"Boom!" A loud noise came from the pit, and the entire pit suddenly shook. Then the huge figure jumped out of the hole, landed on the ground, and then got into the cave again.

On the other side, after Zhou Yan left the valley, he walked straight back. He planned to refine the two kinds of Seven-Star Rank Four Spirit Medicine into elixirs first, because Zhou Yan knew that this time with those guys The competition must not be lost, so he needs to improve his strength.

Zhou Yan took out a jade box, opened it, and smelled a strong fragrance, and then took out two round green pellets. The two green pellets were crystal clear and exuded a faint green fluorescence. One can't help but want to take one.

Then, Zhou Yan put the two green pellets into his mouth and chewed them. The two pellets melted in his mouth, and a cool feeling slid down his throat into his stomach. Zhou Yan closed his eyes and savored this strange thing. The feeling comes.

After a moment, Zhou Yan opened his eyes, and a look of joy flashed on his face. These two Spirit Medicine pills were indeed extraordinary. Not only did they taste sweet and refreshing, but they also had a hint of coolness. Zhou Yan was sure that these two Spirit Medicine pills were indeed extraordinary. The effect of it is absolutely extraordinary. If ordinary people take this Spirit Medicine, it is estimated that the impurities in the body will be completely discharged in less than a week, and they may even be reborn. Of course, this is for ordinary people, like Zhou Yan For such cultivators, this effect will be greatly reduced.

However, even if it only increases lifespan by a few years, the effect is very significant, and this small change is enough to make up for the difference.

Zhou Yan took out a cloth bag again and put away these Spirit Medicines, preparing to go back and refine them into elixirs later, and then give them to Li Mengjie and Liu Hao.

Zhou Yan continued to return along the road, but he was not in a hurry. Instead, he observed the situation around him and waited for time to pass.

Time passed quickly, and Zhou Yan finally waited for the time. At this time, a touch of fish-white appeared in the sky. Then, the sky gradually brightened and the morning sun slowly rose.

Zhou Yan stood there quietly looking at the morning glow in the distance, and thought to himself: "It should be almost night now, I wonder what's going on over there?"

Suddenly, Zhou Yan's ears twitched, and then he suddenly looked to the left. He saw a giant python suddenly jumping out of the jungle on the left. It was several meters long and about the size of a bowl. This giant snake had a head on it. With two horns and a huge mouth open, he rushed towards Zhou Yan with a look of hunger.

Zhou Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, stepped forward with his right foot, and then shot out like electricity. In the blink of an eye, he had closed the distance with the giant snake, and then raised his fist and hit the giant snake hard on the head.

"Bang!" A dull crashing sound came from the top of the giant snake's head. Zhou Yan's punch did not shake the giant snake at all. Instead, it was shocked and took three steps back. However, the giant snake seemed to be angered by Zhou Yan. , it opened its bloody mouth and bit at Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan ducked to the side, and the giant python jumped into the air, but it did not give up the attack. It still chased Zhou Yan crazily, baring its teeth and claws.

Zhou Yan snorted coldly, then stretched out his right leg and swept across, instantly kicking the giant snake on the top of the head. He kicked it five or six meters away before stopping. At this time, the giant snake left an obvious red mark on its head. print.

Zhou Yan took the opportunity to jump on the back of the giant snake, made a fist with his right hand, and hit the back of the giant snake hard, "Crack!" The extremely hard scales of the giant snake couldn't stop Zhou Yan's offensive at all, and he was immediately hit by Zhou Yan's fist It was torn apart and blood spurted out.

The giant python twisted its huge body in pain, but it could not escape Zhou Yan's clutches. Zhou Yan tightly held the neck of the giant python, and even though it was overturned, he still did not let go.

"Bang...bang..." Zhou Yan grabbed the giant snake's neck and kept waving his fists, hitting the giant snake's body hard. Every punch could break the giant snake's scales and spray blood. came out, but failed to harm the life of the giant snake.

However, as Zhou Yan continued to attack, the giant snake struggled more and more fiercely. Zhou Yan knew that the giant python would soon be completely killed, but Zhou Yan still refused to give up. He wanted to strangle the giant snake alive. die.

"Hiss..." The severe pain caused the giant python to use its last strength to roll over, and its huge tail swung wildly, hitting Zhou Yan's body and making a snapping sound, but Zhou Yan was wearing a black dragon Even if the armor was hit hard by the giant python, nothing would happen to him, but he did not choose to stop and continued to attack the giant python crazily.

Soon after, the giant snake's body gradually became limp and never moved again. Zhou Yan slowly dragged the giant snake deep into the jungle, found a flat and spacious grassland, buried the giant snake in it, and then patted it. With the dust on his body, he turned around and left.

As soon as Zhou Yan left, the giant snake that was lying on the ground suddenly opened its eyes, then quickly got up and followed him. However, because the body of the giant snake was too heavy, it was not easy to follow. Soon the giant snake I lost my way and finally stopped in a wooded area.

The giant snake wandered around in place for several times, and finally chose a towering tree to stop, and then crawled there.

"Eh!" Suddenly, Zhou Yan frowned slightly. He discovered that there was a huge venomous snake hovering on the giant tree. Although the venomous snake was not as good as the giant python just now, it was still shocking enough.

Zhou Yan stared at the poisonous snake for a moment, then ran towards the location of the poisonous snake.

The poisonous snake noticed Zhou Yan's presence and immediately raised its head vigilantly. A pair of green and cold snake eyes stared at Zhou Yan, as if it wanted to choose someone to devour.

Zhou Yan ignored the venomous snake, but bypassed the tree trunk where the giant snake was, and then lurked quietly. Soon, he came to the vicinity of the giant snake.

"Huh!" Zhou Yan took a sharp breath, and then the muscles in his right arm swelled. Then his body rushed out like a sharp arrow, carrying a powerful wind with his right fist, and hit the giant snake's head hard. .

The giant snake sensed the approaching danger, opened its bloody mouth, and bit Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan had already expected it. He waved his right hand violently, and a ball of blue flame appeared on his right hand, and then attacked the giant snake's head. The giant snake felt the scorching temperature and shrank in fear. Then quickly get out of the way.

Zhou Yan took this opportunity and jumped up, riding on the back of the giant snake. His left hand clasped the seven inches of the giant snake tightly, and he clenched his fist with his right hand and hit it hard again. The giant snake was in pain, and his body was even more tolerant. He couldn't help but tremble.

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