Not only him, but the other black-robed guards were also trembling with fear and sweating profusely.

"Haha, what's your name?"

Zhou Yan looked at the black-robed guard with cold eyes and asked with a faint smile.

"Junior Li Fei is the guard captain of Black Wind Ridge!"

Li Fei answered tremblingly.


Zhou Yan nodded, and then said: "Now you lead the way to find your deputy commander."

"Senior, what are you going to do?" Li Fei was stunned and asked in shock.

"Your deputy commander has been deposed by me. Let him come here to take the blame!" Zhou Yan said indifferently.


Hearing this, many of the guards took a breath of cold air. They never expected that their deputy commander would provoke such a terrifying existence.

Their deputy commander, who was definitely considered the top expert within thousands of miles around, was actually seriously injured and had to plead guilty.

For a moment, all the guards felt chills running down their spines and trembling all over.

"Senior, please calm down. We will bring our deputy commander over immediately. Please wait a moment."

Li Fei wiped the sweat from his forehead and said quickly.

"Okay!" Zhou Yan responded.

Immediately afterwards, Li Fei turned around and ordered to some of the guards beside him: "A few of you stay here and guard here, and the rest follow me."


Following his instructions, the remaining guards nodded quickly and dispersed around, guarding key positions.

As for Li Fei, he quickly swept away into the distance and soon disappeared into the vast night.


After Li Fei left, Zhou Yan took a deep breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Just now, he was completely acting. He didn't want to break up with the people of Heifeng Ridge unless necessary.

After all, he only has the cultivation level of the early God Emperor. Although he has the ability to leapfrog enemies and kill them, fighting against the entire Black Wind Ridge with one person's strength is like an egg against a stone, and it is impossible to win.

Therefore, he deliberately behaved so fiercely to frighten the guards and make them retreat and give up chasing him.

"This time, it's time to be quiet."

Zhou Yan raised his head, looked at the dark sky, and murmured.

However, before he could finish his words, he suddenly raised his head and his pupils suddenly shrank.


There were sharp sounds of breaking through the air, and then, arrows rained down from the sky, hitting Zhou Yan overwhelmingly.


Zhou Yan's face darkened slightly, and the spiritual energy in his body was running wildly. He swung out his palms and turned them into palm shadows all over the sky, facing the dense rain of arrows.


These arrows hit his palm and exploded on the spot, turning into powder and flying away.

"Sure enough, these people from Black Wind Ridge are not so easy to give up."

Zhou Yan's face was as gloomy as ink. His actions just now had angered the other party, causing them to launch another assassination, obviously preparing to kill him.

"But, do you think you want to kill me with just a few hundred sharp arrows? You're so naive!"

Zhou Yan shook his head, with strong sarcasm in his eyes.

As a powerful man in the Emperor Realm, his physical strength is no worse than the Law Treasure, a divine weapon. How could a mere arrow hurt him?


Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yan waved his arms, and a powerful wind swept across.

In an instant, arrows rained from the sky, all of them were annihilated and disappeared into smoke.

"Hahaha, these rubbish, they also want to attack me? They are too weak!"

Zhou Yan looked up to the sky and roared, his eyes shining with dazzling brilliance.


At the same time, there were bursts of harsh piercing sounds in the surrounding forest, and then dozens of Martial Artists appeared in sight. They held sharp swords and wrapped Zhou Yan around him. .

"Haha, these guys couldn't help it after all."

Feeling the murderous intent around him, Zhou Yan's lips turned into a sneer, and he stood up slowly without fear.

"Boy, you actually escaped?"

A cold drink sounded, and an old man in black robe walked out first, staring at Zhou Yan, with a cold murderous intent flowing in his eyes.

"Haha, do you think I am a fool? If I stay there and let you kill me, then I will be a fool." Zhou Yan chuckled.

He had already expected that these people in Black Wind Ridge would definitely not give up easily, so he took the healing Holy Medicine in advance to adjust his condition to its peak.

"You people from Black Wind Ridge are so brave, how dare you ambush me?" Zhou Yan asked coldly as he glanced around.

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense and accept your death!"

The old man in black robe had a livid complexion. This guy in front of him, knowing that he was from Heifeng Ridge, dared to come to our door. This was provoking Black Wind Ridge.

"Death? Haha, today, I will make you pay the price!"

Zhou Yan grinned, and immediately swayed his body, like a ghost, and rushed over at an extremely fast speed.


The black-robed old man's face condensed, and he immediately activated the spiritual energy in his body, used a secret technique, and punched out. In an instant, a huge black elephant emerged from the void, carrying overwhelming power and suppressing it fiercely.


Zhou Yan punched out, and the light on his fist flickered, containing destructive power.


The next moment, the giant black elephant collapsed, and the figure of the old man in black robe also flew out like a sandbag.


Finally, the old man in black robe fell to the ground and broke several towering ancient trees.

"'ve hidden your strength?"

The old man in black robe coughed twice, struggled to get up, and looked at Zhou Yan with horrified eyes, causing huge waves in his heart.

"It doesn't matter if I hide my strength, no one can save you today!"

Zhou Yan looked cold as he stepped forward step by step, approaching the black-robed old man, releasing strong murderous intent from his body.

His eyes were cold and unblinking, looking straight at the old man in black robe.


Seeing this scene, the eyes of the old man in black robe were full of panic, and without saying a word, he wanted to run away.

"I just want to run away now, it's too late."

Zhou Yan snorted coldly, stamped his feet on the ground, and his whole body turned into an afterimage and rushed out.


The next moment, Zhou Yan appeared in front of the old man in black robe, stretched out his right hand, grabbed the other man's neck, closed his fingers, and squeezed hard.


There was a crisp sound of bone cracking, and the black-robed old man's throat suddenly shattered, his head tilted, and he died.

"What, the third child was defeated so quickly?"

Seeing this scene, everyone else was shocked and looked in disbelief.

Among them, Lao San, who is the strongest, can't even block this young man's move?

"Everyone come together and kill him!"

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