
The world shook violently, and countless rubbles collapsed, like meteorites falling, flying towards the surroundings.

Zhou Yan's eyes were solemn and he looked around.


At this time, a roar full of violence sounded, and from the deepest part of the world, a huge alien beast slowly walked out.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Zhou Yan's expression was slightly stern. This was the third strange beast he had encountered. This strange beast looked extremely ugly, like a toad. It was covered with blue scales and had a long hair growing on its head. The poisonous stinger was several meters long, and the tail was even more densely entangled with venomous snakes. At this moment, it was slowly walking towards him.


Immediately, it roared again, as if in demonstration.

"What a strong momentum."

Zhou Yan frowned slightly. Although this alien beast had just woken up, the aura it exuded was far superior to the other alien beasts that had just awakened. It was even stronger than those alien beasts that already had intelligence. point.


Suddenly, there was another low roar, and at the same time, a group of strange beasts rushed from not far away, and in an instant, they appeared in front of Zhou Yan.

"This kind of breath..."

In an instant, Zhou Yan's pupils shrank suddenly, and a look of shock appeared on his face, because he actually sensed a familiar smell from these strange beasts. After careful observation, Zhou Yan finally confirmed that these strange beasts were strikingly... They are a group of alienated creatures.

Alienated creatures are also a type of Monster Race. They come in all kinds of strange shapes. Some alienated creatures look similar to humans in appearance, but are cruel, murderous and extremely intelligent on the inside. Some alienated creatures have extremely high intelligence. , is a ferocious beast that looks similar to humans, but in fact, it is a ferocious beast and has far more strength than humans;

There is no doubt that these alienated creatures in front of us belong to the latter.

At this moment, this group of alienated creatures gathered around, staring at Zhou Yan with a pair of scarlet eyes.


At this time, another angry roar resounded. Immediately, a huge alien beast covered with golden scales slowly appeared in the circle surrounded by many alienated creatures. Its body was twenty feet long. On the left and right, the figure is even more majestic than some mountains, exuding majestic power, causing all the alienated creatures around to retreat.

Obviously, it is the king among this group of alienated creatures.


Suddenly, the giant golden dragon roared up to the sky, and then thick saliva flowed from the corners of its mouth, carrying a fishy smell.


In an instant, the alienated creatures standing next to Zhou Yan immediately threw out their weapons and attacked Zhou Yan overwhelmingly.


Zhou Yan sneered and dodged these attacks in a blink of an eye.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

These alienated creatures hit the ground one by one, and dust suddenly flew up.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan heard a horrified cry, turned around and saw a stream of scorching flames spurting out from the golden dragon's mouth. In an instant, the alien creature was burned into ashes. ash.

Zhou Yan's eyes narrowed slightly: "It is indeed a fire beast."

The next second, his body suddenly jumped up, and he instantly jumped into the air, stepping on the void, and scanned all directions with his sharp eyes: "The strength of these strange beasts is very weak, but they can use true energy and Gang Jin. Moreover, the toughness of the body can be called abnormal. Are these alienated creatures made from the corpses of alien beasts?"

"Click - click -"

Suddenly, a strange sound sounded. Zhou Yan looked around and saw that a few hundred meters away from him, a black rock the size of a millstone slowly cracked. Then, a vague outline gradually emerged. , finally, fully presented.

This is a statue, but the main body of the statue is made of a pile of white bones. In the chest of the statue, there is a diamond-shaped crystal inlaid. At this moment, the diamond-shaped crystal is exuding radiant light. The bright green light is like a firefly.

"What...what is this?" Zhou Yan's expression changed slightly.

This crystal emits a light green fluorescence, and he can faintly sense that there seems to be a layer of faint energy fluctuations around the crystal, and this energy fluctuation is closely related to the true energy and energy in his body. Gang Jin seems completely different.

"Could it be said that the combat power of these alienated creatures comes from this crystal?"

Zhou Yan murmured to himself, and then, in a flash, he rushed directly in front of the skeleton and punched the skull in the head.

However, as soon as Zhou Yan got close to the skeleton, he stopped, with a look of fear on his face.

A blood hole suddenly appeared on the skull's forehead, and blood flowed out gurglingly. However, the skeleton still maintained its original posture and stood there quietly.

"Is this skeleton alive?" Zhou Yan's eyes widened.

He clearly remembered that he punched the iron-backed lizard in the head before, but how come this skeleton was unharmed? Could it be that this iron-backed lizard's defense is too weak? Or is it that this skeleton has been dead for many years?

The more Zhou Yan thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. He hesitated and decided to give up temporarily, preparing to wait for the skeleton to decay before testing it again.


At this moment, Zhou Yan's ears twitched slightly, and then, his expression suddenly froze, and a light burst out in his eyes.


An earth-shaking roar suddenly spread throughout the entire jungle.

The next moment, Zhou Yan saw a python tens of meters long appearing on the top of a towering ancient tree not far away.

This python has a blue body with cold frost on its surface. Its eyes are extremely sinister. Behind it, it is dragging a long tail that is seven or eight meters long.

Above the head of this python, there is a red flame the size of a basketball suspended, and its body is emitting a blazing temperature, causing the surrounding vegetation to wither, and even the air is filled with There is a strong smell of sulfur.

"This is..." Zhou Yan's eyes flashed with shock: "Fire of the Sun?"

Zhou Yan's eyes became slightly solemn. If an ordinary person saw this scene, he would definitely not know what it was, but Zhou Yan's eyesight was so sharp that he could tell the origin of this thing at a glance.

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