This black mist was very strange. As soon as it appeared, it turned into a skull and bit into the old ghost of the Yang family.


The ancestor of the Yang family screamed and flew backwards, falling to the ground.

"what happened?"

The surrounding Martial Artists watching the battle all showed shocked expressions.

Everyone knows that the ancestor of the Yang family is a half-step Grandmaster level expert.

But at this moment, the ancestor of the Yang family was severely injured by Zhou Yan?

"This Zhou Yan is so weird!"

Everyone has this thought in their mind.

The ancestor of the Yang family also stared at Zhou Yan with a horrified face: "You...what the hell are you!"

The ancestor of the Yang family felt a crisis.

Zhou Yan at this time made him feel extremely terrifying.

"Haha, ancestor of the Yang family, have you forgotten me? I am Zhou Yan!"

Zhou Yan grinned, showing his white teeth.

"not good!"

After hearing Zhou Yan's words, the Yang family ancestor's face suddenly changed wildly.

He finally remembered that his precious son Yang Yu died in Zhou Yan's hands.

"Damn it!"

The next moment, the ancestor of the Yang family roared, turned around and ran away.

He was afraid.

At this time, Zhou Yan was so evil that even he almost suffered a loss. He did not dare to stay any longer and was ready to leave quickly.

"Ancestor of the Yang family, where are you going?"

Zhou Yan shouted coldly. He was extremely fast and in the blink of an eye, he caught up with the ancestor of the Yang family.


The next moment, he stretched out his palm and slapped the ancestor of the Yang family on the back. Suddenly, a majestic amount of true energy rushed into the body of the ancestor of the Yang family.


The ancestor of the Yang family let out a shrill howl, and all the muscles and bones in his body were broken, and even his dantian was shattered.

The ancestor of the Yang family's cultivation instantly fell to the Divine King realm.

"I am going to kill you!"

The ancestor of the Yang family roared angrily.

His hatred was overwhelming, but he had lost his fighting power. He struggled wildly and wanted to fight back, but he couldn't do it at all.

Finally, Zhou Yan stepped on his chest, destroying the Yang family ancestor's dantian.


The ancestor of the Yang family roared in pain. He watched helplessly as all his skills were destroyed.

"Old dog of the Yang family, you are responsible for all this. Do you think I will give you a chance to recover your cultivation?"

Zhou Yan said indifferently.

"Hahaha, Zhou Yan, do you think you will win if you defeat me? I tell you, you will definitely lose!" the ancestor of the Yang family said with a laugh.

Zhou Yan frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

The ancestor of the Yang family laughed loudly: "Zhou Yan, you are too young. Our Yang family has already arranged a peerless formation and is waiting for your arrival. Do you think I will really come here to die so stupidly?"

"Peerless formation?"

Zhou Yan frowned slightly.

The ancestor of the Yang family continued: "Zhou Yan, although you are powerful, you don't know how to use your own power at all. Your attacks all rely on external objects. Without the help of external objects, you can't do anything to me."

Hearing this, Zhou Yan fell silent.

"Your guess is correct. Even if you kill me today, you will never step out of the Yang family!"

The ancestor of the Yang family sneered.

His heart was full of resentment. Today, his loss was too great.

Dantian was destroyed and his cultivation was abolished. This was almost a fatal blow.

"Oh, that's it. If that's the case, then I'll play with you!"

Zhou Yan's eyes shone with a cold light in the depths of his eyes.


At this moment, violent noises came from all around.

A quaint courtyard slowly emerged. This courtyard occupies a hundred acres.

A plaque hangs over this courtyard.

"Killing formation, killing formation!"


The ancestor of the Yang family had a ferocious look on his face, and he shouted loudly.

Immediately, within the killing formation, countless runes circulated, forming a curtain of light that enveloped Zhou Yan.


Zhou Yan glanced around and found that he had fallen into confusion.

At the same time, a creepy murderous intention surged from all directions around him.


Zhou Yan raised his head and looked up at the sky, only to see a sharp sword condensed out of the blood-red light pillar, aiming at him.


Zhou Yan snorted coldly, waved his fists, and faced the sword light directly.


The next moment, Zhou Yan groaned, took two steps back, and then stabilized his body.

"This formation is indeed terrifying."

Zhou Yan murmured.

He could sense that there were many terrifying killing moves hidden in this formation.

If Zhou Yan hadn't reached the Innate state in his physical body and understood a hint of the Golden Crow Holy Fire, he would have died if he had been an ordinary person.

"However, just relying on a mere killing array to trap me is a wishful thinking!"

Zhou Yan snorted coldly, and his body exuded a domineering aura that looked down on the world.


The next moment, he shouted loudly and waved his fists, like two rounds of bright sun, aiming at the misty void and hitting hard.


In an instant, the entire space trembled, as if it was about to collapse.

Buzz buzz...

At the same time, within the formation, the sound of killing became even more urgent. One after another, the sharp sword light tore through the void and came towards Zhou Yan to assassinate him.


Zhou Yan was still not afraid. His body was burning with the Golden Crow Holy Fire, and he waved out both fists, colliding with the sword light that filled the sky.


In an instant, the entire space exploded, and countless spiritual energy rolled crazily and wreaked havoc.


Suddenly, a crisp sound resounded in the void, and then, a huge chain condensed out of thin air.

This chain was ten feet long. It lay in front of Zhou Yan, blocking his way.


The next moment, the chain was pulled towards Zhou Yan, causing waves of roaring sounds, with overwhelming power, like Mount Tai pressing down on top.

"It's just a little trick!"

Zhou Yan dismissed it, he used all his strength and punched out.


His iron fist struggled against the chain, and in an instant, the chain was cracked inch by inch.

"No, this Zhou Yan is too strong and invincible."

"Let's go, let's go quickly."

Seeing this, the ancestor of the Yang family was frightened and ran away immediately without saying a word.

Zhou Yan's strength is so powerful that it completely surpasses the third level of the Divine King and is far beyond what he can resist.

At this moment, the ancestor of the Yang family was inexplicably horrified.

He never expected that Zhou Yan's strength would be so strong.

Just now, if he had stopped for a moment, I am afraid that his Dantian and cultivation would have been destroyed.

"Ancestor of the Yang family, want to leave? It's too late!"

Zhou Yan said with a sneer.

Then, he jumped up to an ancient tree and looked down at the ancestor of the Yang family.

At this moment, Zhou Yan stood proudly in the void, bathed in the Golden Crow Holy Fire, like a golden-winged roc, spreading its wings and soaring into the Ninth Layer sky.

"Ancestor of the Yang family, what do you want to say now?"

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