The lord who was undergoing the entire newcomer trial was once again speechless.

What is the quality of this guy's territory, and why does a gold-quality BOSS even appear?

They were truly speechless.

Among the newcomer lords, a very small number of them have a lot of information about the newcomer trial.

When they heard the announcement, they were immediately shocked.

Silver-quality monsters have appeared quite often in the history of newcomer trials.

Therefore, although they were surprised by the previous announcement, it was also reasonable.

But gold-quality monsters are really too rare. In the history of newcomer trials, the last time there was an announcement about killing gold-quality monsters was hundreds of years ago.

Today, hundreds of years later, such an announcement appears again. What does this prove?

This fully proves that this person’s Heart of the Lord is definitely of golden Divine Level quality, also called Mythical quality Heart of the Lord.

Moreover, this lord has developed his territory to be very powerful, far beyond their territory.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to even get a gold-quality BOSS.

Only lords with Mythical quality can refresh BOSS above gold level.

Orange legendary quality Heart of the Lord, just can't do that.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

How sad it is to live in the same era as such a monster lord.

Although there are not many people with the golden Heart of the Lord in every era, there are always a few.

But there are absolutely very few people who can go far in the newbie trial.

Because the newcomer trial is too difficult for this kind of newcomer lord, whether it is the number of monsters or the attack strength, it is a huge challenge for this kind of newcomer lord.

For hundreds of years, only this mysterious lord has been able to persist until now.

This is enough to prove how difficult it is.

On the other hand, as long as the newcomer lords at the orange legendary level are not very unlucky and don't waste their time, they can basically reach the end and get good rewards.

Moreover, almost all the newcomer lords with orange legends have dominated the newcomer rankings in the past.

This time, a dark horse appeared, hiding all their information. They only knew that there was a monster this time, but they didn't know who this person was, or even the country of the other party.

[International Chat Channel]:

"My rookie trial is over. I'm just waiting for the results to be announced tomorrow. I hope I can get a good reward."

"It's almost 12 o'clock. Isn't that mysterious boss still fighting monsters?"

"My crystal was almost broken by a monster, but I didn't expect that a Level 10 Azure Bronze Level and other BOSS would appear in the end."

"Brother upstairs, I only dealt with one boss-level BOSS, and it was only Level 8, so I almost failed."

"That boss has already killed other Yellow Gold Level bosses. Judging from the situation, he should still be at Level 10. It's really incomparable."

"Don't guess, this person is from the Goryeo Kingdom. We Koreans keep a low profile and never reveal any information."

"Yes, you are from Goryeo, because your entire Goryeo Kingdom is a subject of our Shenlong Kingdom."

"I think there is a high possibility that they are from our country of Tianzhu. Sooner or later, our country of Tianzhu will become a world power."

"From Tianzhu? Did you become number one in the world by relying on your Ganges River and cow dung?"

"How can a group of low-level people be compared with the people of our Yamato clan? This man is definitely a Transcendent Level ninja from our Dongying country."

"How could you have such a Prodigy in your countries? Only we in the Western free countries can cultivate that kind of Prodigy."



Zhou Yan is still fighting against monsters, so he has no time to pay attention to various chat channels.

There was still the last half hour, and he didn't dare to be distracted at all.

The BOSS appeared early at 11:30, which surprised him a little.

However, everything on the battlefield is under his control. As long as no major changes occur, this trial will be over soon.

As time went by, the number of monsters became more and more, one after another, constantly attacking the territory.

But they all fell in front of the territory.

Eleven forty, eleven fifty.


A shocking roar sounded, which shocked him.

In the haze, he seemed to feel a more powerful aura coming towards the territory.

“Dong dong dong!!!”

The ground roared, far more powerful than any previous vibration.

"What kind of monster is this?"

He looked into the distance curiously, and soon saw a Transcendent Level monster appearing in front of him.

Zhou Yan: “(#`n´)”

This giant beast is far more powerful and taller than any other monster.

The giant beast in front of me is at least nearly ten meters tall, which is already higher than the current height of the [Great Wall].

He quickly began to check the information of this giant beast.

[Monster: War Behemoth]

[Quality: Dark Gold]

[Race: Orc]

[Level: Level 30]

[Special: Growth, Strength, Defense, Vitality, Behemoth Light Wave]

[Introduction: A giant beast that grows extremely fast. It has been enslaved and domesticated by many powerful civilizations since childhood and used to conquer other worlds, so it is known as a war beast. This war beast is in its growth stage. ]

"Damn it! It's actually a Level 30 Dark Gold BOSS!"

He was shocked, and then muttered: "There shouldn't be four of these monsters, right?"

However, he obviously didn't feel that there were such monsters elsewhere, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that if four of these bosses came at once, it would be a bit troublesome.

It's just a war beast in its growth stage, already ten meters tall. I really don't know how powerful it will be in its mature stage.

He saw two Level 20 Golden Orc Dragon Knights behind the war beast. They should have brought this war beast.

He controlled the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower] and launched an attack on this war beast. With the attack power of this defense tower, it should not be a problem to fight against this war beast.

But he obviously underestimated the methods of this last wave of monsters.

When ten plasma missiles were about to land on the war beast, two golden bosses cast their magic, and one golden boss displayed a powerful shield and appeared in front of the war beast.

The other one released a fierce energy impact and attacked the ten plasma missiles.


However, the attack speed of the plasma missiles was very fast, and not all of them were intercepted. Only two missiles were detonated, and a horrific explosion broke out. The aftermath of the impact rushed on the shield. The shield did not last long before it clicked. Broken.

The gold-quality orc magician obviously underestimated the attack power of the plasma missile. After the shield shattered, the remaining energy rushed into the war beast.

Subsequently, the remaining plasma missiles also overwhelmed the war beast.



Explosions sounded one after another, followed by a shocking roar.

The plasma missile did not kill the war beast. Its defense was very strong.

(Author: I went to pay New Year greetings yesterday and came back very late, so I didn’t post it in the early morning. I will post it now after I’m busy.)

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