The void shook, and a strong wind swept in all directions.

The barbarian bull Wang held a mace in his hands, danced like a tiger, and threw it at Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan was not afraid, raised his fist, and collided with the mace, making a thunderous explosion.

The Barbarian Bull King retreated three or four meters in a row, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, Zhou Yan also took a few steps back, his throat felt sweet, and a fishy smell surged up.

"Hmph, I am the Barbarian Bull King. You dare to hurt me? You are seeking death!" The Barbarian Bull King was furious and rushed over again.

The two Daoist figures collided together, erupting into violent roars, shaking the ground and shaking the mountains, as if the sky was falling, which made people feel heart-stopping.

The Barbarian Bull King went crazy, completely out of control, and just wanted to kill Zhou Yan.

Moreover, the Barbarian Bull King is very powerful, and the average Martial Artist can't really do anything to him, but is tortured into a dog by him.

"You can't fight him head-on!"

Zhou Yan frowned secretly. He was only at the peak of the Skin Refining Realm, and his strength was far from reaching its limit.

If this continues, he will definitely be the one who suffers.

Immediately, Zhou Yan swayed his body to avoid the attack of the Barbarian Bull King.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhou Yan quickly took out his bow and arrow, aimed at the Barbarian Bull King and shot him with one shot.

Suddenly, arrows rained down from the sky, like a violent storm.

"Damn it, why are there still bows and arrows!"

The Barbarian Bull King's pupils shrank, showing a look of horror.

These arrows are very powerful, each one is comparable to an iron arrow.

He tried his best to resist, but still more than ten arrows fell on him, taking away large amounts of blood.

The Barbarian Bull King was extremely angry, looking up to the sky and roaring, his aura rising steadily.

There was a crunching sound of bones, and his whole body swelled in a circle, with muscles rising high, and a ferocious aura filled the air, which was chilling.

His eyes were red, staring at Zhou Yan with a ferocious expression, as if he would choose someone to devour at any time.

"You've completely pissed me off!" the Barbarian Bull King shouted angrily.

"Haha, are you finally willing to use the secret technique?" Zhou Yan sneered, "Then I'll wait and see. I hope you won't disappoint me."

The secret technique mentioned by the Barbarian Bull King is actually a forbidden technique that burns blood essence and temporarily gains strength.

Once it is used, it will consume one's own potential, causing the strength to plummet, and even life span will be damaged, and the maximum life span will be twenty years old.

Because this is the power gained in exchange for overdraft potential.

The Barbarian Bull King has been practicing for fifty years before he has the strength he has today. If he burns his essence and blood, his strength will definitely plummet, and at most he will be able to return to the peak of the Divine King realm.

And it may also leave hidden dangers.

But seeing being teased by Zhou Yan, the Barbarian Bull King became furious and desperate.

"Death!" The Barbarian Bull King roared, raised his huge mace, and hit Zhou Yan hard.

At this moment, the space was compressed and distorted, making a harsh sonic boom.

"What kind of martial arts is this? It's so terrifying!"

Feeling the danger coming, Zhou Yan's face was solemn, but he had nowhere to dodge and could only fight hard.

The mace hit Zhou Yan in the chest, sending him flying hundreds of meters and breaking through a wall.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, Zhou Yan's face turned pale as paper, and the clothes on his chest were torn to pieces, revealing the golden dragon scale armor underneath.

Fortunately, he was wearing armor just now, otherwise he would never have been able to withstand the full blow of the Barbarian Bull King.


The Barbarian Bull King took a breath, widened his eyes, and was shocked: "The dragon scale armor is actually the dragon scale armor of Dragon Race!"

He has extensive knowledge and knows how precious and priceless dragon scale armor is.

If he could seize this treasure, his combat power would skyrocket!

Without any explanation, he swung the mace again and slammed it down at Zhou Yan with such overwhelming force that the air made a sharp and harsh whistling sound.

Zhou Yan hurriedly took out a dagger from the storage ring, swung it with all his strength, and cut off the key part of the mace.

Sparks flew and the mace fell.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhou Yan jumped up and down, instantly distanced himself, and stared at the Barbarian Bull King warily.

"You bastard, you actually used my weapon!" The Barbarian Bull King was furious, picked up the mace, and chased after him again, "Boy, take your life!"

Zhou Yan's heart sank slightly.

He thought that the dragon scale armor's defensive power was astonishing, enough to block the Barbarian Bull King's fatal attack.

Who knows, even dragon scale armor can't stop this mace.

After all, the Barbarian Bull King is a Martial Master-level existence, stronger than him!

"No wonder you reminded me to be careful, it turned out to be the Bull King!"

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth and thought about ways to escape.

Suddenly, Zhou Yan had an idea.

"King Barbarian Bull, don't you want dragon scale armor? I'll give it to you!"

As he spoke, he suddenly threw away the dagger, shook his body, spread out his armor, and exposed his naked upper body, revealing his strong bronze body.

"Is this kid crazy?" The Barbarian Bull King stopped and looked at Zhou Yan with a dull look on his face.

He originally thought that Zhou Yan would try his best to stop him, but he never thought that Zhou Yan would just remove the armor and let him ravage him.

This scene was so weird that it made him confused.

"Barbarian Bull King, come on, I'm standing here and won't run, just because I'm afraid you won't win." Zhou Yan chuckled, showing contempt.

"Haha, have you given up resistance? Then I will send you back to the west!" The Barbarian Bull King was stunned for a moment, then he was overjoyed and laughed, almost crying with excitement.

He had long disliked Zhou Yan and wanted to tear Zhou Yan to pieces.

Now, he finally had the opportunity to slaughter Zhou Yan arbitrarily.

"Man Bull King, since you want to play so much, then I'll have fun with you!"

Suddenly, Zhou Yan grinned, his eyes turned cold, his body flashed, and he took the initiative to face the Barbarian Bull King.

Zhou Yan was as fast as lightning. He came to the Barbarian King in an instant and punched out like a cannonball. The power was earth-shattering and terrifying to the extreme.

The Barbarian Bull King was caught off guard and was thrown away, falling to the ground with large mouthfuls of blood spurting from his mouth.

Zhou Yan's attack speed was too fast, beyond what humans could bear.

"So fast! So strong!" The Barbarian Bull King wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, showing deep fear.

He clearly felt that Zhou Yan's attack contained terrifying power, and the power of one punch actually broke his ribs.

"The Barbarian Bull King, it seems that you are not so good either." Zhou Yan glanced at the Barbarian Bull King with disdain.

"Little bastard, do you think I don't have a trump card?"

The Barbarian Bull King roared, and strong evil aura surged from his body, as if it had turned into substance and enveloped all directions.

This evil spirit is extremely terrifying and suffocating.

"This is the 'evil energy' of the Barbarian Bull King. It can disturb the enemy's spirit and make the enemy hallucinate!"

Zhou Yan felt awe-struck and immediately blocked his senses.

This evil spirit has a huge impact on ordinary people, but for monks, the impact is much smaller.


The Manniu King frowned slightly. He originally thought that this move could kill Zhou Yan, but he did not expect that Zhou Yan was not affected at all.

Not only that, he also noticed that Zhou Yan's body was transforming, becoming stronger, stronger, and full of masculinity.

"Boy, what happened to you?" the Barbarian Bull King said in shock.

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