He stretched out his palm and directly grabbed the hair of the old woman of the Yang family, and dragged her over with strong force.


Seeing that Zhou Yan had the audacity to grab her hair and beat her with fists and kicks, the old woman from the Yang family roared angrily, her face became extremely twisted, and her heart was filled with overwhelming anger. She couldn't understand, this How could the evil breed suddenly burst out with such fighting power?


Another heavy blow fell on the head of the old woman from the Yang family. Her body shook twice, and blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

"Little beast, today I'm going to make you live and die!"

The eyes of the old woman from the Yang family turned scarlet, and she thrust out her palms, her five fingers sharp and sharp, like eagle claws, and thrust them directly into Zhou Yan's heart.

"court death!"

Zhou Yan's expression was cold to the bone. This old woman actually dared to kill his father's widow in front of him. She deserved death.


In an instant, Zhou Yan's aura increased steadily, and an astonishing coercion spread out from his body.

Zhou Yan's cultivation has already reached the peak of Divine King's third level, and he is only one step away from the fourth level.

The muscles and veins all over his body bulged, dense veins appeared on the surface of his skin, and the muscles and bones inside his body also made crackling sounds.

At this moment, Zhou Yan's strength completely surpassed that of the old woman of the Yang family.


Zhou Yan grabbed the arms of the old woman from the Yang family and folded them back with force. With a click, the old woman from the Yang family screamed. Her two arms were instantly dislocated and hung limply. Her face was wrinkled together in pain. Clearly in great pain.

At the same time, Zhou Yan clenched his other hand into a fist and smashed it towards the old woman of the Yang family.


The whole body of the old woman from the Yang family flew out upside down. She hit the wall and fell far away.

"I will definitely cut you into pieces!"

The old woman from the Yang family struggled to stand up, her face full of ferocity and resentment. Just as she was about to charge forward, Zhou Yan already appeared in front of her.


Zhou Yan raised his leg and kicked the old woman from the Yang family in the chest, sending her flying dozens of meters away and falling to the ground.


The old woman from the Yang family spurted blood from her mouth and several ribs were broken. She got up with difficulty and looked at Zhou Yan with a look full of fear.

"Little beast, even if I risk my life today, I will cut off your head."

The old woman from the Yang family gritted her teeth. Her eyes were red and turbid, with extreme hatred, as if she wanted to skin Zhou Yan alive.

She knew that Zhou Yan must be eliminated today, otherwise, the danger to their Yang family would be beyond imagination.


The next moment, the Yang family old woman jumped out again and attacked Zhou Yan.

"court death!"

Seeing this, Zhou Yan's face showed cold murderous intent. This old woman from the Yang family not only killed her mother, but also took her own life. How could he forgive her?


Zhou Yan took a step forward, his figure suddenly rose up, he made fists with both hands, and punched the chest of the old woman of the Yang family. Every punch he threw was carrying destructive power.

"What, his offensive is so fierce and domineering."

The face of the old woman from the Yang family changed drastically. She felt that Zhou Yan's attack was like a mountain bearing down on her, making it difficult for her to breathe.

She wanted to escape, but found that Zhou Yan's fist covered the space and blocked her escape route, making it impossible for her to escape or hide.

Bang! Bang! Bang…….

In an instant, the old woman from the Yang family received countless punches from Zhou Yan. Every time a punch hit her, her body made a clear and audible sound of broken bones.

In the end, the body of the old woman from the Yang family fell to the ground like mud, her orifices were bleeding, she was dying, and she had completely lost her ability to resist.

She looked at Zhou Yan, with a strong look of fear mixed with regret in her eyes.

She never expected that Zhou Yan's strength would improve so much in such a short period of time.

If Zhou Yan was helpless in front of her six months ago, but now, she is defeated by Zhou Yan, and may even die at any time.

"Mrs. Yang, aren't you very arrogant?"

Zhou Yan looked down at the old woman of the Yang family, her eyes cold and biting: "Now, do you have anything to say?"

"Little beast, don't... don't kill me!"

The pupils of the old woman from the Yang family shrank suddenly. She looked at Zhou Yan, her voice trembled, and she begged urgently: "As long as you let me go, I will promise you anything. Even if you want to sleep with me now, I will willing."

After saying that, the old woman from the Yang family moved her body slightly, making any gesture, waiting for Zhou Yan's arrival.

The old woman from the Yang family has been driven crazy.

Now, she just wants to survive as long as she can. As for dignity and pride, she has all left behind. She would rather compromise as long as she can save her life.

"Ha ha……."

Zhou Yan looked up to the sky and smiled, with a look of disdain in his eyes, and said: "Old Madam Yang, do you really think that this young master would be interested in an ugly creature like you?"

"I'm telling you, you're wrong."

"Since you dare to attack my mother, it is destined that you will not survive."

"You, the Yang family, should also pay the price for your stupid behavior."

Zhou Yan spoke every word with a gloomy look. In his heart, murderous intent was fierce. The old woman of the Yang family had offended his evil instincts, and he could not forgive her easily.

"What? You...you want to destroy my Yang family?"

Hearing Zhou Yan's words, the old woman of the Yang family's eyes widened. She did not expect that Zhou Yan would be so ruthless and want to kill her.

"Little beast, I curse you to die miserably." The old woman from the Yang family howled miserably.

Her heart was filled with regret. If she had known this, she would never have provoked Zhou Yan. After all, Zhou Yan was a Martial Artist with extraordinary strength. If Zhou Yan was kept, he would definitely become a nightmare for their Yang family in the future.

However, there is no regret in selling medicine in this world.

"Old Madam Yang, when you are reincarnated as a human being in your next life, you must never bully others with your power."

Zhou Yan looked indifferent, stepped out slowly, raised his right foot, stepped down suddenly, and landed hard on the neck of the old woman of the Yang family.


A horrifying sound of bone cracking resounded through the whole house. The next moment, the throat of the old woman from the Yang family was immediately trampled, and blood spread everywhere. The whole corpse fell to the ground, and she died with her eyes open. An extremely shocked look.

Zhou Yan actually killed the old woman of the Yang family.


Next to them, the Yang family members were so frightened that they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. They watched this scene helplessly, but they didn't even have the courage to stop it.

The old woman of the Yang family was Martial Dao Grandmaster, but she still couldn't stop Zhou Yan's offensive, and was instantly killed by Zhou Yan with a punch.

"Zhou Yan, you dare to kill our ancestor, you are seeking death."

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