[Title: No. 1 in the world]

[Quality: Mythical (only)]

[Attribute 1: All attributes +200]

[Attribute 2: Luck +200]

[Attribute three: Charm +200]

[Attribute 4: Skill damage +200%]

[Attribute 5: All recovery speeds 100%]

[Attribute 6: Defense +100%]

[Attribute seven: Danger perception +300%]

[Attribute 8: All types of damage received -100%]

[Attribute nine: Cultivation speed +200%]

[Attribute 10: Immune to any poison]

[Introduction: Only those with the highest scores in the history of newcomer trials are eligible to hold it. ]

When he saw these attributes, he was shocked.

There are ten attributes, each of which is very good.

The title is very special. After using it, the four characters "Number One in the World" appear on his head, and they emit colorful light, covering his whole body.

Don't many girls often imagine that a certain Prince Charming will appear in front of them with colorful auspicious clouds? He can be regarded as the type of Prince Charming in the minds of many girls.

He chose to hide his title so that no one but himself could see it.

If he walked out of the world of lords with such a title, he would definitely not live long.

Too ostentatious.

As a person, it's better to be low-key.

When he feels that one day he is truly number one in the world and invincible, he can show his title openly and openly.

At that time, whoever disobeys will be beaten until the other party kneels down and sings conquest.

He took out the first building rewarded in the newcomer trial, an E-quality building.

After wearing the title, his current luck value has surpassed that of Diao Chan and Zhen Mi. His luck value is approaching 400 points, and he can open anything by himself.

In a flash of light, the building had been opened by him.

Territory tip: "Obtain E-quality building [Bathhouse]."

It turned out to be a [bathhouse], and this building was also needed in the territory.

Although there are five-star hotels where you can take a shower, more than a thousand soldiers can't even get a room, and they still need to take turns to take a shower.

More soldiers will be summoned later, and more soldiers will need to take a bath.

He put this [bathhouse] away, and these buildings cannot be built until he improves the level of his territory.

The area of ​​the territory is still too small. The first thing to do when going out is to buy materials to upgrade the buildings, and then improve the level of the territory.

He picked up the S-quality barracks on the ground. This barracks had not evolved yet, but it was already S-quality. If it evolved again, he didn't know what quality it would become.

He clicked to use.

Territory prompt: "Obtain S quality barracks [Broken Camp Army]."

"Broken Camp Army!"

He was a little surprised. He knew a little about this barracks. It was said that it was a powerful military unit that appeared in Canglan Continent 10,000 years ago.

And this barracks is for cavalry.

In the world of lords, a high-quality cavalry is very powerful in combat.

However, cavalry naturally needs to fight on horseback in order to develop strong combat effectiveness.

This requires war horses. Good war horses, coupled with good cavalry units, the combination of powerful forces will greatly increase combat effectiveness.

He would like to open up a pasture in his territory to raise war horses, but war horses require a very large place to raise them. Without a large enough place, it is impossible to raise war horses.

Of course, cavalry does not necessarily require war horses. If conditions permit, even riding a dragon is fine.

Zhou Yan would not dare to imagine it before, but now he feels that his future cavalry may not be able to raise a group of sub-dragon riding pets, and even ride real giant dragons.

Everything depends on whether he can meet such a riding pet in the future.

In the world of lords, there are also many lords who maintain a group of armies riding High Level monsters.

However, although this kind of army has strong combat effectiveness, it is not so easy to raise. ,


Without sufficient financial resources and resources, we simply would not dare to build such an army.

He has one last building left.

With excitement, he took out the RRR quality building.

With a flash of light, the building in his hand began to change.

Territory tip: "Obtain a RRR quality building [City Lord's Mansion]."

"[City Lord's Mansion]???"

He was a little speechless. After all, it was the most advanced building. How could it become such a building?

But it doesn’t matter. When the [City Lord’s Mansion] is built, this building can still evolve and it will become a new building by then.

He held two skill books in his hands, one was of S quality and the other was of SSS quality.

He opened both skill books.

[Get "S·Wind Spell", get "SSS·Sword Control". ]

[Skill: Wind Spell]

[Quality: S]

[Introduction: Wind attribute spells, including wind control spells, wind control spells, and wind curse killing spells. ]

[Requirement: The profession of Curse Master can be learned. ]

[Skill: Sword Control]

[Quality: SSS]

[Introduction: Cultivation of supreme swordsmanship, you can fly with the sword, and control the sword to kill enemies. You can cultivate the sword spirit internally and practice swordsmanship externally. ]

[Requirement: Cultivation profession can be learned. ]

Both skills are very powerful and he uses them himself.

[Learn "S·Wind Spell", learn and obtain "SSS·Sword Control"]

The two skill books turned into light and entered his body.

After his brain received the two skills, he found that both skills were very powerful, not just simple skills.

"Wind Spell" allows him to control the wind attribute. He can convert the wind attribute into a variety of attack methods, but there is no skill bonus power.

Skills of S quality and above have such functions, but skills below S quality will not have such effects.

Therefore, every S-quality skill book is very precious, and the lowest price starts at more than 10 million.

As for the rest, he felt that he didn't really need it.

Even with the RRR-quality hero summoning token, he wasn't very excited.

On the contrary, he felt that this thing could be sold for a lot of money.

This is the highest quality hero summoning token. Even in the world of lords, the most Apex Level heroes are very rare.

Like him, many high-quality heroes can be summoned for free.

He is just a cheater, and no one else can compare to him.

With more than a billion soul coins and spirit coins in hand, no matter what you want to do, it will be easy.

He found Diao Chan, Zhen Mi, Nie Xiaoqian and others, and Sun Shangxiang had already gone to the [Heritage Temple].

Let's spend some soul coins to raise everyone's level first.

Territory prompt: "Soul Coin - 40,000, hero Diao Chan, level increased from Level 40 to Level 41."


Territory prompt: "Soul coins - seventy-six thousand, hero Diao Chan, level increased from Level 49 to Level 50."


Territory prompt: "Soul Coin - 900,000, hero Diao Chan, level increased from Level 79 to Level 80."


Territory prompt: "Soul coins - four million, hero Diao Chan, level increased from Level 99 to Level 100."

He directly raised Diao Chan's level to the full level.

To upgrade from Level 40 to Level 100, it costs 56.34 million soul coins.

Even though 1.2 billion soul coins are a lot, if you really want to spend them, they are far from enough.

He then raised the levels of Zhen Mi, Nie Xiaoqian and himself to the full level.

A total of more than 200 million soul coins were spent.

The territory suddenly had four full-level characters.

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