"You devils are so arrogant. Do you think you can really conquer this world? Don't forget, there is another creature in this world that is more terrifying than you devils, and that is vampires! There is no way you can conquer this world. !" Zhou Yan said with a laugh.

When the female devil heard what Zhou Yan said, her eyes widened, and then she asked unwillingly: "What are you talking about, you humans also have vampires?"

"Of course we do, we are the most powerful race, even your ancestors the devil may not be able to defeat us!" Zhou Yan said proudly,

"Impossible, you humans are weak existences!" When the female devil heard Zhou Yan say this, she immediately said excitedly.

"Whether you believe it or not, this is the fact!" Zhou Yan said.

"Then tell us, where are you humans? I'm going to kill all of you humans." The female devil said.

"You devils, you don't deserve to be called humans, you are just a group of barbarians!" Zhou Yan shouted loudly at the devils.

"Barbarians, you humans should die. Only barbarians are the enemies of you humans." The female devil said.

"You are wrong. In this world, only humans are the truth. You devils are just some evil races. You are not worthy of being called humans at all. You are just devils, a race abandoned by God. And you devils are not only Not only is he evil, but he is also cruel and cruel. As long as he is bitten by you, he will turn into a devil. You are not worthy of being a human being!" Zhou Yan continued to attack the female devil with all his words.

"Shut up, you humans are cowards. How can we devils be barbarians? We are just a race! You humans are the masters of this world, and we are the lives that dominate this world!" The female demon said loudly .

Zhou Yan knew that this female devil had fallen into a misunderstanding. According to historical records, the original devil king, Calgara, once found a jade pendant in a cave, which recorded things about vampires. He regards it as a treasure and does not allow anyone to touch it, so he has been hiding it until recently. He discovered that this thing is a magic item, so he wanted to use it to summon more devils.

"Hmph, there's no need to argue. We humans will always be nobler than you devils. As long as a life in this world is killed by us, then even if he is a human, he is still a dead person! You won't understand!" Zhou Yan continued to attack the devil leader with words.

The devil leader was stunned when he heard Zhou Yan's words, because what Zhou Yan said was indeed like this. If other races were killed by their devils, as long as they were bitten by their devils, then those humans would become One of the devil.

"Who are you and how do you know this?" The devil leader looked at Zhou Yan in shock and said.

"My name is Zhou Yan, and I'm here to rescue you this time, but your numbers are too small and you can't resist our human attack!" Zhou Yan continued to deceive.

When the devil heard that Zhou Yan said he was here for rescue, he looked at Zhou Yan doubtfully. But Zhou Yan didn't lie. His purpose was indeed to help mankind, otherwise Zhou Yan would not have taken the risk to break in.

"Who are you? Why do you humans help us devils?" the devil leader asked doubtfully.

"Because you devils need to be saved. How many humans have you killed on this earth over the years? This is the people's curse on you. And you devils have also committed sins in history. You devils should not be alive, you should all die. !" Zhou Yan said sternly.

"Hmph, don't try to trick us, you humans are the sinners!" The devil leader looked at Zhou Yan angrily and said.

"Okay, whatever you think, but it's impossible for you to destroy this world." Zhou Yan said lightly.

"Hahaha, human beings, do you really think you have won? Stop dreaming. We devils have endless power. Just wait for our revenge! I will bring about the end of you humans!" The devil leader shouted loudly. .

"Hmph, let's wait until you recover!" Zhou Yan said mockingly.

"Then let's wait and see. When our hero Keris is resurrected, I'll see what you humans will do. You humans won't dare to step into the dark forest at all!" the devil leader continued.

"I said, we humans are the smartest race, and you devils are no match for us humans!" Zhou Yan continued.

"Hmph, stupid humans. You humans only have wisdom but no strength. You are not qualified to stand in this world. This will be the world of our devils. You humble humans are no match for us." The devil leader Continue shouting.

"Huh, no matter you devils are devils or not, we humans will not lose to you. As long as we humans unite, we will definitely drive you out. The masters of this world can only be humans!" Zhou Yan shouted loudly road.

"Huh, foolish humans, we devils are the masters of this world. You humans can only surrender to us devils. We are the only kings of this world!" The devil leader shouted loudly.

"You devils, stop trying to rule this world. You are just wishful thinking. You are just a monster, just a beast. How can you be our human opponent?" Zhou Yan said.

"Humph, you humans are just a bunch of cowards. You only dare to hide underground and never dare to confront us head-on. You humans are the slaves of our devils." The devil leader continued.

"Haha, you are really stupid. We humans are the overlords of this world, and you devils are the objects of slavery. We humans don't bother to fight you at all." Zhou Yan said with a smile.

"Hmph, do you think we devils will believe what you humans say? You humans are only greedy in nature and will only deceive yourself." The devil leader said disdainfully.

"Haha, you have to fight for things in this world by yourself. If we humans are willing, we humans will be more powerful than you devils." Zhou Yan looked at the devil and said.

"You, you, do you want to sow discord between us? Do you want us to have internal strife?" the devil leader said angrily.

"Haha, your devil's IQ is really appallingly low. If I wanted to sow discord, would I be so stupid?" Zhou Yan said with disdain.

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