly, but after being kicked, the giant beast still looked like a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water, and continued to rush towards Zhou Yan. , and then scratched Zhou Yan with a claw.

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