Moreover, this kind of yellow flower grass actually possesses such strong corrosive power.

He did not dare to neglect, and quickly activated the fire attribute energy in his body to protect himself. At the same time, he also secretly observed the surroundings to prevent sudden attacks by desert yellow flowers and grasses.

However, he found no trace of desert yellow grass.

"Hoo ho!"

The strong wind blew and the dust rolled. In the sand, Zhou Yan could vaguely see the shape of some dunes. Moreover, there seemed to be many black spots between the dunes, but far away, these black spots turned into Some black spots are difficult to spot without looking carefully.

"It's strange, what is going on? What on earth is this desert yellow grass? Could it be sand? But why does it exude such a strong smell of sand? This smell seems very familiar!"

Zhou Yan murmured to himself, but he still couldn't figure it out.

"Is it because of my fire attribute energy?"

Zhou Yan suddenly thought of something and a smile appeared on his face.

"Yes, it should be for this reason. Only fire-attributed energy can withstand the toxicity emitted by desert yellow grass."

Zhou Yan felt much more relaxed when he thought of this.

He continued to walk forward, but as he walked, his expression suddenly changed: "Not good!"

Because right in his field of vision, twelve Rank Three Monsters appeared at some point. They were staring at Zhou Yan eagerly, and they let out bursts of low roars from their mouths.

The twelve Rank Three Monsters are all warriors wearing armor. Their bodies are covered with sharp steel claws, and the sharp claws are as sharp as sharp blades.

The surface of their skin showed bursts of dark color, and it was obvious that they were coated with highly poisonous armor.

The attack power of these armors is extremely terrifying. Even a Saint King-level master will die immediately if his skin is scratched, and their armors can even hinder the Saint Emperor's divine consciousness detection.

"These are Rank Three beetles. These beetles are highly poisonous and can not only corrode everything, but also have some special effects."

"They have a strange skill, that is, they can manipulate the surrounding sand, making everything stiff, and even turn into solid rocks."

Zhou Yan's face was solemn. He did not act rashly, but thought carefully.

He has confirmed the identities of these twelve Rank Three beetles. They are the best among Rank Three beetles. They have been wandering in this area and specialize in eating weak Monsters.

Such beetles can manipulate the surrounding sand grains and turn them into rocks.

However, these Rank Three beetles are still not Saint Realm level Monsters. If they are really Saint Realm level Monsters, Zhou Yan is definitely no match.

"No matter what the reason is, this time, I must take the risk and break into this Qilin Cliff!"

Zhou Yan made up his mind, so he climbed up the cliff and stepped into Qilin Cliff.

As soon as he landed, twelve Rank Three beetles rushed up, opened their bloody mouths, and bit at Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan's figure flashed and avoided the attack of the Rank Three beetles.

Although the Rank Three beetle's body is tough, it cannot harm Zhou Yan.

"Swish swish swish..."

Zhou Yan avoided these beetles and quickly rushed towards the top of Qilin Cliff. He reached the top of the cliff in an instant. He swayed slightly, jumped onto a raised rock, and then sat cross-legged on the rock. He closed his eyes and began to absorb the earth element in this Qilin Cliff.

Zhou Yan circulated the fire attribute energy, frantically refining the surrounding earth element energy, and then formed a powerful fire energy vortex in the space of Dantian.

This process was not long, but it took Zhou Yan two full months.

Zhou Yan jumped down from the mountain wall and came to a platform. In his hand, he held a bead, which was the Red Sun Bead.

"Finally it worked!"

Zhou Yan threw the bead into the air, and then the red sun bead exploded, and a fist-sized crimson ball of light flew into the distance.

At this moment, a roaring sound suddenly came from the entire mountain peak, and the mountain peak began to tremble violently, and in the mountain peak, there was a ball of flames rising into the sky, followed by a hot breath, spreading in all directions Come on.

"Finally a breakthrough!"

Zhou Yan's face showed excitement.

He finally broke through to the ninth level of Saint Emperor's cultivation, and he felt that his strength had increased a lot.

Although he is not the real Saint Emperor yet, he believes that if he encounters Saint Emperor-level enemies again, he will definitely be able to win. It is not impossible to even kill Saint Emperor-level enemies.

However, his improvement in cultivation does not mean that he is safe.

The moment he broke through to the ninth level of Saint Emperor, the surrounding space had changed and turned pitch black. This place was just like the night, with only an occasional ray of light coming from the depths of darkness.

Zhou Yan's face darkened.

How is this going? This space actually has such weird rules!

He was filled with doubts.

He tried to illuminate the surroundings with flames, but as soon as this idea came to his mind, he was killed.

Although his flames are powerful, they cannot work in such a dark environment. He can only use foreign objects to expel the surrounding darkness.

Zhou Yan stayed in this place for a few seconds and then activated his fire-based Divine Ability.

Zhou Yan's flames, under his control, quickly grew in size, illuminating the surrounding area as bright as day, but this dark space was still pitch black, as if it was another world.

Zhou Yan's eyes showed horror.

He knew he was trapped.

His body slowly floated in the darkness, spinning constantly and tirelessly.

However, Zhou Yan's body gradually lost consciousness, and even his consciousness was about to dissipate.

Zhou Yan knew that there must be some kind of imprisonment in this place that could affect his consciousness and consume him completely.

"Where is this place? Am I really going to die here?"

Zhou Yan's heart was full of doubts, but to no avail.

In his sight, he saw a pair of scarlet eyes. At this moment, these red eyes were shining with bloodthirsty light. They were staring at him, as if they were hungry. The wolf stared at a prey.

Zhou Yan knew that if these red eyes stared at him, he would definitely die.

A powerful fire energy suddenly surged out of Zhou Yan's body, protecting him tightly, and his eyes slowly returned to clarity.

Zhou Yan's body slowly fell to the ground.

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