Vaguely, Zhou Yan felt that it seemed to be squirming and turning into a small seed.

"What is this seed?"

Zhou Yan was startled and stared at the seed carefully, trying to observe it clearly.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment and thought.

In an instant, the seed trembled, releasing a trace of purple light and blending into Zhou Yan's soul.

In an instant, Zhou Yan felt that the spiritual platform was clear, his consciousness was clear, and his whole body was full of energy.

"I see……"

Zhou Yan suddenly came to his senses, his face filled with excitement: "This seed is exactly the 'Innate spiritual seed', a natural spiritual creature that contains the creation of heaven and earth and can help people understand the secrets of the law."

Everything in heaven and earth has spirituality.

Any treasures of heaven and earth are born between heaven and earth, and are nurtured by the good fortune of heaven and earth.

Of course, there are countless treasures in heaven and earth, but those who can give birth to spiritual beings are rare.

This "Innate spiritual seed" is a medicinal herb that gives birth to spiritual wisdom and transforms into a spiritual plant.

Spiritual plants have seeds, seedlings, fruits, buds, branches, and finally mature into fruits...

Every spiritual plant is unique and extremely rare.

Moreover, this kind of spiritual plant is extremely precious, and every seed of the spiritual plant is expensive, or even has no market price.

After all, spiritual plants that can produce spiritual intelligence are so rare that they can be called alien species in the world.

"Ha ha……"

Suddenly, Zhou Yan burst out laughing, inexplicably excited.

It turns out that in the Golden Lion Royal Family's treasure house, in addition to the Heavenly Rank technique, there is also an Innate spiritual plant.

Innate spiritual plants, born with aura, can be described as treasures.

"This golden lion royal family is lucky enough to have an Innate spiritual plant."

Zhou Yan was extremely happy.


Suddenly, there was a roar in the distance.

A huge black panther came galloping from a distance, full of evil aura, and headed towards Zhou Yan.


Zhou Yan's eyes were cold, he raised his hand and waved, and a Black Iron gun appeared in his palm.

Immediately, Zhou Yan held the iron gun and faced the Black Panther with his figure like lightning.

"Bang bang bang..."

One man and one beast started fighting with fierce fists and deadly moves. In the blink of an eye, they collided hundreds of times.


The Black Panther was fast, his movements were treacherous, his claws were sharp, his claws tore through the sky, he seized the opportunity and stabbed Zhou Yan straight into the chest, extremely cruel.


Zhou Yan resisted with his spear horizontally, shaking violently, and the tiger's mouth was numb.


The next moment, Zhou Yan gritted his teeth, his arm muscles bulged, and with a strong swing, the spear was released from his hand, and it pierced the chest of the black panther like a poisonous dragon drill.


In an instant, the Black Panther screamed, and its huge body fell heavily to the ground. Blood spurted out, causing heavy casualties.

"The Monster in the early stage of Foundation Building is vulnerable."

Zhou Yan snorted lightly, put away the black panther, and walked out.

In the confrontation with the black panther just now, Zhou Yan had figured out the weakness of the black panther, and took advantage of the opponent's surprise to kill the enemy with one strike.

Otherwise, Zhou Yan's current incomplete body alone would not be able to compete with this black panther.

One day later.

Outside Blackstone City.

Zhou Yan rode a horse, transmigrated into the mountains and forests, walked out slowly, and left Black Rock City.

"This ancient city is Black Stone City, which is not too far away from our Qingyun Town."

Zhou Yan looked around and saw a towering city wall standing in his field of vision.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan frowned and saw two groups of people fighting in front of him.

The group of people on the left, wearing armor, were majestic and full of killing intent.

The group of people on the right were wearing shabby clothes, carrying wooden boxes on their backs, and looked tired and embarrassed.

Obviously, they fled to Black Rock City for refuge.

However, the strength of these people is too poor, they have not even reached the Ning Gang Realm, and there are only a few Innate Martial Artists.

"These people should be refugees."

Zhou Yan guessed in his mind.

"This group of people is so weak that they don't even have an Innate Martial Artist. It's really disappointing."

On the other side, the leader of the group of armored sergeants curled his lips, showing a look of disappointment.

Beside him, a Ninggang Realm powerhouse with a sinister face glanced indifferently and snorted disdainfully.


Suddenly, the commander became furious and drew his sword and pointed it at him: "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?"

This Ninggang Realm expert sneered, "Don't you understand?"

"We are ordered by the emperor to wipe out the rebellious gangs in Black Rock City. If you don't want to die, get out of here!"


Hearing this, the face of the Ning Gang Realm powerhouse turned red and he was very angry.


The commander waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to say anything.

Immediately, he glanced at the group of refugees and asked, "Which of you is the leader?"

This Ninggang Realm powerhouse, named Chen Hao, led five thousand troops and was stationed near Black Rock City.

This time he came out, in addition to patrolling the city, he was also responsible for hunting down the rebels.


Among the refugees, there was a young boy who hesitated for a moment, stood up, bowed and said: "To tell the general, my father has died in the battle, and now, I will serve as the new village chief..."

"Haha... So that's it."

Chen Hao scolded: "In this case, why don't you get out of here? Do you want to make a living with those gangsters?"

"Don't dare!"

The young boy lowered his head and remained silent, his heart filled with humiliation and helplessness.

"Don't dare? Who do you think you are?"

Chen Hao sneered: "Forget it, I will spare your life today, but remember, this is a wilderness jungle with many dangers. If you accidentally lose your life, don't blame me for not warning you!"

There was a strong hint of threat in his words.

Hearing this, shame flashed across the faces of many refugees.

But, there is no way.

In this wild mountain range, the law of the jungle is extremely strict. If you are not careful, you may be killed by wild beasts.

Therefore, many people would rather survive than go into the mountains in search of prey.

Moreover, these people are all ordinary refugees. Even if they join the army, they are just cannon fodder and not worth mentioning.

"let's go."

Chen Hao was too lazy to pay attention to the refugees and led a team of guards to continue searching for traces of the rebels.

Night falls.

There was silence in Blackstone City.

The lights in the Zhou family's mansion were brightly lit.

At this time, in a hall.

Zhou Yan was sitting on the main seat, eyes closed, taking a nap.

He smelled of alcohol and was obviously drunk.

"Master, are you drunk?"

Next to him, the housekeeper Li Zhong hurriedly stepped forward to help him, with a look of concern on his face.


Zhou Yan opened his eyes slightly, pushed Li Zhong away, and drank a glass of wine by himself.

Then, close your eyes again to Nurturing Spirit.

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