Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1231, Inestimable Strength

"How is that possible? You actually took it hard!"

"How did he do that?"

"What kind of move is this? It's so powerful!"


A group of people were all stunned, their eyes filled with shock and disbelief.

"The inheritance of Tianyun Stone Gate belongs to me, you all get out of here." Zhou Yan glanced at the crowd indifferently and shouted.

"Zhou Yan, don't bully others too much!"

"That's right, this is Tianyun Cave Mansion, not your Tianyun Mountain Mansion. Who do you think you are!"

"If you dare to take action, don't blame us for being rude."

Zhou Yan curled his lips disdainfully: "You are really a bunch of trash, a bunch of cowards."


"How dare you call us wimps? You are seeking death!" A group of people were furious.

"Isn't what I said the truth? If you dare to take action, I won't mind turning you into waste and making you never be able to practice. Do you believe it or not?" Zhou Yan said sarcastically.

When everyone heard this, their faces showed anger, but they did not take action again.

"You are all trash, trash, you are all trash!"

Zhou Yan continued to mock.

When he first entered Tianyun Cave Mansion, he was very powerful, but under the joint attack of everyone, he did not dare to be careless. After all, this was Tianyun Mountain Mansion, and there were too many strong people.

Therefore, Zhou Yan could only keep dodging and did not dare to take action at all.

These people are just a rabble, and he can suppress them at any time.

This group of core disciples were aroused to anger, but they were also afraid of being laughed at by everyone, so they could only stand there in aggrieved manner, their faces ashen, wishing they could tear Zhou Yan into pieces.

"What are you doing standing still? Let's go together!" Someone roared. They are all disciples of Tianyun Sect. Naturally, they cannot just sit back and wait for death. Otherwise, they will be looked down upon.


Suddenly, everyone used their weapons in unison.

"Buzz buzz!"

A group of core disciples of Tianyun Sect exuded bright sword energy. The sword energy was like a sharp blade, sharp and emitting cold fluctuations.


"Fuck me!"


A group of core disciples of Tianyun Sect went directly to attack Zhou Yan. As soon as they took action, they launched the most violent attack, which made the void tremble, and the terrifying power swept through the surrounding areas.

Zhou Yan's eyes flickered with cold light.

"Seeking death!" Zhou Yan yelled and suddenly waved out his fists.


Suddenly, two violent fist shadows collided with these attacks.

For a time, there was a strong wind, dust and smoke filled the air, and the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

Some of the weaker disciples flew backwards, vomiting blood.

"What a powerful attack!"

"Zhou Yan, you are really amazing!"

When everyone saw this scene, their faces became much more solemn.

Zhou Yan's strength is indeed powerful to a terrifying level.

"Hmph! With your strength, you want to compete with me for the inheritance of Tianyun Stone Gate? You really don't know how to live or die!" Zhou Yan snorted coldly, his aura became stronger, and there was a strong murderous intention in his eyes.

"You guys are still not backing down!" A low shout sounded.

A white sword light tore through the sky and struck Zhou Yan's head.

"Huh?" Zhou Yan was startled, then sneered: "You want to die so much, then I will help you!"


A violent and domineering aura erupted from Zhou Yan's body, like a tide, sweeping out crazily. In an instant, the surrounding void was disrupted.

His right hand firmly grasped the sharp sword.


One arm was dislocated, and the sharp sword collapsed completely, turning into powder and disappearing.

Zhou Yan's strength has reached the level of Gold Core Third Layer. Coupled with his terrifying body, once he uses martial arts, not even the Heavenly Rank High Grade Treasure Weapon can resist it.

"What?" Everyone was shocked when they saw this.

That's the Heavenly Rank High Grade Treasure Weapon!

Was it destroyed so easily?

"You idiots, this kind of rubbish, do you deserve to have the inheritance of Tianyun Stone Gate?" Zhou Yan said scornfully.

"You!" The eyes of the core disciples burned with blazing flames.

Zhou Yan's strength indeed exceeded their expectations, but this did not mean that he could really overpower them.

"You guys come together!"

"I want to see if he can compete with us!" Many core disciples took action again and killed Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan's eyes were cold. He advanced instead of retreating and faced these people.


A violent ripple of energy rippled, the sky and the earth changed color, and the soil on the ground was lifted up and flew into the sky.

The two collided together again, the void shook violently, and a vast and majestic force raged, causing all the surrounding vegetation to become soldiers.

Some of the weaker disciples were directly injured by this force and coughed up blood.

"This guy Zhou Yan is indeed very strong!"


"It seems that we still have to wait a few days before we can capture him!"

"Yes, he is a Monstrous Genius, but with the combined efforts of our group, I believe that he will never have a chance of survival."

Everyone was talking about it.

Although Zhou Yan is very strong, he will definitely lose this time.

Zhou Yan and this group of core disciples fought together. The two sides were fighting inextricably, the sky was shaking, and the whole space was shaking.

Although Zhou Yan is very strong, the strength of these people cannot be underestimated. After all, they are all elites selected from major kingdoms and major families. Each one of them is the best among the strong and has extremely rich combat experience.

However, they are only Divine King Ninth Layer after all, and it still seems difficult to face Zhou Yan.

A female core disciple of the Heavenly Origin Sect was knocked upside down by Zhou Yan's palm, fell to the ground, spit out a large mouthful of blood, and her breath was sluggish.

"These rubbish are totally vulnerable!" Zhou Yan snorted coldly.

"Pfft..." When the female core disciple heard Zhou Yan's words, she spat out a mouthful of blood and almost fainted.

How had any of her dignified core disciples ever been so humiliated?

"Zhou Yan, you humble ant, today, I will kill you with my own hands to avenge my junior sister!" At this time, a man came over, full of hostility, his eyes were red, and his eyes were full of murderous intent. , he approached Zhou Yan step by step, and every step he took caused the earth to shake.

"Humph, I'm afraid you can't do it alone!" Zhou Yan said disdainfully.

This person's name is Li Hu, and he is a disciple of the Heavenly Origin Sect. He is strong and talented.

When he was at Spirit Medicine Park, Li Hu had teased Lin Feng, and wanted to take Lin Feng's Heavenly Demon skill by force, but Lin Feng smashed his dantian with a palm, and his cultivation was abolished. From then on, Li Hu became a waste.

Later, Li Hu's parents suffered a disaster because of Li Hu, and Li Hu was angry to death, so the matter was settled.

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