Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1237, Explosion Of Strength

"Damn bastard, I have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, how could I die so easily?" Dragon Python said angrily.

"Hiss, hiss..."

It suddenly let out several strange screams.

Immediately, he opened his mouth to spit out the message and bit it towards Zhou Yan.

"What the hell, get out of here!"

Zhou Yan was so frightened that he really unleashed all his strength. His figure flickered in an instant and he quickly retreated three or four meters.

Dragon Python obviously also knows his terror.

Although he pursued, he did not continue to move forward.

"You little ant, you dare to break into my territory, you are simply seeking death. If I hadn't been too seriously injured, you would never come back today." Dragon Python shouted fiercely.

"Hahaha... Do you think I am still the same Zhou Yan as before?" Zhou Yan laughed wildly and said, "Let me tell you, the current Zhou Yan has been dead for many years, and I am the new emperor of the Martial Sovereign Dynasty. Lord, Zhou Yan is dead, now I am Zhou Yan."

"The Martial Sovereign Dynasty?"

Dragon Python frowned slightly and said, "A mere Ninth Grade peak Martial King is worthy of being crowned emperor?"

"Stop talking nonsense, since you want to seek death, I will help you today."

Zhou Yan's anger rose and he said: "I want your body, and the blood will be left to me for healing. As for the other things, they belong to me."


The dragon python snorted coldly and said: "It's just wishful thinking for even a mere ant to try to devour me. I want to see how you can kill me with what means?"


Zhou Yan laughed crazily again.

"I am a strong Martial King, and I have Divine Level skills in my body. How can I still not deal with you, a mere beast of Nine Star Ancient Saint Level?" Zhou Yan said with arrogance.

"Nine Star Ancient Sage?"

Dragon Python narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light suddenly appeared: "You are indeed the same as the rumors. It's a pity that you don't know your current state at all, and you dare to be arrogant in front of me. You are simply seeking death!"

"court death?"

Zhou Yan laughed again.

"Dragon Python, have you forgotten where you are?"

"This is my emperor's domain world. Here, I am the master. Even if you reach the level of Nine-Star Ancient Sage, you still cannot escape from my control."

"Moreover, I have an excellent opportunity. After I break through the Martial Sovereign realm, I will definitely lead my troops to level the mountain range where you are."

"At that time, I will not only take away all your blood and inner elixirs, but I will even take away your Dragon Race bloodline!"

"What are you going to do to fight with me?"

Zhou Yan was indeed not bragging.

In this realm world, he is the master, and everything is under his control.

He has enough confidence to compete with the dragon python.

"Jie Jie Jie... you think I am stupid!"

The dragon python smiled sinisterly and said: "You mean, I just stand there obediently and let you chop me?"

"Although I was severely injured, I am not completely weak. You want me to be killed while standing. It is simply out of imagination!"

Zhou Yan shook his head and sighed: "Alas... Dragon Python, you are quite smart, you actually know the emperor's purpose."

"If that's the case, then I won't hide it."

He took a deep breath and said, "Dragon Python, have you ever heard of the Spirit Crystal?"


Hearing this, Dragon Python's pupils suddenly dilated.

"Spirit crystal?"

It roared, its eyes filled with greed, and it wanted to pounce on Zhou Yan immediately to snatch the spiritual crystal.

However, it still held back.

"Yes, it's the spiritual crystal."

Zhou Yan nodded, with a strong smile on his face.

"Spirit crystal is the core material for refining Yuan-level elixirs."

"It is said that this kind of spiritual crystal contains extremely high vitality, which can improve people's understanding and make cultivation more effective with half the effort."

"Similarly, if it is integrated into a weapon or armor, its power will be even more amazing, comparable to Yuan-level treasures."

"It can be said that this spiritual crystal is extremely valuable. Whoever can obtain the spiritual crystal will benefit a lot."

"Dragon Python, what do you think this emperor should do?"

"Give me the spiritual crystal and you can leave!" Dragon Python was silent for a long time and finally spoke.

"Haha, is this your condition?" Zhou Yan laughed sarcastically.

"I give you two choices. One is to surrender to me, and the other is to eat you!" Dragon Python Snake Senhan said.

"Sorry, I have no interest in surrendering to you. You can eat it if you want." Zhou Yan said lightly: "However, I want to warn you. My strength has recovered to about 80%. If you want to eat me, , I’m afraid it’s not that easy!”

Dragon Python smiled sinisterly and said: "Zhou Yan, let alone you are only 80% strong, even if you fully recover, you will never be able to escape from me."

"I advise you to be aware of the current situation and become a hero. If not, I will slowly torture you to death, making you unable to seek life and death, and life is worse than death!"

The sound of the dragon python is very strange and creepy.


Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of loud noises, like thunderbolts in the clear sky, shaking the sky.

The entire domain world seemed to have turned into a purgatory.


The shrill screams sounded, and countless Monsters and insects fled one after another.

Dragon Python used the rules of the domain world to suppress a space and kill all the infinitely ferocious Monsters.


Zhou Yan laughed wildly.

The world of his domain is under his control, and Dragon Python cannot mobilize the slightest rules.

Moreover, he has advanced to the Martial Sovereign realm and is more skillful in using the field, far surpassing the powerful Nine Star Ancient Sage.

Therefore, even though Dragon Python is a nine-star ancient saint, he still cannot make any waves in his domain world.

"My emperor now likes to eat snake meat the most, especially the meat of colorful poisonous snakes, which is extremely delicious."

He licked his lips and exposed his ferocious fangs.

When the dragon python saw this, he immediately panicked.

"Zhou Yan, don't be too arrogant!"

The dragon python roared: "My physical body is comparable to the Saint Rank treasure armor. If you want to eat my flesh, unless your strength is upgraded to the martial arts Saint Realm world!"

"Oh? Really?"

Zhou Yan said disdainfully: "In that case, I will kill you first and then eat your flesh."

"you dare!"

The dragon python roared angrily.

Zhou Yan laughed heartily and said, "Dragon Python, do you really think that I don't know your plans?"

"Do you think you're safe if you hide in this damn place?"

"I can tell you that your end is coming soon!"

"Do you think this emperor really can't do anything to you?"

"Let me tell you, before, I deliberately showed weakness to the enemy in order to lure you closer and get you into this swamp."

"I have already arranged a killing trap under the swamp, specifically to deal with you!"


Hearing Zhou Yan's words, Dragon Python was instantly confused, and his head was buzzing.

It turns out that Zhou Yan's previous look of despising death and fighting for his life was all just an act.

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