Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1070, Gravel And Water Drops

This valley seems to be a desperate situation. It is simply a dream to get out of here alive.

However, Zhou Yan didn't want to give up.

Zhou Yan decided to give it a try. As long as he could escape from the valley alive, even if it cost his life, he would go into the depths of the blood pool to explore the secrets inside the blood pool and obtain the blood in the blood pool.

Zhou Yan's body suddenly disappeared from the spot, turned into a ball of blood mist, merged into the magma, and swam towards the depths.


Zhou Yan swam very quickly and soon reached the end of the passage.

At the end of the passage, there is a rock wall. The surface of the rock wall is full of messy gravels. The surrounding stone walls are also inlaid with some crystal clear water droplets, emitting a faint red light.

Zhou Yan felt that these stones were very strange, so he cautiously approached the stone wall.

The moment Zhou Yan's palm touched the stone wall, it was as if his palm had touched an iron plate. The pain was so painful that he almost couldn't bear it.

However, the pain did not affect him, because the moment his palm touched the stone wall, he felt a powerful energy contained in these stones, which seemed to be able to withstand his palm.

"What a powerful energy. The energy of this energy is enough to support a strong Martial Master for more than three years, or even five years." Zhou Yan's heart was filled with excitement.

"That's great. This much energy is enough to support my practice for a month."

Zhou Yan saw a huge rock on the edge of the stone wall, so he walked over, picked up the huge rock, and looked at it carefully. He found that the material of this rock was very tough, and it was tougher than ordinary stones. many.

If these rocks were sold in the market, the value of one stone might reach tens of millions of purple gold coins.

"Such a lot of rocks must be very precious. If you exchange them for purple gold coins, they will be enough for me to buy a lot of elixirs." Zhou Yan looked at the rocks in his hand and thought to himself, "However, what I need most now is to improve my strength. , can't waste time here."

Zhou Yan waved his hand and threw the huge stone into the cave. Then, he continued to swim deeper into the mountain.

There are many giant monsters in this area, and these monsters are much stronger than Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan escaped from the mouth of a huge black dragon, but the black dragon was stronger than Zhou Yan. His arm directly penetrated Zhou Yan's defense and caught Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan felt his body shaking violently. This was the first time he encountered such a situation.


Zhou Yan was thrown out of the mountain by the black dragon and fell into the magma.


A pungent stench came, which made Zhou Yan frown involuntarily.

Zhou Yan got up. He felt that his body seemed to have suffered serious wounds. These wounds seemed to be torn apart by the black dragon.

Not only that, Zhou Yan felt that his body seemed to be under some kind of strong oppression. The skin on his body cracked piece by piece, and blood flowed out. It looked very scary.

"Damn it, how powerful is this dragon?" Zhou Yan thought in disbelief.

He only felt weak now, as if he had been run over by a train and his whole body was falling apart.

Zhou Yan felt that all the muscles and veins in his body were broken by this black dragon.

Zhou Yan was lying next to the blood pool, feeling that his whole body had become stiff and unable to move.

"If I can absorb the energy in these stones, I should be able to break through to the peak of the gods, right?" Zhou Yan thought of this, and he quickly took out the huge black crystal stone from his arms, put it in his mouth, and used the tip of his tongue to Licking.

This huge crystal was what he had just condensed with his spiritual thoughts. As long as he could absorb all the energy in this huge crystal, he would be able to successfully advance to the Divine Monarch Rank.

A crystal stone was bitten into pieces by Zhou Yan, and all the energy contained in it poured into his body.

Zhou Yan's body quickly returned to normal, but now he is unable to walk.

"It seems that I am the only one who can think of a way." Zhou Yan sighed. Although he could move now, he did not dare to walk because he was worried that the black dragon would find him.

"It seems that I am the only one who needs to leave this hellish place first and then think of other solutions."

Zhou Yan thought for a while and decided to leave this place first and wait for him to come back to look for the purple gold mine.

So, Zhou Yan stood up and walked step by step towards the depths of the cave.

In this cave, in addition to some rocks, there are also some huge rock pillars covered with dense runes. These runes seem to be very mysterious. Zhou Yan can only feel the magic in his mind. His consciousness was slightly hindered. This feeling of obstruction was very strange, just like a stone tablet blocking Zhou Yan's face, which made Zhou Yan feel very difficult.

"What kind of energy are contained in these stones?" Zhou Yan looked confused.

Immediately, a light flashed in Zhou Yan's eyes: "The stones in this cave contain powerful energy. If I absorb this energy, then I can hit the Monarch Rank. In this case, I am qualified to compete with this black dragon for treasure."

After thinking about this, Zhou Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

"In that case, let me start absorbing the energy in these stones."

As Zhou Yan spoke, he reached out and held a stone in his hand. He started the "Nine Heavens Divine Art" and then frantically absorbed the energy in the rock.

"Buzz buzz~~"

The stone in Zhou Yan's hand suddenly burst out with dazzling light. Then, it quickly expanded and turned into a small stone as big as a fist. Zhou Yan held it in his hand. Then, the small stone quickly shrank, Eventually it became the size of a palm.

"Haha, you can absorb the stone so easily."

Zhou Yan looked at the palm-sized stone in his hand and smiled.

Immediately, he began to frantically absorb the energy in the stone, swallowing the stone into his stomach, and absorbing the huge energy.

Huge waves of energy were released from Zhou Yan's body, covering Zhou Yan's entire body.

The amount of this energy was so huge that Zhou Yan could hardly bear it. Zhou Yan's entire body was filled with that energy. Zhou Yan's entire body seemed to explode. Zhou Yan's body kept spinning. The body surface was covered with a thick layer of sweat.

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