Suddenly, Zhou Yan heard a shrill cry from outside: "Ah~~~"

This shrill cry for help startled Zhou Yan. He quickly looked in the direction of the sound, only to find that it was a soldier. Zhou Yan remembered that he seemed to be the soldier who had just evacuated with him. Now he was actually Calling for help.

Zhou Yan quickly ran towards the soldier, only to find that the soldier had fallen to the ground and his body had been bitten into two pieces.

"Damn worms!"

Zhou Yan cursed and quickly walked towards the soldier, squatting down to check the soldier's injuries.

At this time, the soldier was no longer alive, and almost no part of his body was intact. Everything was torn into pieces, and blood flowed from his wounds.

"What the hell is going on and why is it like this?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhou Yan was filled with shock. Although the soldiers he led were not masters, their average combat effectiveness was still stronger than ordinary mercenaries. At least they were enough to protect themselves in this situation. Escaped, but now it seems that these soldiers were attacked by a swarm of demonic insects, and it seems that they are unable to resist. If they hadn't arrived in time, they would have died here.

However, what is going on? Why do demonic insects suddenly attack human gathering places? Is it really because of the demonic insect riot?

Zhou Yan was filled with doubts. After all, the demonic insect riots had occurred in the past ten years or so, and the scale of each occurrence was very small, with only one or two demonic insects appearing. According to records, the reasons for each demonic insect riot were different. It's because these demonic insects have nothing to eat when they are full, or there are other reasons. In short, every time the demonic insects riot, many people will die, so humans use iron cages to imprison those demonic insects, so that the demonic insects can survive. Insects breed inside, and when the demonic insects are full, release them.

However, this method treats the symptoms rather than the root cause, because these demonic insects reproduce very quickly, and they are also very smart. They often hide, and when someone relaxes their vigilance, they suddenly appear again and eat those prey.

So this method is not a solution to the problem, but it has indeed been effective over the years. At least over the years, mankind has not lost so much.

However, the number of demonic insects is increasing now. If this continues, the number of demonic insects will soon exceed the number of humans. This is not good news for the entire world!

But I can't care about that much now, let's bury him first.

After making the decision, Zhou Yan prepared to bury his body.

What about the demonic insects?

Zhou Yan's thoughts were racing, and countless question marks flashed through his mind.

"What kind of demonic insect is this?" Zhou Yan guessed in his mind.

"This demonic insect seems to be three meters long. It looks very disgusting, and its teeth are very sharp. If I were bitten by it, I am afraid that even the bones will be bitten off by it. I wonder if its toxins will It corrodes the human body. If I accidentally inhale the poisonous gas, I will probably die immediately. What are those demonic insects doing?" Zhou Yan thought to himself.

However, these thoughts only fleetingly passed through Zhou Yan's mind. Now that these demonic insects had already attacked, it was useless for Zhou Yan to doubt him any more.

At this time, Zhou Yan noticed the corpse lying next to him. This corpse belonged to the soldier he had killed before. Seeing that the clothes on his chest were completely torn, Zhou Yan immediately understood that it must be that soldier. The soldier's skin was bitten by the demonic insect, and then the demonic insect tore his skin off.

What kind of demonic insect is it, why does it have so many toxins, and why does it attack human gathering places?

Zhou Yan was puzzled, but there was no way to solve this matter now. He could only investigate it carefully when he was free in the future.

After burying the soldier's body, Zhou Yan continued on his way.

Zhou Yan's pace was very slow. He didn't dare to go too fast for fear of attracting the attention of the demonic insects around him. After all, he didn't want to stay in this place for one more second, what if those demonic insects caught up with him.

The longer he stays in this place, the more dangerous Zhou Yan feels, because if he stays in this place for a long time, he will have hallucinations and become extremely manic. At this time, someone needs to control him. situation.

Zhou Yan's physical condition is not very good now. If he really encounters those manic demonic insects, he really won't be able to deal with them, so he must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise, he may Killed by these demonic insects.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yan quickened his pace.

At this moment, Zhou Yan felt waves of fluctuations coming from his surroundings.

"What's going on?" Zhou Yan stopped in confusion. He felt that the voice was very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

Zhou Yan recalled it carefully, and suddenly, his pupils suddenly shrank.

This sound was all too familiar to him. Isn't it the sound made by the monsters?

"Are there any Warcraft around here? And a group of Warcraft?" Zhou Yan looked around in confusion, and soon found the direction from which the sound was coming.

On a hillside, there were more than a dozen monsters roaring, seemingly looking for food.

"What kind of beasts are these and why do they make such sounds?" Zhou Yan was confused.

He couldn't figure out why these monsters made such weird noises. Could it be that these monsters wanted to attack humans? A trace of doubt arose in Zhou Yan's heart. After all, apart from these monsters, the only monsters that can appear in this place are monsters. Therefore, the number of monsters is definitely correct, but if these monsters are devils, , they should be hiding in the shadows instead of making sounds directly.

Is it because it's too dark here?

Zhou Yan thought.

At this moment, a huge demonic insect suddenly flew in front of Zhou Yan, and a fishy smell assaulted his nose. Zhou Yan couldn't help but frown.

He couldn't help but shudder. The fishy smell was so pungent that it made Zhou Yan feel a little uncomfortable.

When those demonic insects discovered that Zhou Yan was here, they immediately became excited, opened their mouths, and were about to attack Zhou Yan. When Zhou Yan saw the mouths of these demonic insects, he immediately remembered the soldier from before, but these demonic insects did not seem to recognize him. Him, otherwise he would definitely rush towards him.

"It seems that these demonic insects are looking for prey!"

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