Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 111, Reward For Killing Silver B0Ss

The impact of the five-meter-tall beast is astonishing. Once it hits the Great Wall, the defensive power of the Great Wall will be greatly reduced.

Since this kind of thing can be prevented from happening in advance, Zhou Yan will not let this BOSS hit his city wall.

A Yin-Yang Sword Qi came from a distance, shining in black and white. The terrifying sword Qi tore the air and erupted with a strange sound.

The speed of the sword energy was very fast, and the armored dragon lizard roared angrily. Unable to avoid it, it retracted its head and used the armor on its back to block it in front of it.


With a muffled sound, the sword energy directly broke through the iron armor of the armored dragon lizard, leaving a stream of blood from its back.

The armored dragon lizard screamed and roared to the sky, its eyes filled with anger.

It glared at Zhou Yan in front of it. It was unforgivable that this human had broken through its strong iron armor.


The armored dragon lizard suddenly stopped and turned its body towards the back. Naturally, it was not trying to escape, but to launch an attack.

The long tail covered with fangs, like the body of a giant python, was thrown towards Zhou Yan fiercely. Several armored earth dragons were even affected and were whipped away and smashed into pieces. Meat puree.

The strength of the armored dragon lizard is very terrifying, and its tail has also been strengthened. If this blow fell on Zhou Yan, he would probably be very uncomfortable.

But Zhou Yan was not a fool. The moment the armored dragon lizard turned its head, he had already seen the armored dragon lizard's tail starting to attack.

He learned Yan Chixia's Qinggong. Although this Qinggong was very Low Level, his agility attribute had reached more than 200 points. With the bonus of the territory, he could almost explode to more than 400 points of agility attribute.

With such terrifying agility, his movement speed is as fast as lightning.

He jumped lightly and his whole body bounced like a rubber ball.

Just as he was dodging, the armored dragon lizard's giant tail began to slap hard towards his original place.


The ground collapsed, revealing a deep ravine, followed by a plume of smoke and dust. The armored dragon lizard's giant tail was so powerful that when it was raised, it was like a whip being whipped hard, and there was a crisp sound.

Its giant tail missed Zhou Yan and swept away again in the direction where Zhou Yan fell.


Like a long whip whistling towards him, Zhou Yan dodged like a thunderbolt, raised his sword, and the yin and yang energy in his body was quickly released.


The sword energy flew into the air, a sword light appeared from his hand again, and he began to use the "Seven Star Sword Technique".

Tianshu Sword, a direct strike, like six meteors that passed by in a flash, increased his speed again. He held the long sword in his hand and rushed straight towards the armored dragon lizard. In an instant, he came to the armored dragon lizard. In front of the lizard, he clenched the sword in his hand and stabbed it into the armored dragon lizard's ass.


In pain, the armored dragon lizard quickly twisted its body and swept its long tail back and forth, creating a storm. Once it was hit by the giant tail, it would receive a very terrifying attack.

Zhou Yan did not stop attacking. As soon as he finished using his sword, he jumped up again and came to the sky above the armored dragon lizard. The sword light flowed and he used the Tianxuan Sword in the "Seven Star Sword Technique".

Tianxuan swept across, bursting out a crescent-shaped sword energy, and attacked the armored dragon lizard's back.

At this moment, the armored dragon lizard suddenly turned around, its angry eyes just looking at Zhou Yan in the air. Before it could get angry, it saw a sword energy coming towards it.

Armored dragon lizard: "(;OдO)"


This sword energy fell on the armored dragon lizard's head, directly piercing its eyes. Two bloody tears left the armored dragon lizard's eyes, and a tragic sound broke out.

The sound was very tragic and tragic, filled with very painful wails.

Zhou Yan also didn't expect that this armored dragon lizard would actually throw himself into a trap like this. Is this considered suicide?

He decided to give the armored dragon lizard a pleasure, avoiding the rampaging armored dragon lizard at an extremely fast speed, and continuously used the seven sword techniques in the "Seven Star Sword Technique".

Tianshu Sword, Tianxuan Sword, Tianji Sword, Tianquan Sword, Yuheng Sword, Kaiyang Sword, and Light Shaking Sword!

The seven sword moves, combined with the yin and yang energy that he had now reached the Martial Dao Thirty-Second Layer Heaven, exploded with terrible power. The seven sword energy fell hard on the armored dragon lizard's body, giving It's very powerful damage.

Countless streams of blood flowed from the armored dragon lizard, almost dyeing its entire body red. After struggling for a while, its whole body fell directly to the ground with a bang.

On its body, there are seven deep sword marks, which go straight into the bone marrow, which shows how powerful Zhou Yan's seven swordsmanship is.

Territory prompt: "You have completed the hidden task of the Newcomer Trial. Killing [a silver-quality monster] will reward you with 600 reputation points and a gold pendant treasure chest. A newbie trial announcement will be made. Will the name of the territory, real name and nationality be announced? ?”


Another announcement is coming.

so annoying.

Just choose "No" as always.

Newcomer Trial Announcement: [Territory [XXX] belongs to lord XXX, nationality is ]

Newcomer Trial Announcement: [Territory [XXX] belongs to lord XXX, nationality is ]

Newcomer Trial Announcement: [Territory [XXX] belongs to lord XXX, nationality is ]

Many new lords were confused again.

Are there still monster attacks now?

It’s past eleven o’clock at night, and the monster is still attacking?

How many monsters are there in this guy's territory?

[National Chat Channel]:

"Although today is the penultimate day of the newcomer trial, there are still monsters attacking. How many monsters have appeared in this guy's territory?"

"My monster attack ended at five o'clock in the afternoon."

"I have more monsters, and it will be over at seven o'clock."

"Boss upstairs, I have a weak question. I ended the monster attack at ten o'clock in the morning. Do I have the qualifications to be your little brother?"

"I've never even seen a boss-level monster. This guy has actually killed other White Silver Level bosses. I just don't know what level they are."

"This guy must be the boss who killed ten bronze bosses last time. Unfortunately, he was hidden too deep. I don't know if he is from our country."

"Boss, show your face, I want to make friends with you."

"That person is me, hurry up and hug me."

"The liar upstairs will die."


(Author: Two updates today, I have to spend time with my family.)

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