Four directions, three evolved bosses in each direction, these monsters are stronger than other monsters.

Zhou Yan saw them heading towards the territory quickly and immediately moved towards them.

He cast "Meteor and Fire Shower" to cover the three bosses, but these monsters were fast and knew how to dodge, so they were only slightly injured.

Then, he used the "Thunder Technique" that he had never used before.


There was a loud noise in the sky, and a bolt of lightning quickly attacked the ground.


The thunder quickly hit an evolved boss dark abyss leopard, and the BOSS was killed on the spot by the terrifying thunder.

"The power is pretty good."

The single target skill is really powerful.

He used "Thunder Technique" twice again and killed the other two bosses.

He saw six silver treasure chests, and each BOSS exploded two silver treasure chests.

He quickly stepped forward and started collecting.

Three two-star dark crystal cores, leopard sinews, leopard bones, leopard claws and other materials.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the monster changed again.

A group of strengthened leopard-headed orcs appeared, all of them holding weapons.

"Even the orcs showed up." Zhou Yan was speechless.

This is a group of leopard-headed orcs that are more than three meters tall, and each one is very strong.

Holding various blunt weapons, they rushed towards the territory.

These orcs are obviously more difficult to deal with than monsters.

However, facing the defense tower, there were still a lot of casualties.

Their numbers were still overwhelming, and they soon arrived in front of the soldiers.

Chen Qingzhi's bonus to the soldiers is very high. Coupled with their own level and equipment quality, even if they face them, they are still fearless.

Zhou Yan entered the battlefield and kept using the "Seven Star Sword Technique". Countless sword energies passed by, and he saw orcs falling to the ground one after another.

After these humanoid monsters died, the weapons in their hands were not refreshed, which was an additional gain.

But they didn't have time to pick it up, everything had to wait until the battle was over.

At 9:50, a strengthened leader, the Leopard General, led nearly a thousand guards towards the territory. Unfortunately, he encountered the second skill refresh of the defense tower.

They were killed before they could take action.

At ten o'clock, the orc knights appeared, and at ten fifty o'clock, two strengthened leader and orc general knights appeared.

The battle was extremely fierce, and the battle was destined to last for a long time today.

A stronger monster will appear every hour.

Moreover, the number of monster BOSS appears every hour.

The stronger the monster, the more he gains.

There have been no casualties among the soldiers, but some have been injured.

The props he gave to each hero finally came in handy. Various large-scale runes, scrolls, spells, and high-tech bombs caused a lot of casualties to these monsters.

Eleven o'clock, Orc Berserker...

Twelve o'clock, Orc Dragon Knight.

He was speechless. Although the level of these monsters was always at level 20, these monsters were indeed getting stronger and stronger, and the strength of each monster was constantly approaching the BOSS.

If the territory's defense towers were not strong enough, the soldiers were powerful enough, each of them had combat power no less than BO SS Level, and the bonus given by Chen Qingzhi was also large, I am afraid that this terrifying number would have caused him heavy losses. .

The number of his soldiers was still too small, but he had no materials to upgrade the barracks, so there was nothing he could do.

All we can do now is delay.

Li Shuang led the maids to continuously bring enough spiritual spring water, spiritual fruits, and various dry food to the soldiers on the front line, which greatly increased the soldiers' resilience.

They still have a long time to defend.

This is a protracted battle that tests everyone in the territory.

Although Zhou Yan also thought that the last day would be difficult, he did not expect it to be this difficult.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, these orc dragon knights added troops and archers, posing a considerable threat to the territory.

However, their number had decreased a bit, which relieved him a little.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the orc spear unit was added again.

At three o'clock, Orc Shield Warriors were added, which posed a great threat to the soldiers.

The key is that other Azure Bronze Level BOSS appeared at three o'clock. Although they were killed by the defense tower, other Azure Bronze Level monsters appeared at three o'clock. I don't know how many monsters there will be later.

The good news is that the bronze BOSS has revealed a gold treasure chest.

Four points, two bronze bosses in each direction, five points, three bronze bosses.

Each wave became more powerful than the last, and the monsters attacked the territory like a tide, and every soldier's physical strength was consumed a lot.

All they can do now is hang on.

They are under tremendous pressure all the time.

These monsters are powerful, and the quality of the treasure chests they explode is much better than before.

Outside is a collection of treasure chests, mostly bronze and silver, and even a lot of gold treasure chests.

Persistence is victory. Although there have been casualties, with [Underworld], these soldiers can be resurrected.

Six o'clock, seven o'clock, and finally eight o'clock in the evening.

The Silver BOSS finally appeared, accompanied by a group of flying monsters.

"Fuck! Even flying monsters appeared."

Zhou Yan was speechless. Fortunately, these flying monsters were just ordinary monsters and there were not many in number.

Facing the monsters in the air, he really didn't have much to do. He didn't have soldiers to fight in the air yet.

He himself only has one thunderbolt technique that he can use alone against these flying monsters.

But before the flying monsters flew over, he used "Meteor and Fire Shower" to eliminate a large part of them.

The remaining monsters in the air cooperate with the orc dragon knights on the ground to move toward the territory.

These flying monsters did not attack the soldiers, but went directly towards the crystal in the territory. Zhou Yan cursed and hurriedly walked towards the crystal by himself.

Once the crystal is broken, there will be no final reward for the trial that has been put in for so long. He will never allow this to happen.

He was fast and arrived at [King Crystal] in the first time.

Then, he used "Thunder Technique" to attack the flying monsters in the air, and he killed each flying monster to the ground.

However, there were a large number of flying monsters, and they quickly approached within a few hundred meters of the crystal.

However, [King Crystal] has a thunder attack.

As soon as these flying monsters entered the attack range of the crystal, they were immediately attacked by thunderous attacks. These flying monsters were instantly killed while braving black smoke.

He was surprised because it was the first time he saw the [King Crystal] attack and he lacked knowledge of the attack power of this crystal.

He stopped taking action, let's see how strong this [King's Crystal] is.

The flying monsters did not attack other parts of the territory, only targeting the [King Crystal].

A lot of flying monsters also flew from the other three directions. They were all ordinary monsters and nothing special.

They flew towards the crystal in a swarm, spreading their claws to break the crystal.

However, [King Crystal] erupted with a series of thunderous attacks, electrifying these monsters to death.

Attack as many as you come.

It is simply more powerful than the attack of the defense tower.

The attack speed of the King Crystal is very fast, with almost no interval. Unless the defense can withstand its thunder attack, it will be too difficult to attack the crystal.

"I'll go, this [King's Crystal] can attack." He finally felt relieved.

Fortunately, these flying monsters only target the [King Crystal], otherwise other buildings in the territory would really be destroyed by these monsters.

This gave him even more strategies to defend against these flying monsters.

In the world of lords, there are many flying monsters. He must prepare sooner or later. If he prepares early, he will not be so passive when facing these monsters.

We just have to wait until the newcomers are tested.

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