Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1244, Netherworld Mountain

The skeleton shook his head and sighed, his eyes red, showing a bit of sadness, as if he was remembering the past.


Suddenly, the skeleton sighed and looked lonely.

"After all, I was once a Supreme, but I have fallen to this stage and have to rely on the body of an ant to survive."

"It's a pity that I am too weak now to leave Netherworld Mountain..."

The skeleton sighed, his face full of regret and resentment.

It turns out that it is the Netherworld Supreme, a peerless villain who once swept across the heavens. He possesses unparalleled combat power and is powerful throughout the world!

Unexpectedly, thousands of years ago, Netherworld Supreme suffered a heavy blow and fell into a coma.

It just so happened that deep in the Netherworld Mountain, there was a natural treasure that was of great use to the Netherworld Supreme, so he kept guarding it.

"This emperor has been in seclusion here for thousands of years. He has spent a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and with the help of that thing, he has finally recovered some of his strength and can leave Netherworld Mountain."

"However, all of my cultivation techniques are derived from that treasure."

The skeleton sighed and continued: "If you want to obtain the treasure, you must first break the Nether Demon Suppressing Formation!"

"Boy, I will give you a chance. Submit to me and let me possess you. Otherwise, don't blame me for destroying flowers with my ruthless hands!"

The skeleton stared at Zhou Yan with fierce eyes.

"Haha, Netherworld Supreme?"

Zhou Yan sneered and said indifferently: "Do you think I'm scared?"

Zhou Yan knew in his heart that the Nether Demon Suppressing Formation was the protective formation in the core area of ​​Netherworld Mountain.

The skeleton has just woken up and its strength has not yet been restored. If you want to defeat the Netherworld Chain, you need to pay a heavy price.

Now, it is undoubtedly a foolish dream to take away the good fortune from him.

"act recklessly!"

The skeleton snorted coldly, and the cold aura swept over it, turning into thick black smoke, condensed into a sharp cone, and stabbed sharply.

call out! call out! call out! .....

Wherever the sharp cone passed, the space was distorted and shattered, revealing a slight gap, which was terrifying and powerful.

"Netherworld Mountain is really scary!"

Zhou Yan's face was solemn, he didn't dare to hesitate, he stepped forward and rushed out.

call out!

In an instant, Zhou Yan exploded at full speed, like a falling meteor. He was so fast that he avoided the cone attack and appeared in front of the skeleton.


The thunder hammer, carrying the rolling evil aura, fell like a mountain, mixed with the endless aura of destruction, and was about to explode the skeleton.

However, the skeleton's eyes were scarlet, and with a palm strike, blood flames emerged to block the giant hammer attack.


There was a muffled sound, and the skeleton took half a step back, blood bleeding from the corner of its mouth, and its face was cold.

"You are strong!"

The skeleton licked the blood and said in a cold tone: "Unfortunately, there is no advantage. It will be easy for me to kill you!"

As the words fell, black energy surged from the skeleton's body, turning into shadows and attacking overwhelmingly.

The shadow, or virtual shadow, exudes a cold and evil aura, contains strange power, and seems to be able to swallow all spirituality.

"What power is this?"

Zhou Yan frowned, and a dangerous aura emerged.

Boom boom boom~

In just a short moment, Skeleton Frame made crazy moves. Every time he waved his palm, he attracted wisps of shadows, which turned into ghost arrows and shot at Zhou Yan.

"These shadows..."

Zhou Yan was frightened and felt as if he was stuck in a quagmire. His body was stiff and unable to move.

The shadows, like maggots attached to bones, continuously eroded Zhou Yan's essence and blood, seeping into his internal organs, causing his blood to gradually fail.

"Damn! What the hell is this!"

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth and felt anxious. Once his essence and blood were exhausted, he would die even if the skeleton didn't do anything.


At this moment, Zhou Yan's heart moved, and the bells rang in his mind, and the golden light shone.

"This is...."

Zhou Yan's eyes widened, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, full of fear and excitement.

"Divine Ability, the furnace of true fire!"

In an instant, Zhou Yan activated the "Burning Jue", and the Nascent Soul in the Dantian within his body burst into bright light and erupted with red flames.

"Chi chi chi~~"

Hot steam rises from the surface of Zhou Yan's skin, and the skin and flesh rapidly transform, as if made of steel, full of weight and extremely strong.

At the same time, a furnace appeared out of thin air, hanging high above Zhou Yan's head, dripping with hot magma, spreading an astonishing temperature.


Zhou Yan screamed, and blazing flames burned all over his body, burning his muscles and bones.

However, instead of weakening, these burns intensified, causing Zhou Yan to roll on the ground in pain.

These magmas are bred from the core of lava and possess astonishing power, capable of burning all things.

"This is...Divine Ability!?"

Looking at this scene, the skeleton's eyes trembled, full of disbelief.

The art of Divine Ability is extremely precious. Even in some dynasties and empires, the art of Divine Ability may not exist.

Zhou Yan's Martial Dao was of a low level, but he actually displayed Divine Ability, which was beyond common sense.

"No matter who you are, since you are here, then I will do justice for heaven!"

Immediately, the skeleton grinned ferociously, with overwhelming murderous intent.


The skeleton reaches out to grab it, and the pitch-black tentacles fly. Entanglement grabs the furnace and pulls violently, trying to absorb the art of Divine Ability.

However, the Divine Ability furnace was firmly nailed to Zhou Yan's head, motionless and as stable as a rock. No matter how hard the skeleton struggled, it could not move at all.

"what happened!?"

The skeleton was stunned, his face was confused, and he felt weird.

It remembered clearly that it had just woken up at the top of Netherworld Mountain, with only the last remaining soul left, and its strength was not even 1%.

However, what now?

It absorbed a mysterious seed and restored 89% of its strength, perfectly restraining Zhou Yan.

If things continue like this, wouldn't it be necessary to kill Zhou Yan and seize his fortune! ?

"Something's wrong! There must be something wrong!"

The skeleton's eyes flashed, and he immediately noticed something was wrong.

After all, it has been sleeping for hundreds of years, and what happened during that time has been forgotten.

"Little guy, stop struggling!"

The skeleton grinned and said: "This is a forbidden technique from the Netherworld, called 'Netherworld Cage'. Only by practicing Netherworld Kung Fu can you understand it!"

The Netherworld Cage uses the Netherworld Water as a medium to condense into a cage, trapping the enemy, binding the spiritual consciousness, and preventing escape.

In other words, as long as he is trapped, Zhou Yan is like fish on a chopping board, ready to be slaughtered by others.

"Netherworld water!?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yan immediately breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he wasn't a shadow.

Netherworld water has the effect of sealing spiritual consciousness and spirit, which is just right for him.


The next moment, a drop of crystal clear green water came out of Zhou Yan's chest.

Green water droplets appeared, and the surrounding space fluctuated violently. It was vaguely visible, and there seemed to be a ball of blue light hidden in it.

"The art of Divine Ability!?"

The skeleton was stunned and almost doubted his own eyes.

"The water of the netherworld, seal it!"

Zhou Yan drank softly, and green water droplets rose into the sky, forming a network that covered the entire Netherworld Cave.

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